Worldwide News
Canada: Practitioners Rally to Expose the Crimes Committed in Chinese Labour Camps
2013-06-23Jing Tian from Liaoning Province, China, recounted how she and her entire family had been persecuted in China for practising Falun Gong. Her younger sister, Jing Cai, was sentenced to 13 years in prison in 2003; her younger brother, Jing Yu, to 10 years; and her mother, Chen Jun, to three years.
Argentina: Falun Dafa Spreads Widely in Buenos Aires
2013-06-20Argentina is the second largest country in Latin America. Ten years ago, only a handful of Chinese immigrants from Taiwan and China lived there.
United States: Media Cover Falun Gong Protests During Chinese President's Visit
2013-06-12During Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent visit to the United States, Falun Gong practitioners came out to peacefully protest the 14 years of persecution of the practice in China.
United States: Practitioners Participate in the Portland General Electric/SOLVE Starlight Parade
2013-06-07When practitioners on the float demonstrated the Dafa exercises, many spectators followed along, intimating their hand movements. Some spectators shouted, “Beautiful!” Others called out “hello” in Chinese.
United States: Persistently Clarifying the Facts about Falun Dafa in Marquette, Michigan
2013-05-02In April 2013, the university’s annual Skill Builders Workshop held events to enrich students’ knowledge in various fields. Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to the students and faculty on April 12th. They also taught the five meditative exercises of the practice.
Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at 2013 Women's Marathon
2013-05-02On the day of the event, the Divine Land Marching Band performed at Dataran Kemerdekaan, Shah Alam from 6 am to 8 am. This is a plaza on the marathon route. Both race participants and spectators seemed very happy to see the band.
Canada: Falun Gong Welcome at Total Health Show in Toronto
2013-04-29Visitors streamed to practitioners' table, keen to acquire details about the practice. Some people learned the Falun Gong exercises on the spot. Those who knew about the persecution of Falun Gong in China showed their sympathy and expressed their support for practitioners.
Australia: Township of Beechworth Invites Falun Dafa Practitioners to Participate in Easter Festivities
2013-04-29Falun Dafa practitioners from Melbourne traveled to the country town of Beechworth on Saturday March 30th to participate in the town’s Easter Saturday parade and festivities.
Australia: Falun Dafa Group Awarded “Best Musical Entry” in the Easter Festival Parade in Bendigo
2013-04-24The Falun Dafa group, featuring the Divine Land Marching Band, won “Best Musical Entry” this year at the Bendigo Easter Festival Parade on March 31st. The parade is a major highlight of the three-day event that attracts over 100,000 people every year.
India: Introducing Falun Dafa
2013-04-24We also introduced Falun Dafa to primary students in the well-known Aurobindo International School and Pragati Vidyalaya (also known as Gujrathi School) for one week. Most of the students, along with teachers and the principal, enjoyed doing the exercises.
Canada: Falun Gong Shines in Toronto Easter Parade
2013-04-21On Easter Sunday, March 31st, 2013, Toronto enjoyed its 47th annual Toronto Beaches Lions Easter Parade, one of the largest Easter celebrations in North America. As in previous years, Falun Gong practitioners were a welcome part of this multicultural parade.
United States: Screening Free China on the Campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh
2013-04-21"It is hard to imagine that people in China cannot express themselves even in a peaceful way. The movie also reminds Americans that we are lucky to have all kinds of freedoms."
Canada: Free China Film Screened at Winnipeg Human Rights Film Festival
2013-03-29On March 20th, the film Free China: The Courage to Believe, which has won several international awards, was screened at the Winnipeg Human Rights Film Festival. More than 100 spectators attended the forum after the screening at the IMAX theatre.
Malaysia: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at a Health Charity Event in Kuala Lumpur
2013-03-29On March 16th, 2013, Falun Gong practitioners in Malaysia were invited to introduce Falun Gong at a health charity activity held at the Taman Metropolitan Batu, a parliamentary constituency on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.
Canada: Falun Gong Participates in Wellness Show in Vancouver, Thousands Learn About the Practice & Its Many Benefits
2013-03-15The 21st Annual Wellness Show in Vancouver was held at the International Convention Centre from February 15th to 17th. Local Falun Gong practitioners set up a booth at the show and demonstrated the exercises several times each day.