World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Japan: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at the Ullambana Festival in Tokyo
2007-08-26On August 18th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners performed dances and sang at the Ullambana Festival in Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan. They also demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. Both the hosting organisation and the audience praised their performances and the beauty of the practice.
Canada: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at Toronto's Philippine Independence Day Parade
2007-08-26After the parade ended, two organisers greeted the band members, "Thank you, thank you very much!" A band member said, "They shook hands with each one of us and thanked us."
New Zealand: Falun Gong Practitioner Attacked in Front of Chinese Embassy in While Maintaining a Peaceful Protest
2007-08-25They cursed Ms. Zhang, pulled the Falun Dafa truth-clarification banners from the wall and trampled them. They pushed Ms. Zhang, who stepped forward to advise them to stop. One man even grabbed Ms. Zhang's coat collar. Later the assailants fled in a waiting van. Before leaving, they kicked gravel on the ground toward Ms. Zhang.
United States: Many People Learn About Falun Gong at Massachusetts Moon Festival
2007-08-25On August 19th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioners in New England participated in the 20th Queens City Moon Festival in Massachusetts and talked to many people.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Perform at Ekka in Queensland
2007-08-24Falun Gong practitioners from Queensland were invited to perform once again at the annual Ekka in Queensland, held in Brisbane on August 9th-18th, 2007.
Indonesia: Practitioners Take Part in Independence Day Parade in Batam
2007-08-24August 17th is Independence Day in Indonesia. Falun Gong practitioners from Batam and Singapore participated in local celebrations in the city of Batam.
United States: Korean Day Celebration, Divine Land Marching Band Touches the Audience in San Francisco
2007-08-23On August 18th, Korean Day celebration activities were held in downtown San Francisco. The San Francisco American-Korean Community hosted it. Falun Gong practitioners in the Bay Area were invited to participate in the parade and celebration activity and were warmly received by the sponsor and the audience.
Korea: Grand Parade Supports Twenty Five Million People Quitting the Chinese Communist Party
2007-08-23The displays in the parade showed the intensity of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and shocked the Korean people who didn't know about the CCP's tactics. A man in his thirties, after learning that the CCP removes organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, said, "My heart shivers upon hearing this news."
Canada: Practitioners Collect Signatures in Vancouver Calling for Prime Minister Harper to Help Stop the Persecution
2007-08-22Mr. Muzin said, "We support normal international trade, but we should not communicate with evil regimes that will not abide by our common values. Currently the serious human rights persecution happening in China, particularly the persecution of Falun Gong, is not acceptable. Canada cannot trade with such a regime."
Taiwan: Signs in Luchou Call Attention to Illegal Organ Transplantation in China
2007-08-22Director Secretary Cai De-hsiung of Luchou said, "The CCP does not respect life but tramples on human rights. It is disgusting. Thus we cooperate with the community of Falun Gong practitioners' activities. As long as city governments can do this, we will cooperate to provide publicity."
Hong Kong: Within Six Months, Over Five Thousand Chinese Tourists Quit the CCP at the Service Centre on Taiping Mountain
2007-08-21Ms. Liao said, "These people from China do not know the facts because they have been brainwashed by the CCP for so many years. Since they have the opportunity to leave the environment of China, they should learn the facts and be saved. This is my wish."
India: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa on Independence Day
2007-08-21August 15th is India's 60th Independence Day. Various celebration activities were held. In renowned big cities, Bangalore and Bombay, practitioners were invited to hold sessions in schools on Independence Day to introduce Falun Dafa to students.
United States: Falun Gong Receives Support the at Washington County Fair in Utah
2007-08-20From August 8th to 11th, the annual 4-day-long Washington County Fair was held in St. George, Utah. Falun Gong practitioners participated in the event and met many people with an interest in Falun Dafa.
Taiwan: Introducing Falun Dafa to Family Members of Military Personnel in Chiayi
2007-08-20Mr. Swun said: "I heard that Mainland China banned Falun Gong and I came to this class to figure out why the Chinese Communist Party would persecute this practice. What I have found is that Falun Gong is a great practice that teaches people to cultivate xinxing and is completely apolitical. The persecution is completely illegal and I want to practise Falun Gong."
United States: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Balloon Festival on Long Island, New York
2007-08-19The Balloon Festival is the largest and most heavily attended event held on Long Island. It attracted thousands of local residents as well as tourists from other states. Falun Gong practitioners from the Metro New York City area participated in the three-day event beginning on August 10th, 2007.