Open Discussion
Use of Brainwashing Programs Highlighted by Persecution of Famous Doctor
2004-08-01As a result of this heroic action, the kindhearted doctor was detained at a brainwashing centre run by the Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Central Committee. This organisation is under Jiang's control, the same individual who reaped the benefits of the massacre on June 4, 1989. Dr. Jiang Yanyong has captured the world's attention. Even so, Jiang's group still abducted him and has forced him to be subjected to brainwashing without the restriction of laws or moral principles. This case reflects the brutal nature of Jiang Zemin's group.
Jiang, the Former President of China, Instills Hatred Towards Falun Gong in Students via the Educational System
2004-07-31As a result of the campaign in schools, many student or teachers who practice Falun Gong are expelled from school, detained or even sentenced to prison terms. Another result of the campaign is that a huge number of students are deceived to harbour hatred towards Falun Gong.
The Ban on Falun Gong -- a Dictator's Whim, Not the Rule of Law (Part I)
2004-07-31First, this announcement totally violated the Chinese Constitution that guarantees freedom of belief, association, and assembly. The Constitution also guarantees that Chinese citizens have the right to appeal and to defend themselves. The Constitution is the fundamental law of China. The announcement from the Public Security Department violates the Constitution, so it doesn't have any legal effect.
Voices of Latvian Falun Dafa Practitioners: "Falun Dafa is Good!"
2004-07-30On the anniversary of the five year persecution of Falun Gong in China, we as Falun Gong practitioners in Latvia, stood in our practise site in Riga Park to remember all the Chinese People in the world. We would like to express our support and respect for Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China who firmly believe in Dafa.
A Policeman from a Chinese Prison Exposes How Guards Torture Falun Gong Practitioners Behind the Scenes
2004-07-29In his letter, he said frankly, "I have been in contact with these practitioners for a few years. In the past, I also had misunderstandings about them and I even participated in the persecution. However, as time goes by, I see hope and a bright future in them. ... As a policeman serving the interest of the people, if I do not step forward to say a few words to uphold justice, I would indeed have a guilty conscience."
My Friend, the Hotdog Vendor
2004-07-29Before I finished speaking, he said to me loudly, "Peng You, Peng You." After repeating it twice, I realised that he was calling me "friend" in Chinese. I was very surprised and he said, "You can put them wherever you like." Afterwards, he took me around his stand and pointed to all the places where I could post the pamphlets and also said that I could cover all the spaces. I then asked, "Can I really put them anywhere?" The owner replied, "As long as you think this is important."
The Jiang Regime's Use of "Psychiatry"
2004-07-27Over the past five years, Jiang's regime has abused the psychiatric field to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. This has been a two-pronged campaign. First, they falsely attributed heinous crimes committed by mentally ill people in society to Falun Gong practitioners. Second, the authorities labelled mentally healthy practitioners as mental patients so that they can send them to mental hospitals and institutions to persecute them.
Attempt to Arrest Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Causes Public Outcry against Police Officers
2004-07-27In August of 2003, Liu Gongping the deputy head of the Xincun Police Station who personally controls the persecution of Falun Gong went with other officers to arrest Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Wangxiang. Ms. Hu lives in the Yuanyi Residential Area. People who observed this incident became outraged. Under pressure of from the public's anger, Liu Gongping left two people behind to monitor the area and left with the other policemen.
Revisiting Jiang and His Followers' Crimes in Severely Violating the Chinese Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to Persecute Falun Gong
2004-07-26The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone is entitled to various rights such as: the right to life, liberty and security of person, the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law, the right to own property alone as well as in association with others, the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
The Truth Causes the "Great Barrier" to Crumble
2004-07-26A Native American Chief from Arizona said to Falun Gong practitioners, "I represent many Native American tribal people in the U.S. and am a witness to this most evil persecution in human history. So are the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars. In the divine world, we live on this motherland in harmony and peace. The persecution brings hurt and sorrow to my heart. We wish the Great Spirit to be together with you and your country to end this persecution. Let's step onto the beautiful homeward journey."
Five Years of Illegal Persecution Against Falun Gong Undermines China's Morality
2004-07-25Fortunately, the majority of Falun Gong practitioners have persisted in their belief of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, including some who went astray under the Jiang regime's violent brainwashing but later returned to practice Falun Gong once again. These practitioners are putting on displaying the power of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance with their words and actions, and they use various methods to clarify the truth to people. Jiang and his followers are faced with total failure.
After Five Years of Persecution, People's Attitude Have Changed from Worrying when Falun Gong Would be Defeated to Discussing when the Persecution Will End
2004-07-25If we only look at a moment in history, often we feel the victim is too weak to oppose the persecutor. However, if we look at the entire history, we find that the victim often defeats the persecutor. The reason is that what determines the outcome of the battle is not the power, but which side gains the world's support. The Roman Empire was once very powerful; however, its persecution of Christians led to its destruction. Now Christianity is in prosperity. Hitler killed Jewish people, but now Nazis are despised everywhere and Jewish people are prospering.
My Rheumatoid Arthritis Disappeared after I Began Practicing Falun Gong
2004-07-25After that, the employers at my company saw that I had a serious disease and sent me to recuperate at the Tanggangzi Clinic in Anshan, Liaoning province. In the third month of recovery, I returned home because of my heart disease. Soon after I arrived, I became paralyzed and could not lead a regular life by myself. My legs were swollen and bruised. If you pressed on the leg, at that point a depression would form. If water was poured into the depression, it would be absorbed.
Awaking to the Reality: Interview with a UK Practitioner about the Anti-Torture Exhibition
2004-07-24The graphic make up and the mock-up torture devices of the anti-torture exhibition outside the Houses or Parliament on July 18th had a profound effect not only on the intended audience of tourists who passed by, but also on the participants. For Zek Halu, a Falun Gong practitioner from London, participating that day continued a process which had begun when he read the story of a Falun Gong practitioner who’s face was destroyed through seven hours of repeated shocks with electric batons
Falun Dafa Rebuilds A Moral Foundation and Holds Eternal Hope for Mankind
2004-07-24After these five years, people are surprised to see that Falun Gong has tenaciously survived the most barbaric, most vicious and most over-powering persecution in the history of human civilisation. Falun Gong practitioners never did anything wrong; not only that - Falun Gong is widely practised in China and in many other parts around the world. This is the only civilian organisation that the CCP hasn't been able to destroy in all of its political movements.