Worldwide News
United States: Giant Falun Gong Poster Near Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in New York City
2003-04-24 -
Falun Dafa Association of Canada: Former President of China Jiang Zemin Sued for Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
2003-04-23The large-scale, systematic, and horrific persecution and killing of mainstream and innocent ordinary citizens have persisted for almost four years. It must stop. To restore justice to society, we are launching lawsuits against the former president of China, Jiang Zemin, and others in his group for genocide and crimes against humanity.
Taiwan: Taipei Minghui School's Young Dafa Practitioners Perform Exercises and Clarify the Truth
2003-04-23Chung-Cheng Memorial Hall is a famous tourist spot. Many Chinese compatriots also come to visit the memorial. Practitioners make good use of this opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa and clarify the truth of the persecution in China to them.
USA: Thousands Witness the Beauty of Falun Dafa at Iowa State University's Versa Parade
2003-04-22On April 12 2003, practitioners from Iowa and nearby states participated in the annual Versa Parade. Over ten thousand people, including Americans, Chinese students and scholars, and other international students witnessed the beauty of Falun Dafa.
Japan: Dafa Practitioners Send Righteous Thoughts Outside the Chinese Consulate in Osaka to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-04-22On April 14-15, 2003, Kinki prefecture Dafa practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Osaka for two consecutive days to send forth powerful righteous thoughts to support the lawsuit against Jiang.
USA: Practitioners Invited to World Taiji Qigong Day in Southern California
2003-04-21Soon after we started to practise the exercises, the strong energy field attracted many Qigong practitioners. When we were teaching the exercises, the people learning exercises grew from one to four, then four to ten. Later, the people surrounded the teaching practitioners for three layers.
US Congressman James Langevin Urgently Asks Secretary Colin Powell to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in China
2003-04-21"The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners cannot be ignored by the world community. I am greatly disheartened that the Chinese government has worked to stifle the voice of this movement and has taken such drastic punitive measures against its followers. I respectfully and urgently ask that you do everything possible to ensure Ruifeng Zhang and Yanxiang Xu are returned safely to their family."
Australia Photo Report: Introducing Falun Dafa During Culture Week at the University of New South Wales in Sydney
2003-04-21 -
Press Conference Held At Canada's Parliament Hill Regarding the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-04-20On April 14, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners in Canada held a press conference at Parliament Hill to inform the Canadian government and media about the lawsuit charging Jiang with genocide that was filed in U.S. District Court.
Washington DC Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in front of the Chinese Embassy and Raise the Public's Awareness of the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-04-20The lawsuit against Jiang has entered the phase of presenting legal statements. Due to this, Washington DC practitioners went to the Chinese Embassy to hold group practice. On Saturday, the Chinese Embassy hosted a banquet to entertain some guests. Officials who entered the Embassy could all see the practitioners' doing the exercises.
Canadian Foreign Minister Answers Reporter's Question Regarding the Chinese Party's Blocking Information About the Spread of SARS
2003-04-20"Over the past four months, the Chinese government blocked information from the media and deceived the international community regarding the spread of SARS. This is similar to the tactics that the Chinese government has been using to cover up its severe human rights violations, such as the tricks it has used over the past four years to hide its brutal persecution of Falun Gong..."
Beautiful Collection of Online Photographs Published
2003-04-19Recently, the the website of the Falun Dafa Information Center in North America has published a new photo gallery containing a collection of beautiful pictures detailing the history of Falun Dafa, from its introduction in China almost 11 years ago through to recent worldwide Falun Dafa events including expressions of Chinese culture.
Houston Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in Front of Chinese Consulate to Support Genocide Lawsuit Against Dictator Jiang
2003-04-19On April 12 and 13 between 8am to 10pm, Falun Gong practitioners from Houston gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to send forth righteous thoughts [using upright thoughts to purofy oneself and one's surroundings] to support the lawsuit against China's dictator Jiang.
Bring Jiang to Justice -- Dafa Practitioners from Northern California Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in front of Chinese Consulate for Eight Consecutive Days
2003-04-19Last October, China's dictator Jiang Zemin, was brought to US Federal Court on the charge of genocide...To support the prosecution, practitioners from Northern California have sent forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco for eight consecutive days.
Texas: Practitioners Appeal to Austin City Council to Help Rescue Charles Li
2003-04-18When practitioners gave speeches at the meeting, all Council members listened attentively. Some of them have shown continued support for Falun Dafa and think the Chinese regime's suppression of Falun Gong is unreasonable and inhumane.