Worldwide News
United States: People in Boston Moved to Tears at a Heart-Shaking Rally Supporting Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-04-20On April 14th, 2007, the Global Service Center to Quit the CCP in Boston and other community organisations jointly held a rally in Boston Park to support the 20 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP, to expose the brutal nature of the CCP, and to wish the 20 million people a bright future.
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activity to Support 20 Million Withdrawals from the CCP in Vancouver
2007-04-20On April 14th, people from Vancouver Canada held an activity in downtown Richmond to support the 20 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations. Some Falun Gong practitioners from Vancouver attended the activity.
India: Practitioners Organise "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance Art Exhibition" in the City of Pune
2007-04-19Practitioners in the city of Pune held a "Truth,Compassion, Forbearance Art Exhibition" in a large exhibition hall on the outskirts of the city on the four days leading up to and including Easter Sunday. Pune is located about 150 kilometres from Mumbai, India's largest city, formerly known as Bombay.
Japan: “He Wants to Learn Falun Gong”
2007-04-19On the afternoon of April 8th, several Chinese people, who had talked to practitioners several days ago, came to the practitioners’ booth again with a boy. They told the practitioners that the boy had read and watched all the Falun Gong material they were given, and he really wanted to learn the exercises.
United States: Supporting the Grand Trend for Quitting the CCP, Falun Gong Practitioners’ Persistence in their Belief is Admired
2007-04-18There was a steady flow of vehicles at noon that came to the shopping mall. When people saw the banners held by people taking part in the rally, they could not help slowing down and carefully reading the content of the banners through their car windows. People walked up to ask for materials and ask questions.
Japan: Practitioners Clarify the Truth at Narita Airport
2007-04-18After attending the 2007 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, Singapore Falun Gong practitioners “clarified the truth” to Chinese people at Narita Airport in Japan while they were waiting for their connecting flight back to Singapore.
Taiwan: Parade in Yilan Supports 20 Million Chinese Quitting the Communist Party
2007-04-17A truth-clarification picture display in front of the Cultural Centre attracted many passersby. A retired teacher from Yilan University, Mr. Su, looked at the pictures and said that the Communist Party doesn't respect anyone's human rights and wished it to be eliminated soon so that the Chinese people could regain their freedom.
The Salt Lake Tribune (United States): Working toward tranquility (excerpts)
2007-04-17On a recent Saturday morning, seven people stood in a circle at Salt Lake City's Liberty Park, lifting and lowering their hands in ballet-like swoops and swooshes while a taped voice calmly repeated instructions in Chinese. Their slow, graceful movements were in sync with the haunting music and each other, yet the participants seemed to exist separately, inhabiting different time and space.
Australia: People of Bendigo, Victoria Hear the Good News of Falun Dafa
2007-04-16During the four-day Easter weekend, practitioners organised a series of activities including a "Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance International Art Show", "Petals of Peace", and participated in the Easter Parade to clarify the truth and bring the beauty of Falun Dafa to the local people.
United States: Screenings of the Movie Sandstorm in Honolulu, Hawaii Reveal the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-04-16Many in the audience were touched by the movie, which reveals the atrocities committed against Falun Gong practitioners in China. One audience member burst into tears and cried hard outside the theatre afterward as she expressed sympathy for a Dafa practitioner whose mother, also a practitioner, has recently been arrested in China for a third time on charges of distributing copies of the publication "Minghui Weekly".
United States: Russian Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Against the Illegal Deportation of Ma Hui
2007-04-15On the afternoon of April 12th, 2007, seven Russian Falun Gong practitioners from Moscow protested in front of the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. against the illegal deportation of Chinese Falun Gong practitioner Ma Hui and her eight-year-old daughter.
Australia: CCP Threatens the Wife of a Tongsong Choir Member in China, Reveals Spies are Active in Australia
2007-04-15This incident proved that what Mr. Chen Yonglin said was true. He exposed that the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) spies are everywhere in Australia. They collect information of Falun Gong practitioners and interfere with us.
Taiwan: The Divine Performing Arts' Elegant Grace Once Again Amazes the Audience
2007-04-14The Divine Performing Arts' first performance in Tainan received rave reviews from the audience. The second performance, staged on April 10th, 2007, was equally successful. The Divine Performing Arts showcased the authentic cultural arts of pure compassion and beauty, striking a strong emotional chord with people in Tainan, the cultural capital of Taiwan.
New Zealand: New Zealand Herald Publishes Letters Condemning the CCP's Interference with Divine Performing Arts
2007-04-14New Zealand's mainstream media exposed the CCP's interference with the performance of The Divine Performing Arts before the shows. Reading the reports, many New Zealand citizens came to watch the show. Staff at the performance indicated that the CCP's interference played the role of advertising for the troupe.
New Zealand: The Chinese Cultural Freedom Movement Presents Falun Gong with the "2007 Special Spiritual Faith Award"
2007-04-13Yuan Hongbing noted that Falun Gong spiritual cultivators have resisted the tyranny in a peaceful and brave manner, and are gaining historical respect. He also said that in the face of the CCP's tyranny, which is even more vicious than the Nazis, the Falun Gong spiritual cultivators have protected their right of belief with a persevering, strong will.