Open Discussion
People in Shenyang Openly Discuss the Contents of a Falun Dafa Documentary Video Spliced into the Beijing Satellite TV System
2004-12-02Another gentleman saw a factual VCD about Falun Gong before, but he had feared discussing it with others and said, "Don't ever tell others I saw the VCD." This time, he changed completely; he told everyone he met: "The TV network broadcast a program about Falun Gong! Falun Gong is remarkable!"
Third Party Commentary: What "Internationally Recognised Rules" Does Jiang Zemin and his Regime Respect?
2004-12-01The attitude of the Party regarding the June 4th 1989 massacre of students at Tiananmen Square severely violated the Chinese Constitution and International Covenants. When rock solid evidence is placed before them, their devious nature is exposed. Fifteen years ago, when Jiang Zemin was interviewed by a foreign journalist about a female college student that survived the June 4th incident, only to be raped in a forced labour camp, Jiang's comment was, "Serves her right!"
Interviews with Falun Dafa Practitioners in Manhattan: "Then you had better distribute the handouts quickly! The more the better!"
2004-12-01When I returned to the United States a Falun Dafa practitioner noted, "You have changed!" I asked, "How have I changed?" She said, "You have many fewer wrinkles and the dark specks on your skin have disappeared." In just a few months the change has been that great. The more commendable thing was that I had improved my ethics and character. I used to be very ill tempered. After several incidents I discovered that I no longer lost my temper so quickly
Safeguarding Falun Dafa Books Results in Good Fortune
2004-12-01She remembered that a Falun Dafa practitioner had once asked her to help safeguard some Falun Dafa books. This friend followed the old woman to her home and to look at the books. When he flipped open the first page and pointed to the photograph of the founder of Falun Gong, he asked the old woman, "Is this the person you dreamt of?" She said repeatedly, "Yes! That's him!"
The Thoughts of a Kindhearted Policeman in China
2004-11-30Judging from the behaviour of Falun Gong practitioners, I can tell they are good people. Some of them are even exemplary citizens. They gauge their behaviour with compassion. I have been a policeman for many years, and I have seen the bright side, as well as the ugly side of this profession. As a guardian of society, I can help promote the kind and punish the evil. However, I know that some police abuse their power and do dirty things that harm the interests of society.
Tapping into the TV System to Broadcast Factual Videos About Falun Gong Is a Form of Peaceful Resistance against State-Run Terrorism
2004-11-29Jiang's faction has blocked all legal channels that Falun Gong practitioners could use to appeal for themselves, so why don't people think about the reason behind the blockade? It's because Jiang's faction is afraid of the truth being told! That is the reason why it is both important and urgent to restore the people's right to know, establish the righteous position in people's minds for "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" and to put an end to the slander and spread of hatred.
Historic Photos: Large Falun Dafa Group Practice at Hebei Province in China Between 25th of April and 20th of July 20, 1999
2004-11-29 -
Justice Shall Prevail: Unprecedented Class Action Suit Filed by 241 Family Members of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-11-28On the 8th of November, 241 family members of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China have filed lawsuits with the National People's Congress, the Supreme People's Prosecuting Bureau and the Judicial Department, The High Prosecutor for Hunan Province, the Hunan Province Judicial Department, and prosecutors and judicial departments at the city level.
A 14-Year-Old Girl: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance are Forever in My Heart"
2004-11-28One day I when went to my mother's place after school, I saw that her place had been turned upside down. My sister told me that many people came and took away our family's belongings and all of the Falun Dafa books. They also took my mother away. I ran outside and my tears could not stop flowing when I thought about my mother. I remembered the three words my mother had told me: "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance."
More and More People in Manhattan Come to See the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-11-28As I stood on a pavement and handed out some materials containing the true facts about Falun Gong, a taxi driver waved at me to come over to him. I went over to him, and he said to me, “Could you please give me all the materials that you have in your hands? I’d like to put them in a pocket behind the front seats. I want all my passengers to learn about Falun Gong.” He said that he had been watching us for several days and thought we were a special group of people, commenting that we were very peaceful and very compassionate. He said, “I want to help you.”
An Appeal to Conscience on Universal Children's Day
2004-11-27In China, a great number of children have encountered discrimination and threats because their parents practise Falun Gong. Many have lost their parents and other relatives, as well as the opportunity to continue their studies. Some of them have been illegally imprisoned and beaten, some have been forced to become homeless, and some have even been tortured to death.
Does Hu Jintao have the Courage to Stop the Malicious Persecution?
2004-11-27The Shenyang City Department of Justice issued a "Most Wanted" poster, describing Ms. Gao as "relatively thin, weighing only eighty-eight pounds, with obvious scars on the left side of her face, and cannot walk by herself." This poster proves that Ms. Gao only "weighs eighty-eight pounds," and "cannot walk" due to the torture she was subjected to.
Propagandists in China under Investigation; Chinese Social Science Academy at the Top of the List
2004-11-26According to human rights organisations, it is confirmed through investigation that the Chinese Social Science Academy and its branches have established organisations and institutions specialised in studying the ideology to be used in the anti-Falun Gong movement. Those organisations have used their power under the guise of academic research to slander Falun Gong, instigate hatred towards it, and implement tactics to persecute it. They are also suspected of having influenced other authorities to use mental hospitals to torture Falun Gong practitioners with nerve-damaging drugs.
Exposing the Misconduct of Overseas Chinese Embassies and Consulates
2004-11-26Beginning in 1999, the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin led a campaign out of his own personal pettiness and jealousy to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Since then, the Chinese Consulate in Australia has openly intimidated practitioners, made telephone threats, harassed private residents, and destroyed personal property. They frequently reject practitioners' passport renewal requests, sometimes even confiscate their passports, and blacklist practitioners.
What Chinese Dictator Jiang and His Followers Fear Most Is Their Atrocities Being Exposed
2004-11-25It is a very severe blow to the Jiang faction that an overseas mainstream media has taken up the forbidden subject of Falun Gong, exposed the truth of the persecution and even added a commentary article expressing the intent to continue investigating this issue. If the media persists like this, following the principles of truth and justice, it may greatly influence the whole world. It may become a torch for justice and human rights, collecting the strength of the world to bring Jiang to a historic trial.