Worldwide News
Hong Kong Legislator Was Given Human Rights - Freedom of Expression Award
2003-04-28Under pressure from Beijing, Hong Kong plans to enact the Article 23 legislation, has denied Falun Gong practitioners entry to Hong Kong several times, and has imposed restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of belief. In Ms. Laus opinion, Hong Kong is about to become another city under the autocratic power of China.
Canadian Member of Parliament Wendy Bill Urges Canadian Government to Condemn China's Extensive Human Rights Violations
2003-04-28"I want to join with the thousands of other concerned citizens to urge Canada to initiate a resolution and take proactive actions at the upcoming Geneva meeting of the UN Commission on Human Rights to ensure that the People's Republic of China faces international scrutiny and condemnation for it's extensive human rights violations, including the severe and inhumane persecution of Falun Gong."
United States: Missouri Practitioners Hold Press Conference at State Capitol Commemorating Four-Year Anniversary of April 25th Peaceful Appeal
2003-04-28Missouri practitioners held a press conference and other activities on April 24 in the State Capitol Building in Jefferson City to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the April 25 Peaceful Appeal and expose the Jiang regime's brutal persecution.
Canada: Toronto Practitioners Launch Petition Drive to Commemorate April 25 Appeal
2003-04-28On Friday, April 25, Toronto practitioners displayed a golden cloth at City Hall for passersby to sign and help free Toronto residents' family members who are being tortured in labour camps in China for practising Falun Gong.
New Zealand Practitioners Commemorate 4th Anniversary of the April 25 Peaceful Appeal
2003-04-27On April 25, about 40 Oakland practitioners held activities at Aotea Square commemorating the 4th anniversary of the April 25 peaceful appeal. Activities included group practice, showing truth clarifying videos, and collecting signatures.
United States: New York Practitioners Hold Group Practise and Parade Before Experience Sharing Conference
2003-04-27Groups of practitioners who attended the 2003 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference went to several of New York's Chinatowns to hold group practises, a parade, and to distribute flyers, mostly to local Chinese people.
Korea: Dafa Practitioners Welcome Another Spring with Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions
2003-04-27From time to time, many people surrounded us and listened with great seriousness. They were bewildered and indignant that Jiang's regime had adopted such contemptuous and malicious policies to kill and deceive the Chinese people. With tears in his eyes a Chinese man said to me, "History and humankind will remember you people. You will become the titans of history!"
United States: Falun Gong Motorcade Clarifies the Truth While Driving Around New York City
2003-04-26On Saturday, April 19, 2003, more than 500 Falun Gong practitioners held peaceful rallies and parades in several locations throughout New York City, including Times Square. Over 60 cars formed a procession and drove around the city for to spread awareness of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong.
Taiwan: Grand Parade on Penghu Island
2003-04-26Falun Gong practitioners quietly and peacefully walked in rhythm with the sounds of "Pu Du" and "Ji Shi", Falun Gong music. The scene was very peaceful and many spectators lined the streets, with many of them accepting flyers from practitioners.
US Government Officials Congratulate the New York Falun Dafa Conference
2003-04-26 -
United States: Falun Dafa Practitioners Rally in Times Square, New York on April 19, 2003
2003-04-25 -
Canadian MP Roy Cullen Urges the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Call on the Chinese Government to Stop the Persecution Immediately
2003-04-25"In the attached documents you will find the details of relatives of Canadians who are persecuted and treated inhumanely. I urge you to review this information and make representations to the Chinese government so that these actions stop immediately. Further I urge you to call on the Chinese government to release these practitioners of Falun Gong who have been wrongly incarcerated."
2003 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference is Solemnly Held, Teacher Li Arrives to Lecture and Explain the Fa
2003-04-24 -
United States: Ottawa's Carleton University "Falun Gong: The Truth Behind the Propaganda" Truth Clarification Activity
2003-04-24The day consisted of exercise demonstrations, exercise teaching, truth-clarifying videos, a photo exhibit, speeches by practitioners and supporters from the University, as well as casual chats with the students.
Leader of the Canadian Alliance Stephen Harper Voices Concern For Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted in China
2003-04-24'As you may know, Scott Reid, Canadian Alliance Member of Parliament for Lanark-Carleton, as well as other members of our caucus, have taken a keen interest in the safety and well-being of those detained for practising Falun Gong. I am deeply troubled over the treatment that these individuals receive and sincerely hope for a peaceful resolution that sees the human rights of those who practise Falun Gong respected.'