World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News

  • ABC (Australia): Third defector 'more valuable' than Chen, Hao

    "The lawyer representing a potential third Chinese defector says his client has compelling and horrifying information about Chinese Government surveillance and torture of Falun Gong members. Bernard Collaery says his client's identity will remain secret for some time because of fears for his family in China. Mr Collaery says his evidence is more compelling than that of other would-be defectors, Chen Yonglin and Hao Fengjun, who have come forward."
  • Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners File Lawsuit Against Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer

    Falun Gong practitioners in Australia have filed a lawsuit to stop Australian Foreign Minister, Mr. Alexander Downer, using Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (DPI) Regulations to prevent the displaying of Falun Gong banners and the playing of amplified music outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra. Lawyer for the practitioners Bernard Collaery said, "The Australian Government's response to the persecution of Falun Gong has been disgraceful. The desire to advance bilateral relations with China including economic relations has resulted in a supine position on human rights and is a national disgrace."
  • Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in the 2005 Malacca Dragon Boat Competition

    The annual Malacca Dragon Boat Competition took place on June 12th. This is the fourth time that Malaysian Falun Gong practitioners have participated in this event to promote traditional Chinese culture. Before the competition began, practitioners set up many display boards showing photographs and information about Falun Gong.
  • United States: Practitioners in San Francisco Call on CCP Officials to Listen to Their Conscience and Stop Assisting the Party to Do Evil

    In response to former Chinese officials Chen Yonglin and Hao Fengjun's open renunciation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and revelation of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, on June 10 practitioners attended a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco. Practitioners voiced their support for the defectors' righteous actions.
  • Australia: Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding Lawsuit against Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Downer

    Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Cuiying and Jane Dai, two plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer and Australian police, held a press conference in front of the Australian Capital Territory's Supreme Court on June 10th. Yuan Hongbing, former Professor of Law in China addressed the conference as a witness.
  • Epoch Times: In His Own Words: Hao Fengjun Explains Why He Escaped from China, Part I

    "There were three female practitioners brought back to my police station. They were in their forties and fifties. All three were interrogated by our criminal investigation team. In the next couple of days of interrogation, I could hear extremely tragic crying and screaming every time I went to work. I later heard from a colleague that they received orders to use all means to force Falun Gong practitioners to reveal their names and family addresses."
  • Japan: Practitioners in Hiroshima Hold Events in Support of Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin

    Since practitioners filed a lawsuit in an Osaka Regional Court against the chief perpetrators of the persecution - Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing, Luo Guan, Xia Deren - as well as the Chinese Embassy in Japan, Hiroshima practitioners have held a series of events to support the lawsuit and expose the persecution.
  • Decatur Daily (Alabama, USA): Falun Dafa Chinese Relaxation Exercises Introduced in Decatur

    "Falun Gong helps you not make mountains out of molehills. I get along easier with people, I don't get angry, I am more patient, and it feels like people don't aggravate me anymore." Kupershmidt stumbled upon information about the practice as she searched for a serious martial arts practice. She said after two months with no perceived results, she quit practicing for about a year. When she started up again, she said, it was a "whoa" experience.
  • Falun Dafa Associations in Australia Issue Statement Calling Upon Australian Government to Offer Asylum to Chinese Diplomat Chen Yonglin

    Yesterday the Chinese Ambassador to Australia made a speech in which she poured scorn on Mr. Chen's claims stating that: "This is not the 1970s. We have moved on." Certainly this is what China wants the world to believe and they have worked tirelessly in recent years to present a benign face to the world. At the same time the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners has become even more ruthless with the current recorded death toll reaching 2,336.
  • The Age: Clash of worlds

    A growing proportion of China's 1.3 billion people are empowered by economic prosperity, higher education and new freedom to choose their employment, place of residence, and marriage partners. Yet, in terms of political rights, China is not just standing still, it is winding back the clock. Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao is putting all the 69 million party members through intensive re-indoctrination in Marxist theory and the thoughts of China's successive communist leaders.
  • The Epoch Times: Injunction Sought Against Australian Foreign Affairs Minister

    Lawyers for Falun Gong practitioners confirmed today that proceedings were filed yesterday in the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory against Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, seeking an injunction to restrain the Foreign Minister from relying upon certificates he issued pursuant to the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunity Regulations 1992, that prevent the display of banners and the use of amplified music outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra.
  • Australia: Diplomat's Refusal to Participate in Chinese Communist Party's Suppression of Falun Gong Becomes Focal Point of Global Media

    Mr. Chen Yonglin, a diplomat from the Chinese Consulate in Sydney, who was in charge of monitoring and persecuting Falun Gong, has refused to continue serving the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in its suppression of Falun Gong, and has broken away from the CCP. Mr. Chen's defection shocked Australia and the entire international community, and has become a media focus.
  • Taiwan: Falun Gong Photo Exhibition at Celebration of Primary School's 80th Anniversary

    On June 5, 2005, Hsinpo Primary School in Taoyuan County, Taiwan held a celebration for its 80th anniversary. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to set up a stall on the school grounds to introduce Falun Dafa and to expose the persecution. The practitioners also held a photo exhibition depicting Falun Dafa's wide spread around the world.
  • Former 610 Office Agent Produces Secret Documents to Corroborate Diplomat's Allegations of Spying --Then Quits the CCP

    On June 7th 2005 in Melbourne, Mr. Hao Fengjun, a former agent of the Tianjin 610 Office and National Security Bureau in Tianjin echoed Chen Yonglin's report describing Chinese spies in Australia. Chinese consul first secretary Chen Yonglin at the Chinese Consulate in Sydney abandoned his post and claimed that he would no longer support the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) suppression against Falun Gong. This prompted Mr. Hao to come forward and expose inside stories of the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong with first-hand materials. The cruel and despicable means used by the CCP in persecuting Falun Gong will become widely known.
  • Canada: Displaying the Beauty of Falun Dafa at the Heights Festival in the City of Burnaby

    The annual Heights Festival and Parade in the city of Burnaby, Canada were held on June 4th 2005. As more and more people practise Falun Gong, the Falun Gong procession has become longer and longer and the practitioners' performances richer and richer.