World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
The Epoch Times: Persecuted Father and Daughter Find Freedom in New Zealand
2006-03-08Huang Guohua and his four-year-old daughter Huang Ying still can't believe they were fortunate enough to make it to the paradise of New Zealand, following the nightmare they were put through in China where Mr Huang's wife was tortured to death in a Chinese prison for practising Falun Gong while three months pregnant. On a sunny afternoon in an East Auckland park, Mr Huang calmly tells his story...
United States: Practitioners in Los Angeles Create "Great Wall of Truth" in New Chinatown
2006-03-07A practitioner from Taiwan was doing the exercises while her coworker and his brother passed by. The coworker was surprised to see her in Los Angeles! They parked their car and came over to talk to her. In the end, they got a lot of materials explaining the facts of Falun Gong and the persecution.
AFP: Media Group Slams China's 'Brutal Vendetta' against Epoch Times
2006-03-07AFP reported on March 2nd, 2006, that The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has accused China of a "brutal vendetta" against independent media following the ransacking of the offices of one of its leading critics. The Hong Kong office of The Epoch Times was broken into by four unidentified men on Wednesday. They smashed a glass door at the entrance of the building and wreaked havoc in the offices, including entering the computer room in the print shop and wrecking office machines and computers, IFJ said.
United States: Clarifying the Truth in San Francisco
2006-03-06One day, a western practitioner went to distribute fliers. While she was clarifying the truth to people, a group of arm-waving Cantonese-speaking men surrounded her. She was not frightened at all. She calmly talked with them for about 30 minutes. Later she told me that one of the men asked her: How could you be not frightened?
Epoch Times: Australian Pressures Government to Uphold Justice
2006-03-06A Sydney woman suing Ex-Chinese Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin and the 610 Office (secret Chinese police), says she will seek a court order to pressure the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) into serving legal documents on the defendants.
Japan: Practitioners Protest CCP in front of the Chinese Consulate in Sapporo
2006-03-05During the three-day activity, practitioners clarified the truth to passersby and Sapporo police. Just as many passersby were shocked by the brutality and expressed their sympathy to practitioners, the informed police officers also expressed that they understood the cause after chatting with practitioners.
United States: Clarifying the Truth at the Oregon Asian Festival
2006-03-05From February 18th to 19th, the 21st Oregon Asian Festival was held in Eugene. With the increasing interest in Asian culture, the annual festival was even more colourful and well attended. Music, dance, painting, calligraphy, martial arts and cooking, from Asia could be found here.
New Zealand: People in Waikato Become Aware of the Persecution
2006-03-04 -
South Africa: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Durban Health Expo
2006-03-04After practitioners' efforts over the last several years, many local residents have heard of Falun Dafa. Practitioners gave seminars that gave the audience a better understanding of Falun Dafa and the persecution. Some in the audience returned to the booth again after the seminar to pick up more materials. They wanted to find out more.
United States: Bearing in Mind "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," Drums and Trumpets Shake Heaven and Earth
2006-03-03Drummer Yu Xin is a hostess at NTDTV. She said that one of the reasons attributed to the miracle of the Celestial Band is the power of everyone's "heart," and their spirit in opposing the persecution. Everyone wants to convey the beauty of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance through the musical notes they play.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners in Melbourne Take Part in Clayton Festival
2006-03-03Two young Chinese men saw a western practitioner in her Tang Dynasty Costume and wanted to take a photo with her. She agreed, and later when she performed the dance as a Falun Gong practitioner the two young men were a little surprised but as they watched they became more and more joyful and gave them a warm applause.
Malaysia: Police Release Detained Practitioners
2006-03-02The four had gone to the Chinese Embassy on the morning of February 23rd, 2006 to protest the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. The police soon arrived and arrested them due to pressure from embassy officials and intended to charge them with "Illegal Assembly" according to the No. 27 item in the police decree.
United States: Practitioners in Washington State Clarify the Truth to State Government Officials
2006-03-02On February 23rd, 2006, practitioners from the State of Washington once again hosted a "Legislative Day" at the State Government building. They did this to further expose the persecution of the practice of Falun Gong to state congressional members. This was the fourth "Legislative Day" that practitioners have held since 2003.
Taiwan: Account of Taipei 2006 Winter Camp for Young Practitioners
2006-03-01From January 21st-26th, 2006, Taipei Minghui School held a winter camp for young Falun Dafa practitioners in Sijhih, Taipei. The young practitioners who joined ranged from 3 to 15 years old. Nine practitioners acted as teachers in the camp.
Winnipeg Sun (Manitoba, Canada): Immigrants also Targets
2006-03-01Gary Yang, 47, who owns a restaurant in Regina, said his business has suffered because he practices Falun Gong. "I get pressure from the Chinese Consulate. They tell all the Chinese people (that come to Canada) not to come to my restaurant," said Yang, noting he started practicing Falun Gong after moving to Canada.