Worldwide News
Indonesia: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in the Asia-Pacific Area Successfully Held in Jakarta
2006-08-29On August 20th, 2006, a Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in the Asia-Pacific Area was successfully held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Falun Gong practitioners from seven countries and areas attended this conference.
New Zealand: Members of Parliament from All Parties Pay Attention to the CCP’s Organ Removal Atrocities
2006-08-29On August 24th, David Kilgour, former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) for Canada and the Vice President of the European Parliament, Edward McMillan-Scott visited New Zealand and met with members of parliament. They introduced the Kilgour/Matas "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China".
Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners from Johor Expose the Chinese Communist Party’s Organ Harvesting
2006-08-28Falun Gong practitioners from Johor have been exposing the CCP’s crime of harvesting organs to the Malaysian people, and collecting signatures to call for an end of the persecution of Falun Gong since April.
Taiwan: Stories of Little Practitioners at Minghui School Summer Camp in Taipei
2006-08-28At every Fa-study session, she read loudly. She shared with me that she could see a lot of Law Wheels, lotus flowers and Falun symbols in the Dafa book, as well as many Buddhas, Taos and Gods. While doing the exercises, she could see them too.
United States: Forum in Missouri on the CCP's Live Organ Removal Has Big Impact
2006-08-27On August 16th, Falun Gong practitioners held a forum in the main conference hall of the Ethical Society of St. Louis, on the theme of the illegal organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. The CCP atrocities of organ removal from living people caught the deep concern of the local media and the medical community.
Australia: MP Calls for International Support for Australia's Position on Organ Harvesting in China
2006-08-27"We need to act now on human rights violations occurring in China or lose the opportunity forever," Rev Hon Dr Gordon Moyes, a member of the New South Wales Parliament and China specialist, said today. "The 2008 Beijing Olympics offers an unprecedented opportunity for democratic nations to pressure the Chinese Government to act against these crimes against humanity."
Australia: Seminar on Organ Harvesting Held at New South Wales State Parliament
2006-08-26The parliament hall was packed with state representatives, lawyers, doctors, professors and representatives from human rights groups. Some people stood throughout the session to listen to the discussion, as all seats were taken. The exposed Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) atrocities of organ harvesting shocked the audience.
Peru: Practitioners in Lima Expose CCP Crimes to All Circles of Society
2006-08-26Since the disclosure of the organ removal from living Falun Gong practitioners in China last March, practitioners in Peru have exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crimes to the government and people in all social circles.
United States: Little Practitioners Bring Falun Dafa to Senior Centre in Boston
2006-08-26After hearing that a senior centre was short of funding to hold activities for its residents, on August 15th, students and teachers of the Boston Minghui School visited the centre. The students, little Dafa practitioners, performed a dance programme and the teachers introduced Falun Dafa.
Taiwan: Kinmen Mingcheng Cable TV Highlights Falun Dafa
2006-08-25Anchor Mr. Shih was very interested in the practice. After the interview, he invited practitioners to demonstrate the exercises. The anchor and his cameraman also tried the exercises. The theme of the show was "Health- Do It Yourself."
United States: Mayor William May of the City of Frankfort, Kentucky Proclaims Falun Dafa Week
2006-08-25 -
New Zealand: Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Atrocities in Downtown Auckland
2006-08-24Falun Gong practitioners set up posters and pictures in the downtown square of Auckland City on August 19th, 2006, to expose the CCP's brutal persecution against practitioners. The event started in the morning, and lasted until 3:30 p.m. Many people learned the facts of Falun Gong after the event.
Sunshine Coast Daily (Australia): Coast march against horror of organ grab
2006-08-24"The Chinese Communist Party has been trying to cover this up for a long time now and we have a shocking report that proves this is going on. They're removing organs without anaesthetic because it costs too much and then they incinerate the evidence by cremating the bodies. There are 41,500 transplants that are unaccounted for."
Singapore: In Attempt to Deport Elderly Chinese National, Singapore Suddenly Drops Charge Against Her
2006-08-23In his letter to Ms. Chen, Mr. Eric Tan, Director of the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, wrote: "Chen is "unwelcome" in Singapore because her participation in a protest outside the Chinese Embassy violated the 'Assembly without Permit' and 'Public Recreation' regulations."
Singapore: Summon Request Declined, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Supreme Court
2006-08-23"For so many years, we have heard from the police officers and officials from government departments that they have no other choice but to follow orders from the higher authorities; therefore, we hope that Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng and others can clarify all of this in court."