World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
South Africa: Practitioners Protest CCP Atrocities in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town
2006-03-30On the morning of March 23rd, Falun Gong practitioners in Cape Town went to the local Chinese Consulate to protest the horrendous atrocities of the CCP inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Reportedly, the camp harvests practitioners' organs for profit while they are still alive and cremates the bodies to destroy evidence.
United States: Rally to Support Nine Million Withdrawals from the CCP and Condemn the Crimes in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Manhattan
2006-03-29"Along with more and more people coming to know the facts, all righteous and kind people around the world will stand up to protest the atrocities and investigate the crimes. All those criminals involved in the crimes will not escape. It is just a matter of time. WOIPFG will bring all those criminals to justice one after another."
Taiwan: "SOS! Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners" Signature Drive in Hsin Chu
2006-03-29Many students said that the case is so inhumane and brutal. One can't imagine that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can treat live people in such a brutal way. It really doesn't place any importance on human life. After signing the practitioners' petition, some passersby said that they would tell their friends about this to further expose the evil.
United States: 2006 New York Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Grandly Held, Master Comes to Teach the Fa
2006-03-28On Sunday March 26th, 2006, the New York Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at Madison Square Theatre. More than four thousand practitioners gathered there and shared cultivation experiences.
Canada: Practitioners in Vancouver Expose Atrocities inside Sujiatun Concentration Camp and Call for International Investigation
2006-03-28From March 15th to 19th, Vancouver practitioners held photo exhibits and a signature drive outside the Vancouver Art Museum, in Chinatown and at the Metrotown mall in Burnaby to call upon the public to pay close attention to the atrocities happening inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. They collected signatures for an appeal letter which calls on the Canadian government to condemn the abhorrent crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and form a delegation to investigate the concentration camp. The letter will be delivered to Parliament.
Japan: Practitioners Continue to Protest Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-27Falun Gong practitioners unfurled large banners in front of Japanese Parliament and set up a large photo showing the body of a practitioner who was tortured to death. The photo showed that his internal organs were removed and there were unknown bloody holes and cuts on his body.
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners in Montreal Participate in St. Patrick's Day Parade
2006-03-27This is the fourth time that practitioners participated in this grand occasion. A lot of people were familiar with the movements of the Falun Gong exercises and many were mimicking the movements. Practitioners played waist drums to the "Falun Dafa is Good" melody while the dance troupe performed simultaneously.
Macao: Falun Gong Practitioners Clarify the Truth
2006-03-26Some people gave the practitioners a thumb-up, and said, "Falun Gong is remarkable! Great! You're so brave! We support you!" Before leaving, they especially wanted to shake hands with the practitioners, and sincerely said, "Take care! You will definitely triumph!"
Japan: Candlelight Vigil Condemns CCP's Crimes
2006-03-26"As early as 1996, when I studied in the No. 1 Military Medical University in Guangzhou, ... organ removal from death-sentenced inmates was carried out in the university. It was said that kidney removal needed to be done within 20 minutes after one died. When dead bodies were carried to us, some were still breathing and some still groaned.
Hong Kong: Practitioners Protest CCP's Death Camp, Call for International Investigation
2006-03-25Contact person of the Falun Dafa Association of Hong Kong Kan Hung-cheung strongly condemned the CCP's atrocity. He said, "Sujiatun Concentration Camp is just a tip of the iceberg for the persecution of Falun Gong. Based on news from difference sources, similar concentration camps are also in other locations."
United States: People in Philadelphia Are Indignant About the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-25Ms. Wang, who lives in Chinatown and was originally from Fujian Province, said, "I feel sorry for the Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted so brutally. Many people in my hometown Fujian come to the US under the risk of losing their lives to avoid living under the control of the CCP." She signed the petition - "Rescue Chinese people immediately".
United Evening News (Taiwan): Mainland China Harvesting Live Falun Gong Practitioners' Organs
2006-03-254000 people have had their organ(s) such as kidney, liver and cornea and even skin removed by the hospital. The authorities illegally sell the organs for profit. The even more incredibly brutal fact is that the organs were removed while the practitioners were still alive. After the organs were removed, the bodies of these practitioners were cremated secretly in a crematorium, which was converted from a boiler. Their ashes were dumped together with burned charcoal.
Canada: Practitioners in Calgary Collect Signatures in Chinatown, Calling for Urgent Rescue of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners at Sujiatun
2006-03-24A woman said that Sujiatun is not far from her hometown, and wondered how such a thing could happen. The practitioner continued, "The CCP can do anything evil, and it has launched so many political movements. You must have experienced a lot." The woman replied, "My family members were once arrested and killed."
New Zealand: Practitioners Hold A Relay Hunger Strike to Protest Atrocities Committed at Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-24Falun Gong practitioners from Auckland and Hamilton, New Zealand held a 48-hour relay hunger strike. They protested the Chinese Communist regime's appalling and inhuman atrocities committed at Sujiatun Concentration Camp where the CCP detain, kill and sell Falun Gong practitioners' bodily organs for profit.
Malaysia: Practitioners Stage Hunger Strike to Protest the CCP's Outrageous Actions
2006-03-23The CCP's ruthless acts in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp are a disgrace to modern civilisation and a challenge to the moral foundation of all humanity. Keeping silent and tolerating such state-sanctioned terrorist acts is degrading to humanity and morality. Everyone must firmly say "No" to the CCP's tyranny.