Worldwide News
Canada: Introducing Falun Gong at Carleton University
2004-01-31The students and professors who understood the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution signed the petitions to "Stop Hatred Propaganda in the Community" and the postcards "Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners' Family Members in China." Some people decided to even write their own letters. Some students said, "I also want to practice Falun Gong with you. I like this kind of peaceful practice."
Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin: Brief of Amici Curiae International Law Professors in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellants and Urging Reversal
2004-01-30On January 26, 2004, Professor Jordan Paust of University of Houston Law Centre filed Brief of Amici Curiae International Law Professor in support of plaintiffs-appellants in Plaintiffs A-F v. Jiang, with the US 7th Circuit Court in the ground-breaking lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and the Falun Gong Control Office of China Communist Party. Terri Marsh, Counsel of Record for plaintiffs-appellants, filed the principal brief on Jan. 20, 2004 asking the 7th Circuit Court to reverse the decision of the U.S. District Court and allow the case to go forward.
Canada: Letter from Falun Dafa Association of Canada to French Officials Regarding the Mistreatment of the Practitioners in Paris
2004-01-30"As Canadians we greatly value our connection with the people of France and are grateful that both our peoples are fortunate to live in just and democratic societies that cherish and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Therefore, we were gravely shocked and disheartened to learn of the recent arrests of our fellow practitioners in Paris. They were innocent people detained without cause, and we are particularly dismayed by one of the reasons reportedly given by police, that wearing the colour yellow is illegal in France."
Canada: Symbolic Trial of Jiang Held at Concordia University
2004-01-30The symbolic trial aimed at exposing the crimes of human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang and the "610 Office" and to help people grasp the essence of the evil nature and the wide range of the persecution.
United States: Falun Gong the Focus of Attention at Chinese New Year Parade in Washington, D.C.
2004-01-29With the song "Falun Dafa Is Great," Falun Gong practitioners in bright golden uniforms showed great enthusiasm and high spirits. The Director of the parade said, "As long as Falun Gong practitioners participate in it, I have confidence. The activities that they participate in are sure to succeed."
Canada: Survey Shows 63% of People Agree, Top Persecutor of Falun Gong Jiang Zemin Should Be Denied Entry to Canada
2004-01-29On January 21, a Canadian multi-cultural TV Station OMNI2 announced the results of a survey during its Chinese program: 63% of participants of the survey agree the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin should be denied entry into Canada due to his persecuting Falun Gong.
United States: San Francisco’s Chinese Community Welcomes Falun Gong Practitioners to Celebrate Chinese New Year
2004-01-29Falun Gong practitioners performed traditional Chinese dance, folk dances, a cello solo and a Falun Gong exercise demonstration. Students from Minghui School also came to perform and handed out their hand-made crafts to children at the site.
Charles Li Still Detained after One Year - Abuse of U.S. Citizen Demonstrates the Jiang Group's Atrocities in Nanjing Prison
2004-01-28It has been a whole year since U.S. citizen, Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Charles Li was arrested at the Baiyun Airport in Guangzhou City on January 22, 2003. The numerous physical and mental atrocities the authorities of Nanjing Prison have subjected Charles Li to have allowed the world to see the true face of the Chinese judicial system in carrying out Jiang's policies of eradicating Falun Gong.
India: Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Facts at the World Social Forum
2004-01-28From January 16 to 21, 2004, the fourth World Social Forum was held in Mumbai, India. Falun Gong practitioners set up two display booths in two main exhibit halls, respectively, to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution that Falun Gong practitioners in China are encountering.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Attend Martin Luther King, Jr. March
2004-01-28On January 19, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from San Antonio and Austin participated in Martin Luther King, Jr. Day March and rally in San Antonio. The march's local theme was "struggle for peace through non-violence."
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Participate in Atlanta's Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Activities
2004-01-27Since July 1999, Falun Gong has encountered an unprecedented persecution. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Centre has continuously paid attention to this and supported Falun Gong practitioners peaceful and rational appeals. Consequently, Falun Gong practitioners were invited as honourable guests to attend the memorial ceremony.
United States: Practitioners Hold Candle Light Vigil to Call for Release of Charles Lee on the Anniversary of His Imprisonment
2004-01-27January 22 is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar year and is the birthday of Charles Lee who has been illegally imprisoned in Nanjing Jail for one whole year. Practitioners and Charles's fiancé gathered in front of Chinese Consulate in San Francisco to hold a candle light vigil to demand Jiang's regime to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and immediately release US citizen Charles Lee.
Photo Report: Introducing Falun Dafa on the Eve of Chinese New Year in Hong Kong
2004-01-27 -
Australia: Practitioners Commemorate the Death of Ms. Tang Meijun from Chongqing
2004-01-26"Today we come her to commemorate Ms. Tang Junmei, another Falun Gong practitioner who has been persecuted to death in China. While Chinese are celebrating the Chinese new year, we feel very sad about her death."
Canada: Mr. Lizhi He is Released After Three and a Half Years of Unlawful Imprisonment in China
2004-01-26After three and a half years of unlawful imprisonment, on January 20, Mr. Zhili He was released from Qianjin Prison, in Tianjin. After talking with his wife in Canada over the phone, he has been returned to his hometown in Gansu Province.