Benefits from the Practice
A Western Practitioner's Experience Sharing Report: What It Takes to Get Out There
2004-06-07After only three months I was playing guitar again. The most amazing part of this healing story was that after three years away from the guitar, I reacquainted myself with the instrument extremely quickly. I auditioned at a prestigious music school in New York City only a few months after I started to play again and was accepted! Dafa has truly given me my life back!
Elderly Lady from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province Regains her Vision After Beginning to Practise Falun Gong
2004-06-05In November 2003, I listened to Teacher Li's Falun Gong lectures. After that, my body got better every day and all the symptoms went away. On the 15th of the Chinese New Year of 2004, the eye with cataracts could suddenly see again. Later I was able to see letters on playing cards, which I used to play. Now, I feel that my body is light and I am extremely happy. I would like to use my personal experience to tell everyone in the world that Falun Dafa is good!
Some Thoughts about the Importance of Group Fa-Study and Practice
2004-06-03Group practice and group Fa-study are the forms of Falun Dafa cultivation that Teacher has left for us from the very beginning, and are things that cannot be changed. Every Falun Dafa practitioner has followed Teacher's requirements at the beginning and has made constant progress this way. It is because my thoughts were not righteous that I had not met Teacher's requirements and my cultivation went off course.
Looking Back: Attending Teacher's Lectures in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
2004-06-01I felt that what Teacher talked about was something I had never heard before, such as we must strive to be a good person, to be better than a good person, never hit back when being cursed or hit by others, be considerate of others, put others' interests ahead of orselves, seek from within whenever conflicts arise with others, etc. I found that very refreshing.
Precious Moment, Eternal Memory
2004-06-01In 1988, a qigong association was set up in my college. The association invited some local qigong masters to give qigong performances. Those people always rode a car to and from the college, and ordinary students could not even get close to them. The time when I met Master, he was already a renowned qigong master nationally; however, he did not ride in a car, nor did he have any escorts. Master just walked steadily into the auditorium to give his lectures, naturally and amiably, his extraordinary bearing manifested in his gentleness.
Remembering When Teacher Taught the Fa in Changchun
2004-05-30I felt I was going too slow and started to feel anxious. At the same time an attachment of fear emerged. I feared that I was falling behind, and I feared how other practitioners would look at me if I could not finish the work on time. Then, the tape player stopped working and I had to get a new one. In the end, I was far behind and needed help from other practitioners. I was the last one to finish the work. At that time we knew Teacher was going to turn the lectures into a book we would use to study the Fa. We did not know this precious book would be named Zhuan Falun.
A Family in China Experiences the Wonders of Dafa
2004-05-30Unfortunately, the VCD player was broken. They had a couple of repairmen come and it was still not fixed. The parents said: "Let's forget it. It is not that important." She said, "No, you have to see the truth. Once you know the facts, you will go and tell others. The fact that my health has recovered is the best evidence." As she spoke she plugged the VCD player cord into an outlet. To their surprise, the machine started to work again. They played the disk for a whole hour, with very clear pictures and sound. When they later tried to play a movie, the machine failed again.
Recalling the Grand Experience Sharing Conferences and Group Activities in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province
2004-05-29When practitioners were talking about their remarkable physical and mental changes and their moral elevation after they took up the cultivation of Dafa, their talks were frequently interrupted by sobs or applause. The hearts of all practitioners combined into one whether they were speaking on the stage or sitting around listening. That was the best time in my life and I felt really fortunate to have obtained such a good thing as Falun Dafa.
My Sister-in-Law Clarifies the Truth About Falun Dafa With Her Honest Behaviour
2004-05-27My sister-in-law is over 30 years old. Since she started practising Falun Gong, her diseases disappeared, she is more forgiving, and more even-tempered. She used to argue with my parents over trivial matters. After practising Dafa, she apologised to my parents about her behaviour and past wrongdoings. My brother noticed the positive changes and is supportive of her practising Dafa.
Remembering the Days When Teacher Expounded the Teachings of Falun Gong in Chongqing
2004-05-26Teacher's meals were very simple and he was never into big meals. Sometimes he had a small bowl of noodles. Chongqing people like to eat hot peppers. Whether it is noodles or soup, they put hot peppers in it. Once Teacher had noodles for lunch and the restaurant owner did not know that Teacher was a Northerner and therefore did not eat hot peppers. He put a lot of hot peppers in the noodles. Teacher's face was sweating all over from the spicy food. Nevertheless, Teacher didn't say anything. He just quietly finished eating the small bowl of noodles.
Strange Disease of A PhD Student at Purdue University Cured Through Practising Falun Gong
2004-05-24My parents are close to 60 years old: they had to support themselves and my younger brother and sister with their limited pension. It would be a big burden on them if they were to pay the medical costs caused by my disease. I thought of suicide. I decided to travel to the Grand Canyon. There I panned to end my life by jumping down from a cliff. I wrote a will and searched the internet at the same time to book a ticket to the Grand Canyon. At that time, I was full of despair because of the pain I was suffering.
Seeing Teacher in Person; "Continue Cultivating with Renewed Diligence and Vitality"
2004-05-23After every lecture, Teacher would instruct us in the Falun Gong exercises. As we practiced the newly learned exercises, Teacher would slowly walk around the entire stadium, checking on us at the same time. That stadium must have accommodated up to a thousand people, but everyone was so quiet, and I could sense Teacher's soft gaze falling on each of us. Every day before class began, many senior practitioners would stand outside the stadium awaiting Teacher's arrival. At the time, I never realised just how precious this time was!
The Wish to Save Oneself Trouble is Selfish
2004-05-20This attachment has been deep-seated within me for a long time. It becomes evident by the way I help others. I always think of myself first. If it doesn’t cost me much to help others, I will agree to help. If I need to go out of my way to help someone, I will try to come up with a solution that is easy for me while only solving the person’s problem partially. In my mind I call it a win-win situation because I’ve helped others and saved myself a lot of trouble. Now that I think of it, I have never put myself in others’ shoes.
Talking to a Western Practitioner who Regularly Hands Out Flyers in London's Chinatown
2004-05-08Many Falun Gong practitioners around the world take the time and effort to go to Chinatowns to clarify the facts about Falun Gong to the people there. Edward is a 26-year-old physics graduate who lives in London, and frequently goes to Chinatown. He was interviewed by a Clearharmony reporter.
I Was the Only Survivor of Fourteen Leukaemia Patients Because I Practiced Falun Dafa
2004-05-08No matter who it was who knew my situation, they said, "You are still alive!" I replied, "this is because I have practiced Falun Gong. It is my teacher who saved my life from the brink of death. Now I have already lived another ten years, and it is Dafa that cured my chronic lymphatic leukaemia." Our whole family could not find the words to express "how good Falun Dafa is!" My son is a doctor and he said: "Father! In our hospital, there were fourteen leukaemia patients, but you are the only survivor. Falun Dafa has really demonstrated a miracle, and it is really a supernormal human science. In the near future, I will learn the exercises from you."