World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News

  • Chinese Diplomats Should Follow Chen Yonglin's Example and Stop Assisting in the Persecution

    Chen Yonglin, a 37-year-old senior Chinese diplomat at the Chinese Consulate in Sydney, is seeking asylum from the Australian government, saying he does not want to continue to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and other dissidents.
  • India: Falun Dafa introduced in Vasundhara, Delhi

    Indian practitioners recently introduced Falun Dafa to the residents of Vasundhara, a suburb of Delhi. Practitioners created an audio-visual presentation and taught the five sets of exercises. The workshop was attended by people of all ages, including some children. A few senior journalists also attended.
  • Canada: Chinese Orphans' Plight Draws Attention at the United Nations Meeting to Counter Violence against Children

    On June 2 and 3, the North America Regional Consultation Meeting to Counter Violence against Children was held at the University of Toronto. Three representatives from the "Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners" (GMRPFGP) attended.
  • Taiwan: An Introductory Workshop on Falun Gong at Fujen University

    On the afternoon of June 2, 2005, invited by Professor Chen from Fujen Catholic University, Falun Gong practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to students in a class. Practitioners talked about the wide spread of Falun Dafa and how the practise was warmly received in China in 1992. They also talked about the unreasonable persecution launched by Jiang Zemin's regime on July 20, 1999 against Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Korea: Bo Xilai Sued by Practitioners Prior to APEC Summit

    On May 30, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioners filed a lawsuit with the local prosecutor's office in Seoul, charging Bo Xilai (male) with persecuting Falun Gong, participating in genocide, engaging in illegal arrests, unjustifiable imprisonment, torture, and other charges. The file was formally accepted on the morning of May 31, 2005. Planning to attend the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Summit on June 2, 2005, on Cheju Island, Korea, Bo Xilai was scheduled to arrive in Korea on June 1, 2005.
  • Taiwan Minghui School: Young Reporters Interview Traditional Chinese Doctor

    On the evening of May 31, 2005, Mr. Hu Naiwen, a traditional Chinese doctor was invited to attend the young reporters' seminar at the Minghui Doudou kindergarten and gave a speech. The theme of Dr. Hu's speech was, "Ancient Chinese way to keep good health". Dr. Hu talked to children and their parents about how ancient Chinese people kept fit.
  • US Court Delivers Default Judgement Against Guo Chuanjie, Deputy Head of the 610 Office at the Chinese Academy of Science

    On June 2, 2005, a New York Federal Court reached a default judgement in the absence of defendant Guo Chuanjie, the deputy head of the 610 Office. The judge ordered Guo Chuanjie to compensate victims for damages as well as financial losses inflicted on the plaintiffs. Thirty-four lawsuits against 22 high-ranking CCP officials who carried out the persecution are in progress, and some of these individuals have been convicted. These perpetrators cannot escape justice abroad.
  • Melbourne Yarra Leader (Australia) Reports on Falun Gong Practitioners' Appeal during Tianjin Mayor's Visit to Melbourne

    According to a Melbourne Yarra Leader report on May 30, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners held a protest last Tuesday night during Tianjin Mayor Dai Xianglong's four-day tour of Melbourne. The report said that practitioners of the Falun Dafa Association of Victoria gathered outside the Melbourne Town Hall as Mr. Dai made his way in for the council meeting. The protesters were waving signs and banners calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong meditation practitioners in Tianjin, China.
  • Canada: Hyack Festival Honours Falun Gong with President's Award

    On May 28, 141 groups consisting of nearly 4,000 people from Vancouver and other cities in British Columbia, and Oregon and Washington State in the US participated in a grand parade. Falun Gong was invited as the only Chinese group and won the highest prize again: the President's Award.
  • South Africa: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Durban Health Expo

    On May 29th, Falun Dafa practitioners in South Africa participated in the Durban Seasonal Health Expo. On this occasion, practitioners also held a seminar to introduce Falun Dafa to the public and give people a chance to learn more deeply about the practice.
  • Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Again Appeal for Freedom of Speech to Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs

    On May 25, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from Sydney went to the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Canberra to peacefully appeal to Alexander Downer, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and other officials. They asked Mr.Downer to stop signing the certificate banning Falun Gong practitioners from appealing outside the Chinese embassy. The practitioners included Ms. Lisa Liang, younger sister of Falun Gong practitioner Tang Yiwen from China, who was forced into homelessness to escape persecution, and Ms. Esther Wang, an Australian citizen who, with her mother, was just rescued from China.
  • United States: Proclamation of Falun Dafa Month, City of Fort Wayne, Indiana

  • The Epoch Times: Chinese Consulate Denies Doctor's Passport

    NEW YORK -- Standing on the corner of 42nd Street and 12th Avenue, Dr. Wenyi Wang refused to eat all day in protest. Wang said that when her father died from heart problems on May 3, she knew she had to go back to her hometown in northeast China for the funeral. The problem was getting there. The Chinese Consulate of New York, which Wang stood outside of, refused to renew her Chinese passport, making it impossible for her to return home or visit any other country besides Canada. "The reason is simple. I have very actively criticized the Chinese regime for their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners," said Wang, a permanent U.S. resident and physician at Mount Sinai Hospital, in an open letter to the public.
  • Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners in Tokyo Hold Peaceful Appeal as Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi Visits Japan

    On May 17, 2005, Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi arrived in Japan for an eight-day visit in Japan that included a trip to the World Expo. She went to Tokyo on May 22. Falun Gong practitioners in Japan held a peaceful appeal in front of the hotel where the Chinese delegation stayed. They wanted to inform the Chinese officials of the popularity of Falun Gong in foreign countries, and to urge the CCP to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong.
  • AP: Nine Falun Gong Organization Directors Plead Not Guilty in a Malaysian Court Case

    [Coordinators] of the Malaysian chapter of the Falun Gong spiritual movement were charged Tuesday with breaching corporate laws in what the group claims is an effort to stop it from highlighting the abuse of fellow practitioners in China. The seven men and two women, all Malaysians from the nonprofit Falun Dafa Research Center Berhad, registered as a private company in 2003, pleaded not guilty to six charges filed against them by Malaysia's Companies Commission for technical breaches including failure to submit minutes and annual returns or to keep a members' register.