Worldwide News
Macao: Falun Dafa Practitioners Expose Communist Party's Persecution
2010-11-21During the weekend, about 100,000 Chinese tourists came to Macao. At the rally, many tourists stopped to listen to the speeches and took photos. Many visitors also publicly announced their withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organisations.
Canada: Regional Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Vancouver
2010-11-20Ms. Jiang vividly talked about her cultivation experience of 100 per cent looking within. Through long-term Fa-study and looking within, Ms. Jiang eventually resolved her conflict and melted away her resentment to her son-in-law, and cultivated herself to become broad-minded and compassionate.
United States: Falun Gong Procession Welcomed at Veterans' Day Parade in New York City
2010-11-17Mr. Chen from Brooklyn said that he was very happy to see the Falun Gong procession: "The Chinese Communist Party's negative propaganda about Falun Gong has misled many people. I am very glad to see that the Falun Gong procession is welcomed here."
Australia: Practitioners Call for Bringing Zhou Yongkang to Justice
2010-11-16At noon on November 12th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners in Sydney, Australia held a press conference in front of the New South Wales Provincial High Court to call on all circles of society to pay attention to the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
South Korea: Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong During G20 Summit
2010-11-15The G20 Summit was held on November 11th, 2010 in Seoul, South Korea. During the summit, the Falun Dafa Association of South Korea held a rally in front of the Chinese Embassy in Seoul to condemn the Communist Party's brutal persecution of Falun Gong and call for bringing Jiang Zemin to justice.
Malaysia: Divine Land Marching Band Welcomed at Malaysian Resort
2010-11-14On November 7th, 2010, the Divine Land Marching Band, composed of Falun Dafa practitioners from Malaysia, went to Kuantan for the first time. Their performances were welcomed by the local residents and tourists.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Veteran's Day Parade in San Francisco
2010-11-13On November 7th, for the seventh year, Falun Gong practitioners from California participated in the 91th Veteran's Day Parade in San Francisco.
United States Exposing Organ Harvesting at a University Forum in South Carolina
2010-11-11On November 1st, a forum entitled "Chinese Human Rights and Political Issues" was held on the campus of the University of South Carolina (USC) Aiken. The fact that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners was exposed at the forum.
Japan: A Parade and Rally Held in Tokyo Supporting 83 Million Chinese Withdrawals from the Communist Party
2010-11-10On November 7th, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in Tokyo held a rally and parade, supporting 83 million Chinese who have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations.
Peru: Lima Hosts Peru's Eighth Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference
2010-11-08At 4 p.m. on October 30th, 2010, the Eighth Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in a hotel in Lima, Peru.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Clarify the Facts at Annual City Festival in Amagasaki
2010-11-06On October 24th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the 39th Amagasaki Shimin Matsuri (Amagasaki People's Festival), which is held annually by the Amagasaki city government to celebrate the city's birthday.
Japan: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Nagano Province Culture Festival
2010-11-05Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the annual Lichan Culture Festival of Iijima-Machi, in Nagano Province, Japan on the weekend of October 30th-31st, 2010.
Australia: Canadian Human Rights Lawyer Gives Details on the CCP's Harvesting of Organs from Falun Gong Practitioners at a Forum on Illegal Organ Trade
2010-11-04David Matas, a famous Canadian human rights lawyer, named to the Order of Canada in 2008, gave a speech at the forum on "Illegal Organ Trade" held at the Taiwan Center in Queensland, Australia, on October 30th, 2010. He exposed the fact that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. Many local citizens and media attended the forum.
Malaysia: Activities to Introduce Falun Gong
2010-11-02This past summer, Southern Malaysian Falun Gong practitioners formed a waist drum troupe in order to introduce Falun Gong to more people. The practitioners have been to many shopping centres and outdoor attractions to perform and to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises.
The Vancouver Sun (Canada): Falun Gong Confirms Tales of Foreign Influence in Canada
2010-11-01Most Canadians were surprised when Canadian Security Intelligence Service Director Richard Fadden raised the issue last June of foreign influence being exerted on municipal and provincial politicians in this country.