World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Kansas: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Old Settlers Celebration in Johnson County (Photos)
2002-09-14 -
Japan: Appeal to Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs For Yoko Kanekos Release
2002-09-14...Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shigeo Uetake, expressed great concern about this issue. He stated that he would negotiate with the Chinese Government on the proper occasion in order to reach the goal of the early release of Yoko Kaneko.
Practitioner Who Was Brutally Persecuted in a Labour Camp Writes to US President Bush
2002-09-14Mr. President, in China, nobody dares to say fair words for us. I sincerely hope you and your country can stand on the side of justice and help Falun Gong practitioners who are suffering persecution in China.
Australia: Promoting the Fa at the Riverfiesta in Brisbane
2002-09-13On Sunday, September 8, 2002, practitioners participated in the multicultural festival during the Riverfiesta in Brisbane.Left: Children watching practitioners meditating
South Africa: Introducing Falun Dafa at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (Photos)
2002-09-13From August 26 to September 4, 2002, the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg, South Africa.Left: Teaching the Falun Dafa exercises to the attendees of the summit
Montreal: Two Great Falun Dafa Days on a Terrace of a Fruit Market
2002-09-13When the last day was over, everything was packed and we were ready to leave, Dafa music could still be heard on the terrace. We discovered that the music was coming from the florist nearby who had previously come to get a CD of Dafa music.
Australia: Sharing Jane Dai's Story in Brisbane (Photos)
2002-09-13Practitioners in Brisbane, Australia had an opportunity to host Jane Dai for three days to clarify the facts about her husband's death in China. Her husband was tortured to death last year in China. She has travelled the world since to tell her story
Video: Japanese Falun Dafa Practitioners Collect Signatures in Nara to Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2002-09-13On August 24, 2002, Dafa practitioners in Kanto, Japan came to Nara to tell people the truth of what is taking place in China: the wife of a Japanese businessman and Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Yoko Kaneko, is suffering illegal persecution from Jiang's regime because she bravely exposed the lies of the regime and safeguarded the truth of Falun Dafa.The main text contains a video of activities in Nara.
Practitioners Bring a Special Message to New Hampshire and Vermont Towns -- September 6-9 (Photos)
2002-09-12From Friday through Monday (September 6-9), Falun Gong practitioners from New England demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises to thousands of residents in many towns in northern New Hampshire and Vermont.
Las Vegas:Practitioners from Expose the Persecution at the City Council Meeting (Photos)
2002-09-12On September 4, 2002, at the Las Vegas City council meeting, two local Falun Dafa practitioners exposed and condemned the Jiang regime's disregard of the United Nations International Convenant on Human Rights...
Minnesota: Falun Dafa Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Collect Petition Signatures at the Labour Day Picnic (Photos)
2002-09-12 -
Indiana: Practitioners Clarify the Truth During the Indy 2002 Basketball World Championship
2002-09-11In early autumn, Indianapolis welcomed flocks of friends from afar. The Indy 2002 Basketball World Championship was held here and sixteen teams from different parts of the world, including Team China, competed for the championship.
Toronto: Practitioners Spread Dafa at Brock University
2002-09-11On September 3, 2002 Brock University's new college term started, and the university organised a three-day celebration activity. All the student clubs and organizations, including the Falun Gong Club, set up booths.
Los Angeles: Practitioners Attend Pasadena Community Health Fair (Photo)
2002-09-11In the morning of September 7, 2002 practitioners from Pasadena participated in a Health Fair organised by a city council member Mr. Victor Gordor.
Letter from the Washington DC Falun Dafa Association to Japan's Foreign Minister
2002-09-11"Ms. Kaneko is one of the many Falun Gong practitioners being abused. Chinese authorities in Beijing illegally arrested her for her passing out flyers about the "truth of Falun Gong" on Beijing streets in May this year..We respectfully request that the Japanese Government help in rescuing Ms.Yoko Kaneko from her dire life-threatening condition."