Benefits from the Practice
Comic Strip: Paralysed Girl Recovers After Practising Falun Gong
2005-04-02 -
My Lung Cancer Has Completely Healed
2005-03-31The doctors at those hospitals diagnosed that it was cancer that had already advanced to the middle phase. I was very upset. My family was not wealthy at the time, and we did not have money for the treatment. I decided to fore-go the treatment. All of my family members cried, as they desperately wanted me to be treated. Our family borrowed over 10,000 yuan to treat my disease, and I entered the Provincial Cancer Hospital and received chemotherapy treatment every day.
An Elderly Woman's Stomach Tumours Vanish
2005-03-27My neighbours all remarked, "What happened to this elderly lady is really amazing! Without the aid of any medicine she just discharged her tumours. Falun Dafa is truly good. It is indeed a miraculous practise!" It was Falun Dafa that cured my illness. The founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li, has saved my life. No words can express my gratitude to Master Li. I continue to recite, "Falun Dafa is good" in my mind every day.
I Wish More People would Discover the Benefits of Falun Gong Practice
2005-03-19I was lucky to find Falun Gong. Within a month of learning the exercises, my condition began to improve. I felt that my uncomfortable body recovered a little after every practice session. The effect was even better each time I could follow Falun Gong’s principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance through handling conflicts with others well.
"I Did Not Save My Child, My Child Saved Me:" The Story of a 610 Office Employee's Personal Awakening
2005-03-15The child's aunt continued with the story, "During that time I called them everyday. When I thought of Falun Gong that day, I called them and said, 'This is as far as medical science can go, and it cannot provide a cure. Let's try Falun Gong.' The aunt's mother-in-law was very supportive and said that a neighbour was a practitioner who previously had several illnesses, but that she is now cured and often recommends Falun Gong to the mother-in-law. The aunt's mother-in-law immediately found the neighbour.
Forty-Year Old Osteoporosis Patient Regains Health Because of Falun Gong and Speaks out for Falun Gong and Teacher
2005-03-13It appeared that I no longer suffered from osteoporosis. My bones were no longer flattened. They had become round, like they are supposed to be. Then he told me that he can now remove the pins in my bones because I don't need them any longer. He knew me as a regular patient of the hospital for years, so he was amazed at my remarkable recovery. He asked me for my secret, and I told him that it was Falun Gong. He and other doctors at the hospital were very impressed.
Western Practitioner: Falun Dafa Can Save Anyone
2005-03-11One time when I was sending righteous thoughts one of my brothers made a face like I was being weird. My other brother saw this and said, "You shouldn't criticise him, Falun Gong has helped him and he is a better person now!" I played the first lecture for my dad in the car one time. If something is not practical, normal or with an ordinary logic, my dad will think it's weird. But he listened for a long time without talking. In the end he said. "Those are good principles!" To me it was a miracle.
Falun Dafa Brings Happiness to My Family
2005-03-11Once, a practitioner gave a Falun Dafa related card to a vendor after purchasing a piece of clothing at a stall. The practitioner told him to remember that Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good and Falun Dafa is good. The vendor said, "I know that. My wife is a practitioner as well. After she practised Falun Dafa, she returned 30,000 yuan that she picked up on the road to the bank. Even though she is a member of the Communist Party, she would not have returned the money if she did not practise Falun Dafa, especially when both she and I have both been laid off. It is Falun Dafa that helps her to improve and do well."
The Cultivation Story of a Chinese Physician
2005-03-09After he began to use the principles of Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance in his life, he underwent many changes. He used to be very impatient and blamed his patients if he was late for attending qigong classes or for having his meals. Soon after he began to practise Falun Dafa, he became very calm. He did not feel hunger after mealtime had passed, and he had a sincere smile on his face when talking to his patients. Dr. Hu also realised that he could recite things faster and easier.
Without Falun Gong, I Would Not Be Alive
2005-03-06Because he witnessed the magnificent power of Falun Dafa, the village leader started to protect the Falun Dafa practitioners in our village. In the spring of 2003, a car came to our village, and those in the car asked the village leader if there were Falun Gong practitioners in our village. The village leader told those people that Falun Gong was undoubtedly good, otherwise why would so many people practise it? He continued, "If you would like to take care of us, just take care of our fields; the fields desperately need water."
Falun Gong Brings a Seventy-year-old Back to Life
2005-03-05After studying and reading Zhuan Falun many times, I started walking by gradually leaning on a stick, which I have now discarded to walk freely. The people around me initially thought that I would not live because of my severe illness. My recovering at such a rapid pace was a big miracle and was something I would never have dreamt of.
Master Gave Me a New Life
2005-03-01My parents went to many places to seek doctors' advice, but none of the doctors knew what was afflicting me. I took loads of medicines, but nothing worked. The disease quickly spread to my whole body. My arms and legs developed the same uneasiness that I felt in my stomach at the beginning. The symptoms occurred more often than before. It felt as if millions of ants were digging into my bones. It was unbearable. I begged my mother many times, "Just let me die!" My mother cried and felt helpless.
A Police Chief Who Benefited from Falun Dafa Protects Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-02-19The police chief nodded in agreement, and borrowed a book containing the core teachings of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun and another book, The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa from the practitioner. One week later, the two met again. This time the police chief had a rosy complexion and was in very good spirits. He told the practitioner happily, "Teacher Li is taking care of me. I just studied the Fa (law or principle, the teachings in Falun Gong) for several days, and the illnesses that had haunted me for years all disappeared. Falun Dafa is so miraculous! It's so good!"
Terminal Cirrhosis of the Liver Is Cured after Practising Falun Dafa
2005-02-19This real-life miracle caused quite a stir throughout our village. Villagers spread their eyewitness accounts of the miracle of Falun Gong, which had brought a dying person back to life. My entire family and almost one hundred residents in our village have started learning Falun Dafa. Some bedridden villagers recovered from many years of illness. Some have even gotten rid of their heart disease. I have been telling everyone that Teacher saved my life.
Falun Dafa Gave Helped Me Live a Better Life
2005-02-14After my sister-in-law left, I opened the book and started reading it. The more I read, the more I felt that whatever Teacher was telling us in the book made sense. I read the book twice without a break. In the beginning, the sight in my left eye was murky. But when I finished reading and closed the book, my eye was fine, just like normal. My wife and I were extremely happy; our happiness could not be described in words. Teacher is so compassionate!