World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
United States: Practitioners and Supporters in Los Angeles Rally to Expose Horrors of Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-16The corpses of some Falun Gong practitioners tortured by the CCP reveal blood-filled holes, surgical incisions and evidence of organ removal. Practitioners showed photos of Wang Bin from Heilongjiang Province who was beaten to death. His internal organs were leter harvested.
United States: The Power of the "Celestial Band" Amazes the US Capital
2006-03-15The Falun Gong entry was in the second half of the parade. Three women in white holding a green banner reading "Falun Dafa-Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in both Chinese and English led the Falun Gong contingent. The 200-strong member Celestial Band followed.
Korea: Falun Dafa Association of Korea Calls for Thorough Investigation of Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-15A large number of Falun Gong practitioners are being held in the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang City. There is a crematorium and on-site doctors who live inside the concentration camp. Human organs are harvested from practitioners and sold on the black market.
Canada: Practitioners in Ottawa Protest CCP's Secret Concentration Camp
2006-03-14During recent days, the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, and the illegal detention of over 6000 Dafa practitioners was exposed. Human organs are being harvested from practitioners and sold on the black market. The practitioners' remains are cremated.
Thailand: Falun Gong Practitioners Strongly Protest the CCP's Barbaric Killing
2006-03-14Thailand Falun Gong practitioners expressed that the CCP's secret massacre of Falun Gong practitioners is intolerable and unpardonable by Heaven's law. All people with a sense of justice and conscience should condemn it and together put an end to the CCP's barbaric atrocities.
United States: On A Cold Night, Practitioners in San Francisco Continue to Protest the Chinese Communist Party's Barbarity
2006-03-13"The existence of the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp, with a crematorium inside the camp, plus its trading of practitioners' organs, tell us how far the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can go against humanity. It is totally inhumane! All this is just evil!
The Epoch Times: Secret Chinese Concentration Camp Revealed
2006-03-13"Currently, organ selling is a very profitable business in China. Many patients that died on the operating table have had their organs taken away. No one investigates it, and even doctors are involved in this trade. They cannot find enough bodies through executions, and no bodies are more readily available than those of [Falun Gong] practitioners to do this business."
World Focuses on Sujiatun Concentration Camp, Practitioners Outside of China Expose CCP Brutality
2006-03-12One practitioner called the Woniushi Township Police Station and asked a policeman if he had ever heard about the Sujiatun concentration camp. The practitioner said, "I heard that no one ever came out after entering the camp, is that true?" The man who answered the phone said, "I heard about the camp; however, some people can get out." The practitioner then asked, "Were those who came out officials?" The man replied, "No, detainees." The practitioner then asked the location of the camp. The man said that he couldn't talk about its location over the phone.
United States: CCP's Secret Concentration Camp Condemned at Rally in Houston, Texas
2006-03-12Practitioner Wang Bein, 44, was tortured to death on September 24, 2000 by guards at the Daqing Forced Labour Camp. After Wang died, the CCP authorities had his internal organs removed. Falun Gong websites have now received news that the CCP has set up a labour camp where practitioners organs are intentionally removed after death so that they can be sold.
US State Department 2005 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Chinese Communist Regime Continues to Persecute Falun Gong
2006-03-11Sexual and physical abuse and extortion were reported in some detention centers. Falun Gong activists reported that police raped female practitioners, including an incident in November at the Dongchengfang police station in Tunzhou City, Hebei Province, in which two women were raped while in detention. Forced labor in prisons and reeducation-through-labor camps was common.
Australia: Falun Dafa Club at the University of Western Sydney Participates in 2006 Welcome New Students Week
2006-03-11Falun Gong practitioners arranged their booth, distributed informational materials, introduced the Falun Gong exercises, and demonstrated how to fold paper lotus flowers, which they distributed for free. Folded paper lotus flowers were very welcomed and many people highly praised them and were happy to receive them.
Australia: New South Wales Supreme Court Hearing for Zhang Cuiying's Lawsuit against Jiang
2006-03-10Prior to and after the hearing and press conference, dozens of Falun Gong practitioners came to offer support. They unfurled banners and built a "Great Wall of Truth." The torture methods exposed from the banners and the information about the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners were shocking to the passersby
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in New York Staten Island St. Patrick's Day Parade
2006-03-09The St. Patrick's Day Parade every March is a traditional celebration for Irish people in North America. The parade is characterised with green decorations, and is a grand occasion for the Irish community. Falun Gong practitioners were warmly received as the only Chinese group in the St Patrick's Day Parade on Staten Island.
The New American: Terror in America, Made in China
2006-03-09The Beijing caller and her American translator stopped Gerber with a harsh rebuke. "Shut it, you stupid fool. If you don't stop what you and your organization are doing, there will be severe consequences. We know where you are and who you are. If you don't give up what you are doing, we will kill more practitioners and come after you."
Front Page Magazine: Red Star Over San Francisco
2006-03-08On March 1st, 2006, Front Page magazine published an article entitled "Red Star Over San Francisco". The article said that although San Francisco, California, boasts its own Human Rights Commission and bills itself as a bastion of tolerance, diversity and inclusion, it didn't quite work out that way when Falun Gong practitioners wanted to showcase their heritage in the 2006 Chinese New Year parade.