Benefits from the Practice
Facing A Death Sentence from Liver Cancer, Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2005-09-30My recovery greatly amazed my family and friends. For a long time, people were forced to be quiet and obedient under the evil party's high pressure. Now they are amazed by the miraculous effect that has been unveiled before them. With the support of my second sister, my family members have learnt the truth and now believe in Falun Dafa. Four of us have now started to practise Falun Gong.
How Can Uterine Cancer Disappear in Just Three Weeks?
2005-09-29One day, all of a sudden, she thought of her mother who was over 70 years old. Her mother had been practising "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," the principles of Falun Gong, for more than eight years. Her mother had been very ill and weak before learning the practice. She used to drink wine with every meal, three times a day. When she saw her kids, she would cry in front of them. Her son and daughter wanted to see her but they were simply afraid to. Ever since she began practising Falun Gong however, she got rid of her drinking habit and fully recovered. Now she is very healthy and well known in the village.
A Westerner's Experience of Practising Falun Dafa
2005-09-22I began to wonder how the founder of the practice knew so much about so many things and gradually the realisation came to me of the greatness of this Master and the principles taught in Falun Dafa. I experienced no sudden conversion. Rather the truth came to me like a beautiful dawn on a spring morning. I will not give you any specific account of my attachments eliminated or my improvement in health but what I will say is that I only realised the changes in me by reflecting retrospectively on my progress after some time.
How I Came to Know Falun Dafa
2005-09-18I came to know Falun Dafa in May of 2001 in Orlando Florida. I'm originally from New York City. When I arrived in Florida it was with goals and dreams of a better life and much anxiety for change. I experienced a lot growing up in New York, both good and bad, but until I moved to Florida I never thought I'd find some real goals to achieve that would make my life take on a new meaning. It is Falun Dafa that gave my life new meaning.
Recovering from Leukaemia Thanks to Falun Dafa
2005-09-17After hearing this, my husband went to the side and cried by himself. During the third round of chemotherapy, I went to the Second Hospital to visit my son, accompanied by my three sisters. On the way I told myself that regardless what condition my son was in, I would not cry in front of him. After I saw my son in this painful condition lying on the hospital bed, I pretended that I was happy to see him, while my heart bled. I could not let my son see my heartbroken face. My three sisters could not stand to watch and so they left the room to cry outside.
How I Started to Practise Falun Dafa
2005-09-14The basic teaching of Falun Dafa is simple: Keep upgrading myself by living in accordance of the universal characteristics of Zhen Shan Ren, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance which Falun Dafa teaches are the true characteristics of the entire universe and of every human being. Don't fight with others. View others through the eyes of kindness and compassion. Diminish your attachments. Work hard but don't compete and stress for personal interest. Accept and understand others for who they are and look within to cultivate myself and live a peaceful life.
Indian Practitioner: Falun Dafa Changed My Life and Allowed Me to Become a PhD Student in a Renowned U.S. University
2005-09-11From a sick, weak and timid individual tired of life just before I started to practise Falun Gong, my life has completely changed. I am now illness-free, healthier, more confident in myself, hard working and honest - and a PhD student in a top university.
A Businessman from Italy Tells "How I Started to Practise Falun Dafa"
2005-09-09A sudden warm happiness filled my mind and my heart. I was quiet and excited at the same time. Finally I had a sign - I thought - finally I was shown the way I had been desperately searching for so long time. It couldn't be by chance. It had to be predestination. There was no doubt in my mind and that was the moment my Falun Dafa journey began. I began to study the Falun Gong teachings by downloading Master Li's books and scriptures, slowly learning the five slow moving and meditative Falun Gong exercises, all on my own.
Seeing "Pure Heart Clear Mind" on TV Was a Life-Changing Experience for Me
2005-09-08My brother and I began following the exercises as the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li, demonstrated them. While I was exercising I felt incomparably wonderful. My body was vibrating and I could feel pain and then immediate energy and power. When I smoked marijuana I became mute and could not talk well because my thoughts were deep and zoned out. After I began practising I felt real energy in my body and I could use all my functions clearheadedly. I was tremendously delighted. Amazing changes kept happening as I kept going, and it was only the beginning.
Irish Practitioner's First Experience Doing the Exercises: "The Energy Field Was Extraordinary"
2005-09-06I still remember when I was taught the first exercise. After the first position, "Maitreya Straightening His Back," I turned my hands and felt a very strong resistance against the movement of my hands. The energy field was extraordinary and it was like I was moving my hands in water.
Western Practitioner: "Learning these exercises truly changed my life..."
2005-09-05Learning these exercises truly changed my life from that day on. Another amazing thing happened to me; at that time I was also a smoker. I had been smoking for some 20 plus years. However, after just learning and doing these simple exercises that first morning, I have never had a cigarette since. In fact I very rarely ever even thought about smoking after that morning. I had tried everything before to quit, I mean everything, from patches, to hypnosis, chewing gum, cold turkey, acupuncture, you name it. But I still could not maintain the willpower to quit. However, after this one morning, that was the end of my smoking habit.
A Westerner's Journey to Falun Gong
2005-09-04I had a quarrelsome heart while reading the book, instead of seeking understanding. Little did I know at the time, that Falun Dafa was not something that can be understood from an everyday viewpoint as it was an everyday viewpoint that brought me so much difficulty and limitation. For example, those who seek wealth and comfort are often plagued by worry about their ability to maintain their security. Those seeking fame are anxious of what others think of them. However, I felt something very special about the content of Zhuan Falun so I continued to read.
A Life-Threatening Illness Miraculously Disappears Thanks to Falun Gong
2005-09-04They decided she would eventually have to have both of her legs amputated, but lying on the hospital bed, Ms. Chen could only think that she would rather die than have the amputation. They could do nothing for her though, except to keep her going by giving her shots and medication. Under these circumstances, she stayed in Beijing until December 26th. When she was leaving for home, the doctors told her family members that she had less than two years to live.
My Spiritual Journey to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance"
2005-09-01My spiritual journey began back in 1973 in Australia after leaving an upper middle class private school education system the previous year and feeling quite disillusioned with life. My girlfriend at the time took me to the only vegetarian restaurant in Sydney. I ended up working there and my life took a dramatic change for the better. The owner of the restaurant introduced me to the I-Ching (Book of Changes) and I instantly had a rapport with the ancient Chinese text and used the book for decades. I also studied under an Indian Yogi and did several years of intense yoga.
A Pilot Finds a New Kind of Freedom Through Falun Gong
2005-08-27She realized these were just surface things and the final solution must come from her mind and her soul. The answer was on the spiritual level. Therefore she started to learn Buddhist scriptures. In one of the Buddhist Scriptures she learned that at the very beginning of the universe, there was nothing except the most primitive wisdom.