Worldwide News
Canada: Practitioners Rally at Thai Consulate to Protest the Illegal Arrests of Nineteen Practitioners in Thailand Due to CCP Pressure
2008-02-29On February 25th, Falun Gong practitioners in Toronto held a rally in front of the Consulate General of Thailand to protest the unwarranted arrests of 19 Falun Gong practitioners in Thailand.
Korea: Thoughts on the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular from Chinese People in Korea
2008-02-29Ms. Huang Haiyan, a Chinese lady living in Seoul, saw the third performance of the Chinese Spectacular in Korea on February 24th. She repeatedly praised the show, from its costumes, dances, and music to the background scenery. She was most impressed by the graceful "Ladies of the Manchu Court" dance.
Korea: Press Conference Called to Condemn the Cancellation of the Divine Performing Arts Show in Busan Due to CCP Interference
2008-02-28The Korean State-owned KBS TV Station yielded to CCP pressure and cancelled the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular show scheduled for February 26th, 2008, at KBS Theatre in Busan City. A Korean Diplomat in the United States stated that the cancellation of the performance could damage the new government's international image.
Korea: Judge: Raising China's Reality to an Artistic Level
2008-02-28February 24th, 2008 was the third day for the Divine Performing Arts New York Company in Seoul. Among the audience this day were many people from the legal profession.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners March in Los Angeles, Urge an End to Persecution
2008-02-26At noon on February 23rd, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners from different countries held a parade in Los Angeles to urge the world to take action to end the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in Communist China and encourage people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
United States: Introducing Falun Gong at a Chinese New Year Celebration in Massachusetts
2008-02-26One Western man said he saw the Chinese New Year Spectacular in Boston last year and thought it was wonderful. He downloaded the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and read it. He would like to know more about Falun Gong and wanted to learn it.
United States: Candlelight Vigil Held in front of Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles, California to Commemorate Practitioners Tortured to Death in China
2008-02-25On the evening of February 22nd, Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles to commemorate their fellow practitioners who were tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party.
Japan: First Divine Performing Arts Shows in Asia Enchant Japanese Audiences
2008-02-24The fourth show of the Divine Performing Arts of New York (DPANY) in Osaka, Japan successfully concluded on the evening of February 20th, 2008. It was the last show in Japan, the first country of the DPA tour in Asia. The Japanese audience was enchanted by the divine Chinese culture throughout the nine shows.
Japan: Osaka Theatergoer is "Most Impressed by Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance"
2008-02-24"Every programme is great," Ms. Ichihashi continued, "The Erhu solo was wondrously beautiful and ran directly through my heart. The lyrics of the songs were translated and projected onto the backdrop, which is a great way to help people understand the meaning of the songs."
Japan: Professional Dancer in Tokyo Amazed by the Divine Performing Arts
2008-02-23On February 13th, 2009, the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular was presented in the Kousei Nenkin Kaikan Grand Hall in Tokyo, Japan. Ms. Li Meinan, a Japanese-Chinese who specializes in Korean dance and is also the president of the Li Meinan Dance Research Institute in Tokyo, was in the audience.
United States: The Human Relations Commission of the City of Palo Alto Passes a Resolution Supporting the Human Rights Torch Relay
2008-02-23On January 23rd, 2008, the Human Relations Commission of the City of Palo Alto, California, passed the following resolution to support the aims and intentions of the Human Rights Torch Relay and invited citizens to support this effort, and help stop human rights violations in China.
Japan: Ancient City of Osaka Welcomes Divine Performing Arts, Government Officials Wish the Shows a Great Success
2008-02-22The Divine Performing Arts of New York Company successfully concluded its performances in Tokyo and Nagoya, the first two stops on its Asia tour, and arrived at the third stop, Osaka. Four shows were staged at the NHK Osaka Hall on February 19th to 20th, 2008.
United States: Vice President of a Business Capital Firm says that the Divine Performing Arts Is Exquisite and Very Unique
2008-02-21On the evening of February 8th, 2008, the thirteenth show of the Chinese Spectacular presented by NTDTV played at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Many business entrepreneurs came to see Senior Vice President John Donlon, from RBS Business Capital located in Manhattan, attendended the show. He has visited many Asian countries including Hong Kong and Taiwan.
United States: Chinese Language Teacher says that the New Year Splendor Gives People a Deeper Understanding of Chinese Culture
2008-02-21"Even in large metropolitan areas such as New York, many people still do not know much about other cultures, nor do they have much opportunity to be involved in cultural exchanges. That is why it is fantastic to see the Chinese New Year Splendor here!" These are comments from Meiji Liang, director of the Wall Street-located Chinese Language Immersion Programme. Ms. Liang met with this reporter during an intermission at one of the Splendor performances over a week ago.
Tokyo Audience Praises Exquisite Performance
2008-02-20"Really good symmetry, very good coordination, and symbolism. For me, the most impressive aspect of the show is the symbolism of each performance. How you represent life, and creation, and all those things, for me, it's not only beautiful because the performance itself, it's beautiful because of the symbolism that it represents - the spirituality...