Benefits from the Practice
Falun Dafa Gave My Son a Second Life
2005-02-12I struggled in pain under life's pressures with the added torment of chronic illness. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, all of my symptoms gradually disappeared, one after another. I finally experienced the feeling of being free totally from illness. As well as improved health, my moral standards were uplifted through Falun Gong's emphasis on the cultivation of "Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance." Falun Gong brought so many positive changes to the way I lived, and my life became very harmonious and peaceful.
People's Hearts Determine Their Future
2005-02-07Four or five days later, my brother visited me again. He was full of energy and his voice was once more strong and deep. I commented on the change in his appearance. He said, "Well, of course. I did what you suggested. Otherwise, I didn't think I'd get my health back." My elder brother's health continues to improve. Once more he can do everything, and now he tells everyone he meets that Falun Dafa is good and amazing.
My Sister Practised Falun Dafa and Her Life-threatening Illness Disappeared
2005-02-05The doctor met with my father and told him that hope for my sister's recovery was minimal. The tumour not only pressed against a limb nerve, but also pressed against a nerve of the respiratory system. That was why her breathing was laboured. The doctor indicated that if the respiratory system nerve was harmed she would not be able to get off the operating table. The doctor didn't have any confidence about surgery being successful for her. They had never treated this kind of case. My sister's situation was a tough one.
Falun Dafa Rescued My Son from Video Game Arcades and Internet Cafés
2005-01-27In addition, the overly stimulating nature of the games caused him to spend too many hours in heightened concentration, and the violence in some games sapped his appetite and his physical strength. He often stared at us blankly, with sore and dry eyes, and his vision became more and more impaired. He knew what it meant to continue down his self-destructive path, but there was no way to stop for him. It was like a drug addiction.
Practising Falun Dafa, Curing Cancer, and Embracing a New Life
2005-01-25Before practising Falun Gong, Liu Hongji was well known for his quick temper. After practising Falun Gong his temper was gentle and he became warm-hearted and considerate. His health progressed as the dizziness and headache disappeared, his legs and feet gained strength, and his appetite improved. It has been over six years since he stopped taking pills.
The Amazing Experience of a Chinese American Starting to Practise Falun Gong in China
2005-01-23The physical exam surprised me: the small, bean-sized growth was gone; her ovaries were no longer swollen; the empty, the swollen feeling in her stomach had disappeared; and the swollen fibroid tumour had shrunk, with only a needle-sized hole left behind. There was a little blood on it, almost as if a size-12 needle had been used to aspirate the fluid, leaving only a little scar behind. In order to verify these findings, we did a B-supersonic test. The results showed a normal uterus, two normal ovaries, and a normal stomach.
Reading Zhuan Falun Once is More Beneficial than Studying Ten Thousand Other Books
2005-01-22I once had a terrible addiction to smoking, and even though I tried often to quit, I never gave up my habit of smoking a pack a day. Upon opening Zhuan Falun, my craving for cigarettes diminished greatly, and I only smoked five cigarettes that first day. On the second day, this number lessened to three cigarettes, and by the fifth day, I had given up smoking completely. Zhuan Falun is really an extraordinary book!
The Cultivation Experiences of Falun Dafa Practitioner Lao Zhao
2005-01-22I noticed that Lao Zhao was still very thin though his facial complexion was quite good. Being curious, I asked him the reason for his weight-loss. He just nodded his head, saying nothing and looking gloomy. His wife next to him could not help but tell me, “This year in 2004 he was confronted with another test between that of life and death, the process of which was marked by hardships.” I was surprised at this because his previous tribulation was quite horrifying. I was curious about his second test.
Three People Start to Practise Falun Gong in Southern Germany
2005-01-21After having lived in Ukraine for thirty years, as soon as she first heard about the persecution against Falun Gong, her past experience allowed her to immediately understand that the same approach has been taken by the Chinese Communist Party to slander Falun Gong via various media channels.
A Woman's Severe Endometriosis Disappears after Practising Falun Dafa
2005-01-21Soon after her father-in-law passed away and as her daughter grew older, Ms. Guo discovered that she was now truly worn out and terribly ill. In fact, her endometriosis had progressed so much that she could not continue her job. Whenever the terrible pain came, she could not even stand or sit. She had to lie down, moaning with pain for days.
All of My Illnesses Disappeared After Practising Falun Gong
2005-01-17I even tried a form of exercise for reviving the body but received no significant results. My condition continued to worsen until one day in April of 1995, the base of my oesophagus tore open due to my esophageal varicocoele. I suddenly felt unbearably uncomfortable, and had the strong urge to vomit. Before long, I vomited half a bucket of blood and excreted black stools. My condition was unable to be controlled and I fell unconscious before the ambulance arrived.
After Practising Falun Dafa For Only Forty Something Days, My Leukaemia Was Cured
2005-01-16Falun Dafa's power and wonder deeply attracted me. The profound content of the Falun Dafa teachings was like spring rain upon my withered heart. In previous days, I lay on the hospital bed in great pain, and did not even have the energy to turn over. Just sitting up was out of the question. However, while I listened the introduction of Falun Dafa, I felt more and more energetic. I sat for more than one hour and did not feel any fatigue, which was amazing for me at the time.
A Young Man from New Zealand Changes His Ways and Becomes a Good Person after Practising Falun Gong
2005-01-14After practising Falun Gong, Xiao Hu got rid of all his bad habits and found a job selling fruit in a fruit stall. He puts lots of leaflets and newspapers in his stall to expose the persecution and explains the facts of Falun Gong to people whenever he gets a chance.
I Can Attend College Because of Falun Gong
2005-01-10What caused the big change in my family? My dad started to practise Falun Gong at the end of 1996. All his illnesses disappeared soon after. He had no need to go to the hospital or take drugs. He has been well ever since. Soon after, my mom also began to practise. They have been very healthy and full of energy. The family savings have grown alongside the improvement in their health.
Living Up to the Standard of a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2005-01-07This man is 83 years old. He is in good health, speaks in a firm voice, and has a powerful stride. He not only lacks the signs of old age that most people his age possess, but also has the smooth skin of a middle-aged person with very few wrinkles. Mr. He Chao has practised Falun Gong for 10 years. He always has a compassionate smile and is often regarded as a living endorsement of the great benefits of Falun Gong cultivation. The following is his story.