World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
United States: Washington DC Practitioners Commemorate the Fifth Anniversary of the April 25th Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2004-04-28On April 25, 1999, more than ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the Chinese government to release unjustly detained practitioners. The D.C. practitioners said that during the appeal in 1999, the Chinese practitioners displayed their peacefulness and rationality, self-discipline and high moral character, marking a significant event in history
Australia: Practitioners in Sydney Hold a Public Event to Commemorate the April 25 Peaceful Appeal
2004-04-28Falun Gong practitioners in Sydney held a public event in the City Centre to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the April 25, 1999 peaceful appeal. Many practitioners gathered near the Sydney Town Hall to demonstrate the peaceful Falun Gong exercises and to show truth clarification videos and photo displays.
United States: On the Fifth Anniversary of the "4.25" Appeal, New York Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Symbolic Trial of Jiang Zemin
2004-04-27April the 25th 1999 was a historic day that will be always remembered. Five years later on April 24, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from the metropolitan New York area held a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin in front of the Chinese Consulate.
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Peaceful Appeal to Mark the 5th Anniversary of the Historic April 25 Appeal
2004-04-27On April the 24th, Hong Kong practitioners held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Liaison Office to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the historic April 25 appeal, which marked the start of an unprecedented peaceful and rational movement to end the persecution of Falun Gong.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Invited to Give Training Sessions for Government Employees
2004-04-26On April 2, 6 and 13, 2004, three specialists in foreign language, traditional Chinese medicine and economics were invited to give a training session for employees of the Bureau of Standard Inspection in the Department of Economy.
United States: Practitioners Participate in the Earth Day Celebration in Tennessee
2004-04-26On April the 17th 2004 Falun Gong practitioners from Nashville, Tennessee participated in festivities surrounding "Earth Day." Many people had heard about the persecution in China in the news and were very curious to hear more details.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Crimes of Bo Xilai and Call for his Deportation
2004-04-25Bo Xilai is one of the major people responsible for managing and directing the persecution of Falun Gong in Liaoning Province, thus on April 22 Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful appeal and called for the deportation of Bo Xilai outside the Fairmont Hotel in Washington whilst he was having dinner there.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Exercise Demonstration at Elementary School's Anniversary
2004-04-25On April 18, 2004, the Mingyi Public Elementary of Hualian City, Hualian County of Taiwan held the School Games in celebration of its 56th anniversary. The centre of attention was a demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises by the students in the fourth grade.
Saipan: Introducing Dafa at the 23rd Flame Tree Art Festival
2004-04-24On Saipan Island, middle and late April is flame tree blossoming season. During this period, the local government holds an annual phoenix flower art festival. Just like previous years, dozens of Saipan and Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners participated in this annual event.
United States: Washington DC Rally Calls for Immediate Deportation of Human Rights Scoundrel Bo Xilai
2004-04-24Dozens of Falun Gong practitioners in Washington DC and local people attended the rally. They held banners reading, "Immediately deport human rights scoundrel Bo Xilai", "Bring Jiang to justice globally" and "Falun Dafa is great".
Canada: Falun Dafa Practitioners of Edmonton Hold Symbolic Trial of Jiang Zemin
2004-04-23This was the third time that Edmonton practitioners have held a symbolic trial of Jiang in the park. Some people watched the trial, some asked for information, some read the display board carefully, and some signed their names on the petition postcards.
Israel: A Jerusalem Student Newspaper published the Truth about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-04-23On Sunday the 18th of April 2004, Pi Haaton, the student newspaper of the Hebrew university of Jerusalem, published an article that reveals the true story of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. The article used an example of the horror of the persecution of Wei Shingyan, a Chinese research student who was brutally raped and than kidnapped because she practised Falun Gong and lived by the principles of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance.
United States: Practitioners Participate in the Houston Community College International Festival
2004-04-22Falun Gong practitioners accepted an invitation to participate in the International Festival on the central campus of Houston Community College on April 7, 2004. They introduced Falun Gong, told people about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and also gave a demonstration of the five Falun Gong exercises on a stage.
Refusal to Extend My Passport by the Houston Chinese Consulate
2004-04-21Next, he talked about some government-fabricated stories that defame Falun Gong. I told him the truth and said: "Is what you are doing to force me to 'confess to false charges under torture'? The withholding of the passport is much more serious than beating a Chinese person who lives outside the motherland. Beating a person is simply letting him suffer from the pain of the skin and flesh, he will recover after a period of time. But as a person living in a foreign country, he can not even survive without a passport. My husband can not even change his visa status to H-1 visa without a valid passport.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Club Clarifies the Truth of the Persecution at National Chiao Tung University's Anniversary Celebration
2004-04-21On April 10, 2004, National Chiao Tung University held its 108th anniversary of the university's founding and the 46th anniversary of moving to Taiwan. The Falun Gong Club at the university applied for a booth where they introduced the practice of Falun Gong to the students and explained the facts of the persecution in China.