Worldwide News
New Edition of Zhuan Falun in Vietnamese Is Published
2004-07-05A new translation of the Vietnamese translation of Zhuan Falun has recently been published. This first official publication was approved in September 2003. The new version is different from the other draft versions in that it is translated directly from Chinese and has preserved the essence of the original text.
Australia: Practitioners Gather in Front of Melbourne Chinese Embassy and Call for Attention to the Shooting Incident in South Afric
2004-07-05On the morning of June the 30th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Australia held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy. They called on the international community to pay attention to the incident in which Australian practitioners were shot in South Africa, and help end the Jiang faction's inhumane persecution of Falun Gong.
South Africa: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference and Level Charges Against the Jiang Regime for the Shooting Incident
2004-07-04According to a report from the Falun Dafa Information Centre, on June 30, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in South Africa. During the press conference, practitioners held the Jiang regime responsible for the shooting incident. About 15 members of the media attended the conference.
US Senator Richard Lugar Expresses Concern Over the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-07-04"According to Amnesty International's latest report, the human rights situation in China has worsened. The "strike hard" campaign, the handling of the SARS epidemic, actions against Falun Gong, moves against ethnic minorities in the name of counter-terrorism, and continuing repression in Tibet, all raise important questions."
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Rally in front of Chinese Liaison Office to Protest the Attack by Hired Assailants in South Africa
2004-07-04On the morning of June the 30th, dozens of Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners rallied outside the Chinese Liaison Office and held a press conference protesting Jiang's followers hiring gunmen to shoot Falun Gong practitioners in South Africa.
Australia: Sydney Practitioners Hold a Press Conference Regarding the Shooting Incident in South Africa
2004-07-03On June the 30th 2004 at 10:00a.m., Falun Gong practitioners and relatives of victims of the shooting incident held a press conference outside the Chinese Consulate in Sydney, revealing to the media the details of the shooting incident Australian Falun Gong practitioners encountered in South Africa
Canada: Calgary Practitioners Condemn the Jiang Group's Act of Terrorism
2004-07-03At noon on June the 29th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Calgary, Canada went to the Chinese Consulate in Calgary to hold a peaceful appeal, strongly condemning Jiang's group's act of terrorism in employing thugs to shoot Falun Gong practitioners.
European People Condemn the Shooting Incident in South Africa
2004-07-02On the evening of June 28th, a car carrying Falun Gong practitioners from Australia on their way from Johannesburg airport to Pretoria to make a peaceful appeal came under gunfire. David Liang, the only person in the car wearing a jacket with the words “Falun Dafa”, was shot and suffered a shattered foot. This incident marked the most severe case of a five year long persecution against overseas Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang regime.
Canada: The South African Ambassador to Canada Meets With Falun Gong Practitioners Over the Shooting Incident
2004-07-02Zeng Qinghong, who plays a major role in the persecution of Falun Gong in China, was visiting in South Africa. One practitioner who was driving the car was shot resulting in the bones of one foot being shattered.Falun Gong practitioners in Ottawa and Montreal held a peaceful protest in the front to the Chinese Embassy despite the rain on June 29.
United States: San Francisco Practitioners Hold Peaceful Appeal Outside the Chinese Consulate Over Shooting Incident in South Africa
2004-07-02On the afternoon of June the 29th, Falun Gong practitioners from the Northern California Bay Area held a press conference outside the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco condemning Jiang's political group for hiring gunmen overseas to shoot practitioners and extending Jiang's policy of state terror overseas to other countries.
United States: Northern California Falun Gong Practitioners Condemn Jiang and Followers for Their Likely Role in the Shooting of Practitioners in South Africa
2004-07-01Today we learned the shocking news that Falun Gong practitioners were shot while on the way to initiate legal action against Zeng Qinghong, in what was most likely a premeditated terrorist act directed by those desperate to avoid further lawsuits initiated against them. Falun Gong practitioners in Northern California, U.S.A. planned to hold a press conference on the afternoon of June 29 in front of the Chinese consulate in San Francisco to expose the Chinese ruling Party's extending the violent persecution against Falun Gong practitioners to overseas.
Taiwan: Exercise Demonstration Leads to a Sharp Increase in Number of Attendees to the 9-day Lecture Series
2004-07-01Falun Gong practitioners from the National Show San Primary School practice site in Taipei County hold group exercises every morning. After practice, they take the initiative to clean the site. The principal appreciates their selfless contribution very much and therefore greatly supports Falun Gong. He issued a proclamation in honour of Falun Gong 3 years ago.
New Zealand: Anti-Torture Exhibition Held by Falun Gong Practitioners Captures People's Hearts
2004-06-30On June the 26th, the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Falun Gong practitioners held a live torture reenactment in downtown Auckland, the biggest city in New Zealand, to illustrate to the New Zealand Public the brutal persecution endured by Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibition on International Day to Support Torture Victims
2004-06-30It was reported that Chinese police use over 100 torture methods in jails, labour camps, mental hospitals, and detention centres to torture Falun Gong practitioners and force them to give up practising Falun Gong. If they do not give up, the practitioners are tortured to coma or even death.
During Zeng Qinghong's Visit to South Africa, Australian Falun Gong Practitioners Shot by Hired Thugs While on the Way to Initiate a Lawsuit
2004-06-29Zeng Qinghong, a major player in Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong, is visiting South Africa from Jun 27-29. On the night of the 28th, gunmen attacked Australian Falun Gong practitioners who had heard the news and were on their way to the Presidential Guest House. Out of the practitioners, the only one who wore clothing with the Falun Dafa insignia, David Liang, was shot, causing crushing injuries to his foot. This is the most severe case of persecution against overseas Falun Gong practitioners in the last five years. The victims believe that this was a deliberate assassination attempt by hired gunmen.