Worldwide News
Canada: Protests of the CCP's Recent Violent Attacks on Falun Gong Practitioners Outside China
2007-08-09On August 4th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Toronto gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to protest the violent attack on Zhang Chunyu, a Falun Gong practitioner who was beaten by thugs while peacefully protesting the persecution in front of the Chinese Embassy in Vancouver on August 2nd.
United States: During the Fremont Festival of the Arts in San Francisco, People from China Who Have Learned the Truth Quit the CCP
2007-08-09Early Saturday morning, as soon as the Falun Gong practitioners got their booth ready, a person walked up and said, "We saw the Falun Gong contingent in the parade in Newark; your marching band's performance was wonderful."
Canada: Practitioners Hold a Rally in Vancouver to Protest Violent Assault Incident
2007-08-08Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Chunyu also attended the rally. He said that he still felt horrified recalling the scene. Zhang said that it is very simple to see who was behind this incident. It was those who do not want to see Falun Gong practitioners protesting at the Consulate. Zhang said that he will not be intimidated, and will continue protesting there.
The Epoch Times: Chinese Embassy Official Caught Spying on Falun Gong Was Forced to Leave Canada
2007-08-08On July 17th, 2007, The Epoch Times reported that Wang Pengfei, the second secretary in the Education Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa, had been forced to leave Canada in November 2006 after he was caught spying on Falun Gong practitioners there. His application for visa renewal was denied, according to the report. The essence of the story was later confirmed to a Canadian Press reporter by staff at the Prime Minister's Office.
Japan: CIPFG Holds Press Conference and Lights Human Rights Torch to Stop CCP's Persecution
2007-08-07The relay will start in Greece on August 9th, reach Europe before October, Oceania in December, Africa and the Middle East before January, North and South America in March, Asia in April, Japan in May, and will terminate in Hong Kong.
Canada: Falun Dafa Nine-day Lecture Video Session Welcomed in the Chinese Community in Toronto
2007-08-07The Falun Dafa Assistance Center in Toronto, Canada held a Falun Dafa Nine-day Lecture Video Session, which concluded on July 31st. Several dozen Chinese people listened to the lectures and learned the exercises. More people asked about the next session and hoped that it could be held in different parts of Toronto.
CIPFG: Chinese Communist Regime Violates Olympic Spirit
2007-08-06On August 2nd, 2007, the Central News Agency reported that the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Asia Division stated that the Beijing Government had violated the Olympic Spirit by conducting political censoring to exclude forty-three types of people, including Falun Gong practitioners, from the 2008 Olympic Games.
Malaysia: CIPFG Member says that the World Should Unite in Resisting the CCP's Persecution
2007-08-06"Why would we participate in the Olympic Games in a country with labour camps and held by a government which is involved in harvesting organs from living people?" Mr. Surendran asked.
NTDTV to Host "Global Competition Series"
2007-08-05Following the International Chinese Classical Dance Competition in July 2007, and the Global Chinese Singing Competition to be staged in October 2007, New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) has made plans to host a Chinese Global Competition Series.
United States: Practitioners Display Divine Culture at Seafair Torchlight Parade in Seattle, Washington
2007-08-05The annual Seafair is a large activity in the northwestern U.S. every summer. More than thirty events happen throughout July and August. The parade, called the diamond of Seattle, attracts many thousand tourists. Some spectators took the best locations with their stools the day before the parade.
United States: Texas Divine Land Marching Band Wins First Prize in Parade
2007-08-04On July 4th, 2007, the Texas Divine Land Marching Band participated in a parade to celebrate Independence Day in the city of Arlington, Texas. The Parade Marching Unit Assessment Committee awarded the Divine Land Marching Band its first prize.
Michael J. Horowitz of Hudson Institute: Falun Gong Practitioners' Bravery Creates Hope for the 21st Century
2007-08-04So I'm grateful to be here with you, because for my grandchildren and the children and grandchildren of us all, there will be democracy in China. And when the books are written, you will be Chapter One in the book. And God bless you, and thank you, and thank your fellow practitioners so very much for doing that.
Korea: Spreading the News That 24 Million People Have Quit the CCP Among 100 Thousand People Attending a Parade in Seoul
2007-08-03On the afternoon of July 29th, 2007, more than 200 Korean Falun Gong practitioners held a parade despite a scorching sun at the famous Mulan Market in Seoul, Korea. Many people watched the parade and expressed their support of the 24 million people who have quit the CCP.
Taiwan: Public TV Programme Exposes the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-08-03At 8:30 p.m. on July 29th, 2007, a Taiwanese Public TV station exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in its news special programme - "Independent Investigator."
Canada: The Beauty of Dafa Displayed at Lantern Festival in Victoria
2007-08-02On July 21st, 2007, at Beacon Hill Park in Victoria, Canada, Falun Gong practitions from Vancouver and Victoria participated in Luminara, an annual lantern festival sponsored by the Victoria International Cultural Association.