Benefits from the Practice
Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2005-04-30The unexpected happiness of our family attracted neighbours, friends, and people who believed in Buddhism to our house. Some people asked me "How did you regain your life?" Some people jokingly asked, "How much did you hand out under the table in order to cheat death?" I said, "I did not go to the hospital, I did not take medicine, and I did not have any injections. Falun Dafa saved me. All I did was recite 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and Falun Dafa are good' for eight days and my illness was gone."
Family and Medical Staff Witness the Miracle of Falun Dafa
2005-04-27At my family's encouragement I went to have a medical examination on November 9th, 2004. The resulting indicators showed my condition was back to normal. The doctors and my family were happy. I clarified the truth to the experts and professors, telling them how I miraculously fully recovered, to a state better than a normal person, only because I cultivated in Falun Dafa.
My Recovery from a Terminal Illness: A Cancer Survivor's Story
2005-04-26It is November now. I have survived through October, the month in which my doctor expected that I would die. I did not die. Instead, I am much healthier. The clerk from the village health department took me to a city hospital for another examination. The doctor asked: "Can the patient get up from his bed?" The doctor couldn't believe that the result of the CT exam was correct. She asked me with confusion: "How could you have such strong immunity? Did you take any other medicine?" After she heard the details of how I became healthy, she praised Falun Dafa as being something very marvellous.
Doctor: "Falun Dafa Is Just Miraculous!"
2005-04-26Seeing the radiant glow on my face, my colleagues asked me what kind of makeup I was using or if I had been receiving facials on a regular basis. I was happy to tell them, "It's because I have cultivated in Falun Dafa and practise the exercises." They felt it was strange when they heard this and asked me, "Is it really so miraculous?" I said that it was true, and that I hadn't needed to take any medication since I started practising Falun Dafa.
I Read A Falun Gong Book Three Times and Regained My Health
2005-04-23My wife, who often looked after me, was not well either, and she suffered from several chronic ailments. After my wife had seen the transformation in me, she began to study Falun Gong. All her chronic diseases went away, and she regained her health. She said cheerfully: "Falun Dafa is great!" From then on, my wife and I studied the Falun Gong teachings every day, and we both started to practise Falun Gong. Now, we are always in a good mood and do not need to worry about our medical expenses any more.
Mr. Sun Finds His Way Out of a Desperate Situation by Studying Falun Dafa
2005-04-20From these materials, Mr. Sun found the things that this is what he had been looking for and realised that only the practise of Falun Dafa could save him. After reading the materials, Mr. Sun's leg started to have circulation again and wasn't as painful anymore. His leg changed from black to red, and the festering areas started to contract. Two weeks later he could get out of bed and walk with a stick and take care of himself again.
Liver Cancer Cured without Treatment
2005-04-18My health returned and no trace of sickness could be seen. My complexion turned from dark and yellowish, to rosy and fair. I weighed only 114 kilos (250 lbs) during hospitalisation. But my weight increased to 122 kilos (268 lbs) in one month. Now I feel light and energetic when I walk. Many people said to me, "The hospitals must've misdiagnosed you." I told them, "The two hospitals I visited both diagnosed me with cancer. There was no mistake. I am so healthy now because I practise Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa Benefited Me Both Mentally and Physically
2005-04-17I noticed that the bank gave me 3,000 yuan too much by accident. I returned to the bank right away, and explained the situation. I told them that I practised Falun Gong, and that I could not keep the extra money, and that I wanted to return it. If I were not a Falun Gong practitioner, I probably would not have done so. The staff said, "Who said Falun Gong is not good? See how good Falun Gong practitioners are!"
Two Stories of Amazing Improvements to Both Mind and Body
2005-04-15One day in 1997, a person asked me to listen to the lectures by Teacher Li Hongzhi. The more I listened to him, the more I enjoyed it. When I came to the second videotape where he talked about quitting smoking, I wanted to quit right away. I had been smoking for the past 20 years. Miraculously, on the second day, I managed to quit smoking and have not wanted to smoke since then. Falun Dafa's principles truly attracted me and taught me where illness came from, how to be a good person, and how to be a cultivator.
Leukemia Patient Recovers from Near Death
2005-04-12Time passed quickly. The New Year came. I was getting ready to go home and celebrate the New Year. The hospital did a comprehensive checkup on me. When the report came out, the chief and the doctor in charge were shocked. How could a leukemia patient who fell and injured himself recover so well? The pathological cells had vanished and my blood counts were basically normal. The doctors said that I was the first leukemia patient in their hospital who spent the least amount of money for chemotherapy treatments, yet showed the best results.
A Doctor's Testimony: My Family is now Harmonious Thanks to Falun Dafa
2005-04-11He told me, "I may die anytime. Please bury me at this place." I said, "Please recite sincerely from your heart, 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truth, Compassion and Forbearance are good.' Our teacher will help you and you will not succumb to the disease." He did what I told him to do, and immediately he felt much better. Surprised by the miracle that "Falun Dafa is good" brought, my husband started watching Teacher's lectures every day, and he rapidly recovered. He quit smoking after having smoked for thirty-five years. Falun Dafa has given him new life and hope.
The Bump on My Spine Disappeared and So Did the Pain
2005-04-10Several months later, when I was finally able to stand up again, the doctor said that I faced the possibility of becoming disabled in the future. Problems of bone protrusion and the pain that it brought about tortured me for many years to come. Two months after I began practising Falun Dafa, while I was practising the sitting meditation at noontime, I suddenly felt the crisp sound of my spine segments being pulled apart. Afterwards, I felt two people behind my back massaging my abdominal area. After approximately half an hour, the bump in my spine disappeared, and so did the pain.
My Finnish Mother-in-law Silently Recites "Falun Gong is Good" and Recovers from Severe Illness
2005-04-09My mother-in-law was very scared, and she phoned my husband to discuss her funeral affairs. When my husband came home and told me about this, I had a deep feeling of grief in my heart. Afterwards I remembered articles on Falun Gong web-sites, the many stories about recovery at the door of death when believing that Falun Gong is good. Some patients continued to say Falun Dafa is good in their minds and they eventually recovered. Therefore I called her up and taught her to say “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance, Falun Gong is good”.
Falun Dafa Gives Leukaemia Patients a Second Chance on Life
2005-04-09the parents borrowed a copy of the core Falun Gong teachings in the book Zhuan Falun from a family of Falun Dafa practitioners and read it to their child. They found it quite odd when every time they mentioned the phrase, "Falun Dafa is good," the child would immediately reply with, "is good." And every time the parents said, "Time for class," the child would immediately curl up in his mother's embrace and listen to his parents read Zhuan Falun. Now, the child has already regained his health.
Falun Dafa Changed My Bad Habits and Saved Those I Had Planned to Take Revenge Against
2005-04-07Before I finished the medicine, a neighbour told me about Falun Gong, and I asked him to lend the book to me. He brought me the book and I read it for three or four hours non-stop, then I joined them in the group practise that night at his home. I did not need to take the medicine after that, and the stomach ache never recurred. Through practising and studying the Falun Gong teachings, my mindset has changed and my character has been upgraded. I do not view things as I did before, and have very few unkind thoughts.