Worldwide News
Taiwan: Four Rounds of Fa-Validating Photo Exhibitions in Ilan
2006-05-28On May 22nd, 2006, the Ilan County Congress passed a resolution calling for the international community to condemn and stop the CCP's atrocities against Falun Gong. It was the second resolution to condemn the persecution passed by local governments in Taiwan, following the resolution in Jiayi County on May 4th.
United States: Practitioners in Houston Protest the Arrival of the CCP's Religion Bureau Director Ye Xiaowen, WOIPFG Announces Investigation
2006-05-27Ye Xiaowen, Director of the National Religion Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is leading a delegation to visit the US. On the afternoon of May 21st, Ye Xiaowen and his delegation held a private meeting with local Chinese churches in Houston. Local Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful protest outside one of the churches.
Singapore: Falun Gong Practitioners' Waist Drum Troupe Becomes Focus During the Big Walk
2006-05-27On Sunday, May 21st, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore participated in the annual Big Walk for the fourth time since 2002. The event, which was held by the New Paper, had about 55,000 people participating. Falun Gong practitioners' waist drum troupe and "celestial maidens" troupe became the focus of the event.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners in New York Participate in Martin Luther King Parade
2006-05-26The organiser of the parade expressed his heartfelt appreciation to Falun Gong practitioners at the conclusion of the parade. He thanked the practitioners for their enthusiastic participation, and their outstanding performances, especially their persistence in the rain.
Malaysia: Chinese Workers Learn the Truth of the Situation in China
2006-05-26Seeing the words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" on practitioners' T-shirts, one man stated emotionally that, the whole of Chinese society is being filled up with fake stuff. If Chinese people could follow "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" on a broad scale, China would become better than it is right now.
Taiwan: Citizens in Yunlin Support Activities Calling for an End to CCP Atrocities
2006-05-25 -
Korea: Member of Parliament Calls for Investigation of Organ Harvesting in China
2006-05-25In his testimony, the witness said that, "Going to China for organ transplants is equivalent to helping the Chinese Communist regime in killing. Such deeds violate morality and are very dangerous." He hopes that Korea patients can judge the situation wisely.
Indonesia: Bali Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2006-05-24 -
Japan: Press Conference in Nagano Exposes the Atrocities of Organ Harvesting from Living Practitioners
2006-05-24On May 19th, 2006, practitioners in Japan held a press conference at the Nagano County Government Press Club to expose the Chinese Communist regime's organ harvesting atrocities from living Falun Gong practitioners in China, to call for this to be brought to media attention, and for help to stop the CCP's ongoing crimes.
Canada: Mayor Wilfred Rieger of the City of Melville Proclaims Falun Dafa Month Honouring Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
2006-05-24On May 1st, 2006, Mayor Wilfred Rieger and the Council of Melville proclaimed May 2006 as "Falun Dafa Month Honouring Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and extended their warm greetings and congratulations to all attendees of the 2006 Canada Experience Sharing Conference.
Hong Kong: Citizens Support Practitioners' "Rescue Our Mothers" Activity on Mother's Day
2006-05-23On Mother's Day, Falun Gong practitioners collected signatures at Causeway Bay in Hong Kong, urging the CCP to unconditionally release all mothers in Mainland China, who have been arrested because they practise Falun Gong. Many Hong Kong celebrities, including Situ Hua and Zeng Jiancheng, came to the event.
United States: Practitioners in Kansas City Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2006-05-23On the afternoon of May 13rd, practitioners gathered at the local landmark, Plaza Fountain Park to celebrate the 7th Anniversary of "World Falun Dafa Day"
Canada: Pathway to a Deeper, Heart-Felt Understanding: An Interview with Kathleen Gillis, Recipient of the City of Ottawa Distinguished Civic Award
2006-05-22"I know a number of Falun Gong practitioners. They are wonderful people who not only say that they believe in Truth, Compassion, Tolerance, they practise their values. They are model citizens. They are peaceful. They are law-biding. They are hard-working. They are gentle. They are kind. They are considerate. And they are model citizens in Canada. I am sure they are model citizens in China too."
Taiwan: Practitioners Appeal to City Council and Protest CCP's Atrocities
2006-05-22The practitioners said that during recent weeks they visited city council members and explained to them the facts of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. The city council members were shocked at the CCP's brutal atrocities and expressed their support against the persecution.
Hong Kong: Practitioners from Hong Kong Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2006-05-21In the morning of May 13th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Hong Kong assembled in Chater Garden to celebrate the 7th World Falun Dafa Day, Master's 55th birthday and the 14th anniversary of Master starting to spread the Fa.