World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Condemn Unreasonable Arrests in France
2004-02-13On the afternoon of February 3, 2004, a press conference was convened to denounce the illegal conduct by certain French government officials, who were responsible for the arrest of innocent Falun Gong practitioners by police in the streets of Paris. Unfortunately this conduct ensued because of the desire to carry favour and maintaining business interests with China.
CNEWS (Canada): Victory over diplomat in libel case
2004-02-13Joel Chipkar said Saturday that last week's Ontario Superior Court decision means it is time for Canadians to firmly dismiss the Chinese government's claim that the Falun Gong movement is a threat..."Visiting officials should not be free here to attack Canadians on Canadian soil," said Chipkar. "This is not China, this is Canada."
Japan: Practitioners Hold Press Conference in Front of the French Embassy
2004-02-12Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the French Embassy in Japan to urge the French government to immediately investigate the arrest incident in Paris, resist the interference and economic enticement from the Jiang's group, and stop similar incidents of violating practitioners' human rights from recurring.
United States: California Practitioners Participate in San Francisco's Grand Chinese New Year Parade for the First Time, Attracting Much Attention and Praise
2004-02-12On the evening of February 7, 2004, nearly 200 Falun Gong practitioners participated in the San Francisco New Year Celebration to display the beauty of Falun Dafa to the local people. FOX TV station and KTSF Chinese TV station broadcast the event live to millions of viewers.
Canada: Practitioners Clarify the Truth to French Embassy Officials in Canada
2004-02-12"We have no ill feeling toward the French government, but we ask that you not forget the countless practitioners of Falun Gong who are suffering atrocities in labour camps, mental hospitals, and detention centres across China. We are concerned for France that these wrongful arrests have brought your country one step closer to the stark reality and practice of persecution and injustice in China. We urge you to take immediate measures to rectify this wrong and to prevent greater damage to the dignity and reputation of your country within the international community."
Canada: Chinese Consul in Canada Found Guilty of Libel, Les Presses Chinoises Hate-Incitement Case Near Conclusion
2004-02-11On the afternoon of February 5, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Montreal, Canada held a press conference in Chongshan Park in Chinatown to inform the media and local Chinese community of the verdict issued by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice against Pan Xinchun, a Deputy Chinese Consul in Toronto.
United States: Celebrating with Local Communities, Falun Gong Parade Processions Are Warmly Received In San Francisco
2004-02-11In the U.S., parades in major cities and small towns that Falun Gong practitioners participated in numbered about 100 each year. During these parades, practitioners' elegant and peaceful performance, their banners and truth-clarifying materials, all directly exposed and cleared away lies fabricated by the Jiang's regime.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Chinese New Year Celebration of University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2004-02-09While playing truth-clarifying video programs, the practitioners also demonstrated the exercises continuously, attracting many spectators. Many people had heard about the persecution even before they came to the booth, but they could not understand why Jiang's regime persecutes such a peaceful practice.
United States: Chicago Practitioners Use Big Screen TV to Clarify the Truth In Chinatown
2004-02-09The big screen TV was bought by the Canadian practitioners, and with skilful hands, practitioners designed a stand and a cart that was very useful. The TV played from morning until night, 7 to 8 hours everyday, and the sound and images were very clear even from afar. The TV mainly played short truth clarifying videos, exercise demonstrations, and videos exposing the Jiang regime's lies and the truth about the self-immolation.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa at the Taipei International Book Show
2004-02-09The effect of the exhibition was very good. Not only did many people eagerly take the introductory materials and ask about how to learn the exercises, many people bought the books and tapes to learn Falun Dafa.
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Announce Court's Verdict of Libel against Chinese Deputy Consul General
2004-02-08The press conference was held to inform the media about the court's verdict against Deputy Consul General of China in Toronto, Mr. Pan Xinchun. Toronto Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Joel Chipkar recently filed a libel lawsuit against Pan for libel and Pan was convicted by an Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
Canada: Press Statement from Falun Dafa Association of Canada Calling on the Media, Government, and Society to Help Stop the Anti-Falun Gong Hate Propaganda from the Chinese Regime
2004-02-08"The essence of this judgement tells us that attacking Falun Gong practitioners with the Chinese authorities' hate propaganda and slanderous words is not legal in Canada. In addition, it also tells us that Chinese officials in Canada will be held accountable when they abuse their privileges and commit illegal acts."
United States: Minnesota Minghui Falun Gong School is Founded
2004-02-08The Minnesota Minghui school incorporates the Falun Dafa principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" into its teaching, while it mainly teaches Chinese and introduces traditional Chinese culture. The school also teaches Falun Gong exercises and offers many other activities such as crafts, dancing and games.
Investigative Report: China's Ministry of Culture, Exporting the Persecution of Falun Gong and Participating Chinese Officials of Sino-France Cultural Year Exchange Program
2004-02-07A investigative report showing how Jiang Zemin’s regime monopolizes the Chinese media and manipulates news and information pertaining to falun gong, monitors and controls internet communications to prevent Falun Gong internet activities and also the Ministry of Culture spreading lies and persisting in their persecution against Falun Gong in foreign countries while hosting overseas Chinese cultural activities
Canada: Deputy Consul General of China in Toronto Found Guilty of Libel
2004-02-07This is the first time where a Falun Gong practitioner has brought and won a lawsuit against a Chinese diplomat for persecuting Falun Gong outside of China. This is also the first court case where a Chinese diplomat was sued for slander and spreading hatred against Falun Gong.