Worldwide News
Israel: Practising Falun Gong on Tel Aviv Beach
2005-08-16The Tel Aviv City Government recently invited practitioners to teach people Falun Gong during the city's "One Hour Before Sunset" programme at Central City Beach. Many citizens have come to the beach to learn about the truth of the persecution and to practise the exercises. The programme is to continue until the end of August.
USA: Dafa Practitioners Promote Orphan Rescue Effort at Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration in Boston Chinatown
2005-08-15On August the 7th, 2005, a Mid-autumn Festival celebration was held in Boston's Chinatown. Dafa practitioners set up a stall with the theme of rescuing children of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China. They distributed flyers at each intersection, and young practitioners distributed flyers, as well as folded paper lotus flowers.
Indonesia: Art Exhibition Opens to Public in Jakarta
2005-08-15From August 7th to August 9th, the "Uncompromising Spirit" Art Exhibition and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" photo display were held in a gallery space in a park in Jakarta. The exhibition and the display truthfully depicted practitioners' unyielding faith during giant tribulations.
Canada: Practitioners Participate in Korean Festival
2005-08-15On June 6th, Dafa practitioners were invited for the second time to participate in the Korean Festival held at Toronto City Hall Square. The practitioners' peaceful exercise demonstration attracted many people's attention, and a lot of them expressed their interest in learning the practice. Many people also learned about the persecution happening in China.
Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Appeal to Human Rights Committee After Repeated Discrimination
2005-08-14In response to the discrimination against the Malaysian Falun Dafa Association a representative of "Voice of the People," said that the government should not put foreign policy above human rights, and just because another country requests it to violate a groups' basic rights, it can't do so.
New Zealand: Art Exhibition Opens in Hamilton
2005-08-14From the 10th of August to the 18th, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition is being held in Hamilton. Visitors came to the exhibition in a continuous stream and they were all impressed by the exquisite painting skills.
Australia: Practitioners Participate in Nambour Sugar Festival
2005-08-14On August the 6th, Queensland practitioners participated in the annual Nambour Sugar Festival. During the event, practitioners set up an information table and also participated in the parade. The practitioners were more than happy to bring harmony and joy to each individual spectator and they were pleased to see that more and more Australians have learned about the beauty of Falun Dafa.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners from San Francisco Appeal to Stop the CCP's Persecution
2005-08-13Falun Gong practitioner Wang Yali recalled her experience of being locked into a small cage. She still had a vivid memory of the scene six years ago when she was arrested together with other Falun Gong practitioners and detained in Jingshan Stadium. Wang Yali said, "The police pulled Falun Gong practitioners down the stairs to torture them. The practitioners' heads would get hit and knocked on the steps when they were dragged down the stairs."
New Book (Taiwan): The Story of Yaya and Surviving in Bohai Gulf
2005-08-13Minghui picture book "The Story of Yaya and Surviving in Bohai Gulf" was published recently by Taiwan Yih Chyun Book Corporation. The book has two stories, presented in both English and Chinese. Two brothers that read the book asked their mother, "We both liked this book, can we keep it?" The mother said, "The stories are well written, and the pictures are pretty."
United States: Practitioner Plaintiffs in US Seek Default Judgment in Lawsuit against Chinese Ministry of Public Security, National Security Bureau and Chinese Central TV
2005-08-12More than 50 practitioners filed the lawsuit in April 2002 in Washington DC. Due to the Chinese Communist regime's refusal to accept the service of the papers, the lawsuit was delayed more than three years. Recently the US State Department helped the plaintiffs to complete the procedure of serving the papers, giving the lawsuit a breakthrough.
Japan: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Successfully Held in Iwatuki
2005-08-12The city of Iwatuki is a famous Japanese traditional arts and crafts center. From July 26 to July 31, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners held a Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition in Iwatuki. The six-day-long exhibition was very successful.
Canada: Falun Gong Banner Group Opens the Hamilton Carnival in Ontario
2005-08-11Falun Gong practitioners were invited to take part in the Hamilton Carnival in Ontario, Canada. As the organisers were deeply impressed by the practitioners' parade entry last year, they sent a special invitation to Falun Gong practitioners and arranged the Falun Gong contingent as the first entry in the parade.
United States: Lotus Flower Ornaments Are Warmly Received at the Fremont Festival of the Arts in California
2005-08-11On August 6th and 7th 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from the San Francisco Bay Area participated in the annual Fremont Festival of the Arts, to help more people learn about the truth of Falun Dafa. Fellow practitioners in Taiwan sent several thousand small exquisite lotus flower ornaments for this event.
Malaysia: Chinese Embassy Pressures Chinese Organisations to Exclude Falun Gong
2005-08-10On August 6th and 7th, Falun Gong practitioners in Malaysia held a "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition at the Chin Woo Gallery in Chin Woo Stadium, Kuala Lumpur. However, on August 7, administrators of the Chin Woo Stadium forced practitioners to immediately stop the art exhibition.
United States: "Compassion" Art Exhibition Touches People's Hearts
2005-08-10The "Compassion" International Art Exhibition and "Collection of Contemporary Renowned Chinese Artists' Works" exhibition were successfully held at the Hilton Garden Inn, Philadelphia from July 26th to 31st, 2005. The two exhibitions enhanced each other's beauty and touched people's hearts.