World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
United States: Practitioners Participate in Festival Of Giving
2004-02-29Some practitioners came from areas far away, but they didn't want to stop to rest because they didn't want to miss the time to spend with the people. When asked why they participated in this event, a practitioner said he had benefited from Falun Dafa and experienced the sacredness and beauty of Dafa. He wanted to share Dafa with more people.
Canada: Branch of Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners Writes to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Calls for Rescue of Ms. Qiu Yanyan
2004-02-29"We write to call for urgent help to rescue Canadian citizen, Qiu Qingqing's younger sister, Ms. Qiu Yanyan, who is currently detained in Beijing Chaoyang District Detention Centre for practicing Falun Gong."
Taiwan: Promoting Falun Dafa At Chung Hwa Flower Expo
2004-02-29The practitioners volunteered to perform at the expo. They wanted to use music to let people see the beauty of Falun Dafa. One practitioner said, "These music CDs are valuable gifts. They will let people learn the truth of Falun Gong and counter the lies spread by China's State-controlled media."
United States: Boston Falun Gong Practitioners Call for Jiang, Luo, Liu and Zhou to Be Brought to Justice
2004-02-28Holding banners in Boston's Chinatown saying "Bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang to Justice" practitioners exposed these official's crimes of persecuting Falun Gong. They brought the public up to date on lawsuits against Jiang around the world and sang songs to express their wish for all kind people to see the truth.
United States: State Department’s "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" Criticizes China for Backsliding on Human Rights
2004-02-28The 150-page section on China's human rights says that the Chinese government's human rights record remained poor, as it continued to commit numerous and serious abuses. According to the report, the (Chinese) Government continued its persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, and thousands of practitioners remained incarcerated in prisons, extrajudicial re-education-through-labour camps, and psychiatric facilities. Several hundred Falun Gong adherents reportedly have died in detention due to torture, abuse, and neglect since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999.
Taiwan: Several Hundred Thousand People Learn about Falun Dafa at Lantern Festival
2004-02-28Practitioners once again held activities during the lantern show to let more people learn about Falun Dafa. The practitioners' activities received warm response from the public, at least one hundred thousand people accepted Falun Gong leaflets and truth-clarifying materials.
The Epoch Times: U.S. Citizen Detained, Interrogated, Threatened in China
2004-02-27"There were two local policemen, demanding to see my passport," Ms. Ivie said. "One officer wanted to take the passport away with him to make a copy. I did not think it was such a good idea to let the local police take away my American identification."
United States: Clarifying the Truth in Santa Cruz
2004-02-27The greater part of Santa Cruz residents are westerners, with many being quite wealthy. Local practitioners, and those from San Fransisco came to clarify the truth, and let more people know about Falun Dafa. They set up a stand and gave out many truth clarifying materials whilst performing the exercises.
Overseas People from Various Parts of Society Express Their Willingness to Continue to Help Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Xuefei Reunite with Her Husband in the United States
2004-02-27Zhou Xuefei has endured all kinds of physical and mental torment during her 38 months of detention. When Xuefei's family members learned about her sufferings in the labour camp, they were exasperated and vowed to bring those who have tortured Xuefei to justice. Although Xuefei had suffered unimaginable torture, she firmly holds on to her belief in Falun Dafa. Some policemen described her "as solid as a rock."
Explaining the Facts about Falun Dafa during the British Commonwealth of Nations Summit
2004-02-26The British Commonwealth of Nations Summit was held in December of 2003 in Abuja, Nigeria. We were four practitioners from Australia, England and Singapore, who had not had the opportunity to meet before. We first met at the airport. Yet, we were as one body and thus it was amazing in how our coordination efforts allowed us to clarify the truth during the ensuing ten days in a country so dissimilar to our own.
Canada: Practitioners Gather in Montreal as the Lawsuit Against Les Presses Chinoises Enters the Final Phase
2004-02-26The case has gone on for more than two years, and should finally reach a verdict. Dafa practitioners from Toronto and Ottawa, overcoming many difficulties, arrived to work with local practitioners to comprehensively explain the facts to local people and attend the three days of court hearings.
United States: Practitioners Hold Signature Collection to Rescue Charles Li
2004-02-26At noon on February 21, 2004, Kansas practitioners arrived at one of the famous tourist spots in Kansas "Plaza Fountain Park" to collect signatures to rescue Falun Gong practitioner Charles Li. Many passersby took signature collection cards and truth-clarifying flyers, and wished Charles Li to return soon.
Japan: "Journey Of Falun Dafa" Picture Show Opens in Kyoto
2004-02-26The practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to the visitors and taught them exercises. They hope more Japanese people can understand Falun Dafa and become aware of the brutal persecution going on in China through the photograph exhibition.
Hong Kong: Practitioners Appeal to HK Customs Regarding the Ban on Zenon's Entry
2004-02-25On the afternoon of February 20, about 50 Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful appeal outside the Hong Kong customshouse. They delivered a petition letter regarding the ban on the entry of Canadian Falun Gong practitioner, Zenon Dolnyckyj. They urged the Hong Kong authorities not to follow Jiang Zemin's regime to persecute good people.
Taiwan: Clarifying the Truth with Music at the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and the National Palace Museum
2004-02-25The songs that we sang expressed our heartfelt wishes. We hope people will see the beauty of Dafa and learn about the persecution occurring in China. We hope that people will no longer be deceived by the Jiang regime's lies and will not miss this opportunity of a lifetime.