Letter from UK MP to Hong Kong Chief Executive
2002-09-02"I should be grateful if you could let me know the [..] position generally regarding peaceful freedom of expression in the HKSAR; and in particular the position of Falun Gong practitioners in the HKSAR."
Extract from Cambodian Partys Statement on Human Rights
2002-09-01"Since the beginning of August 2002, [.] events related to human rights have occurred in Cambodia, which show that Cambodia is not fulfilling her international responsibilities properly."
UK Member of Parliament Expresses his Support for Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-08-31"Freedom of expression and Freedom of speech are basic civil liberties, which we should all fight to keep, when basic human rights are infringed upon we should all stand up and be counted. I will continue to support the practitioners of Falun Gong"
Ireland: British Embassy in Dublin Replies to Letter from Irish Falun Dafa Association
2002-08-22"We do have serious concerns about human rights abuses against Falun Gong adherents in China. We have made it clear to the Chinese that their actions contravene the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which China has signed but not yet ratified."
Austrian Foreign Minister Sends Letter of Support
2002-08-19"The Foreign Ministry takes the concerns of all these people very seriously and especially shares the concerns about the persecution of Falun Gong members. All fellow employees of the Foreign Ministry on all levels are actively supporting and working for the protection of the Falun Gong members' human rights."
Sweden: Support from the Foreign Ministry and the Second Largest Political Party over the Trial in Hong Kong
2002-08-17As you know the Swedish government views very seriously the treatment to which practitioners of Falun Gong have been subjected in the Peoples Republic of China. We have repeatedly expressed this, in official statements, in meetings with representatives of the Chinese government, and in our meetings and conversations with practitioners of Falun Gong here in Sweden. We have also carefully followed the trial which is now in progress in Hong Kong.
Member of Irish Parliament Writes to Hong Kong CEO
2002-08-17"I am urging you to take all necessary measures to ensure that the charges against the 16 Falun Dafa practitioners are dropped and that Falun Dafa practitioners in Hong Kong are allowed to live free from all intimidation and persecution. I will continue to raise the issue of the treatment of Falun Dafa practitioners in China both at the level of the Irish Parliament and the European Union."
Danish Parliament Law Committee raised enquires to the Foreign Minister, regarding the recent rejection to Danish citizens travelling to Iceland by Iceland government.
2002-08-17According to reports by TV2 on 12th June 2002, several Danish travellers were refused to enter Iceland. [...] the Committee would like to request a summary report of the whole incident, including the detail information that can be obtained from the police and airport security.
Denmark: Reply from the Foreign Ministry to Law Committee, regarding the Freedom of Falun Gong practitioners
2002-08-16"Anyone and any movements or groups are allowed to express their opinions within the limits stated in the Constitution, including the form of legal protests.
UK: MP signs petition against Hong Kong show trial
2002-08-07"I urge the HKSAR government to investigate the alleged human rights abuses and drop the charges against Falun Gong practitioners."
Czech Republic: A Letter from the President to Zhang Cuiying.
2002-08-02...I want you and all the others who have suffered from violence, suppression and persecution because of your belief to stand up together with firmness.
Italy: The Multi-national Radical Party expressed that they will do their utmost to stop the persecution
2002-08-02 -
Iceland: Open apology from the Social Democrats
2002-08-02 -
Hungary: Letter of Support from an MP
2002-07-31...if I can offer you some help in the future, please trust me and contact me.
EC Foreign Minister States that there is No evidence of Falun Gong being a threat to China
2002-07-30"The Union has on several occasions undertaken formal demarches to the Chinese authorities, to express concern about reports of torture and ill treatment of Falun Gong practitioners, who have been arrested and the harshness of sentences given to those practitioners."