Open Discussion
An Open Letter from an Overseas Chinese National in the UK to Officials in Chongqing City, China
2004-11-17Now over 10,000 perpetrators were listed by the International Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong. The names of many officials and police in Chongqing City appear on the “List of Perpetrators.” Once one’s name is recorded on the “List of Perpetrators,” they will be arrested when travelling abroad. Besides, the perpetrators, just like the World War II prisoners, will be brought to the court; the perpetrators will face lawsuits against them just like the evil police who were shot to death for their crimes committed during the Cultural Revolution.
In Order to Be Practitioners, We Have to Be Good People First - Falun Gong's Impact on Society
2004-11-16Chang Su-shing teaches students earnestly and tirelessly and has been frequently recognised by educational units. She was awarded first place in a teacher evaluation among junior high schools at Kaohsiung. The Ministry of Education also acknowledged her because of her outstanding performance. In 2002, the Bureau of Education in Kaohsiung proclaimed Chang Su-shing as an "Extraordinary Teacher."
Modern Crucifixion: Persecutors Nail a Falun Gong Practitioner's Hands and Feet to a Wood Board
2004-11-16Guards in Xinyu Detention Centre of Jiangxi Province hammered 7-inch (~18cm) long spikes through her hands and ankles in July. It was reported earlier that Ms. Dong was abducted to the Xinyu Detention Centre after her home was illegally ransacked. It was said that she was severely tortured for three days and then nailed to a wood board by the authorities because she refused to denounce Falun Gong.
Overcoming the Radio Broadcast Jamming Facilities Bought and Installed by the Chinese Authorities at Huge Expense
2004-11-15It was reported that the Chinese Communist Party regime has installed a high-power antenna in Kashi, Xinjiang Province, and also installed similar facilities in more than 10 other areas including Hainan, Nanjing, Urumqi and Kunming. These facilities include 500-kilowatt transmitters (type TSW2500) and ALLISS huge 360-degree-rotational tower antennas to transmit short wave frequencies. They use "sky wave" jamming technology to eliminate the foreign media's possible influence on Chinese people.
A Fatal Attack on China's Economy - Condemning Jiang Zemin and his Regime's Misappropriation of Vast Amounts of Money to Persecute Falun Gong
2004-11-14Be it in financing the national debt or putting the money in the bank, the people's concern is whether or not they can get back their principal and interest when the time is due. Be it issuance of national debt, a raise in the interest rate or attracting foreign investments, those in power are hoping to alleviate the economic crisis. However, what China is encountering now is a huge economic black hole as a result from the five-year long persecution of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
The Chinese Prison System I Know
2004-11-13When higher authorities come to inspect, the centre does something to ensure a favourable review. For example, there is usually no meat for the inmates, but during the inspection a big slice of meat will be put into every inmate's bowl. But the inmates are told beforehand, "You are not allowed to eat it!" Then when the inspection is over, all the meat is collected. Some inmates were so starved that they ate the meat. As a result, they were beaten first, then thrown into a pool to soak, then exposed to the hot sun.
China's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp Officials Plot to Deceive Investigators from the UN International Labour Organisation
2004-11-13It was hard, solemn, and stirring to make the choice, because they hoped to take the rare chance to tell the international community the truth. But on the other hand they were worried about his safety. Meanwhile, some other Falun Gong practitioners, ignoring their life or death situation, were ready to rush out to meet the visitors in order to tell them the inside story about the persecution.
How the Former President of China Jiang Zemin and his Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong is in Violation of the Law
2004-11-10The Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong has not only violated international human rights principles, but also severely violated the current Chinese Constitution and Laws. In order to deceive the public, Jiang Zemin has gone all out in taking advantage of superficial regulations to cover up his real motives, and disguised with the so-called "legal" lingo, he has brutally trampled human rights. In this paper, I will analyse how the persecution of Falun Gong is in direct violation of Chinese Law from several perspectives.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Outside China: Phone Tapping
2004-11-08Tapping the phones of Falun Gong practitioners outside of China by Chinese embassies is a common practice, as there are numerous cases to prove this, some of which are evidence in lawsuits against the former president of China Jiang Zemin and the Chinese embassies. The persecution of Falun Gong is obviously not limited to China; there are officials and staff of the Chinese embassies and consulates putting a large amount of effort into the monitoring of Falun Gong practitioners' phone conversations outside of China.
Physically Weak and Suffering from Insomnia for Decades, My Life Changed After Practicing Falun Gong
2004-11-08After being weak and unhappy for decades, my life changed completely. I felt so much better and could eat all kinds of foods that I dared not eat before. My wife remarked over and over on how much better I looked. When I rode my bike to my brother's place, I did not feel as tired as I was before. On the next day, I could still ride my bike to go to my other brother's place. My face turned a ruddy colour, and my weight also increased to a healthy level. Everyone around me was amazed by my dramatic improvement.
A Life Beset With Chronic Illness Is Renewed by Falun Dafa
2004-11-07I lay in bed, without being able to get up, for more than four months. Looking at my husband and daughter who were both tired and worried, and looking at my own condition, I felt that I would rather die. Bedridden day in day out, I would not have survived without the aid of the injections. I was a huge burden to my husband and daughter. At one point, one of my neighbours helped to prepare for my funeral.
Why is Falun Gong Important to People All Over the World?
2004-11-05In 1992, Falun Gong was introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi. Those who have been close to Falun Gong practitioners would attest to the inherent goodness of this practice, and how it has completely changed people for the better. Through the practice, elderly people have become healthier, couples on the verge of divorce were brought back together, selfish and crafty businessmen changed to follow more upright business ethics, and young men and women enticed by the deviated notions of today's youth stopped indulging in self-destructive activities and became noble men and women.
Is the "Six Prohibitions" Notice Announced in July of 1999 Included in the Recent Termination of Illegal Policies by the Ministry of Public Security?
2004-11-05Article 35 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China states: "The citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy the freedom of speech, publication, association, parade, and demonstration." The "Six Prohibitions" deprived citizens of their freedom of association, demonstration, and speech. The Constitution is the overall law of the nation. Any other laws or local regulations contradicting the Constitution should not be enforceable.
Falun Gong Practice Enabled Me to Say Goodbye to the Oxygen Tank and Wheelchair
2004-11-03Before I took up the practice of Falun Dafa, I was in a dire situation, afflicted with numerous illnesses. Indeed, there was not a spot on my body that didn't hurt. My lung function was about 30% of that of a normal person and I relied on an oxygen tank to breathe. It was difficult for me to eat and speak as I was extremely weak, and I had to live while relying on an oxygen tank and a wheel chair.
Gain from Misfortune: Experience of a Breast Cancer Survivor
2004-11-02The five exercises were very easy to learn. I found that what was more important was to cultivate one's heart, measuring oneself by the universal characteristic of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. We needed to get rid of our attachments to self, jealousy and when conflicts happen, look inward. If we could do that, we would achieve a peaceful mind and good health. Our Teacher specifically taught us not to be involved in politics, and not to treat patients. Through our own cultivation, one will achieve good health.