UK MPs from all major parties express moral support to practitioners on hunger strike
2002-05-05"I will continue to do what I can to raise awareness of issues in respect to Falun Gong."
Green Party in France Shows Support at Falun Gong's Commemoration
2002-04-29 -
French Falun Dafa Association Thanks Green Party for its Continuous Support
2002-04-23 -
French Green Party extends its support to Falun Gong
2002-04-21"Despite it's having no political objective, the growing popularity of Falun Gong has however attracted the furor of Jiang Zemin, the paranoiac dictator who continues to reign on China in a sovereign terror..."
Member of German Parliament Declares Solidarity with Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-04-16 -
Swiss parliamentarians: You can count on us!
2002-03-31Politicians and VIPs of different nationalities pledge their support for Falun Gong outside the United Nations Human Rights Conference in Geneva
UK Parliament Debate on Religious Liberty Mentions the Persecution of Falun Gong
2002-03-22 -
German Foreign Ministers Speech at the UN Commission on Human Rights Calls on China to Cease the Persecution of Falun Gong
2002-03-20The Federal Government therefore calls once again for China ... to cease persecuting Falun Gong
German MP Condemns Jiang Zemins Persecution of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
2002-03-18 -
UK MPs Request British Government Make a Public Statement on Falun Gong
2002-03-14"..we would ask Her Majestys Government to draw the attention of the Government of China to the conduct of police officers who recently detained and mistreated five British citizens for demonstrating peacefully in support of their beliefs violating the provisions in the Chinese constitution guaranteeing freedom of belief and prohibiting physically mistreatment , and ask the Government of China that the officer responsible be disciplined."
UK Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee urges the UK Government and EU to Table a Resolution Criticising the Jiang Regime at the UNCHR
2002-03-11We recommend that the British Government join with other EU member states to promote the tabling by the European Union of a draft resolution on China at the UN Commission on Human Rights for 2002.
Questions Posed to Sir Verwilghen, the Belgium Minister of Justice
2002-03-07 -
Photoreport: UK Lords, MPs, European Friends of Falun Gong, UK Falun Gong Association and Falun Gong Practitioners Join Together at UK Parliament Seminar
2002-03-04 -
French MP: I Highly Commend Your Fight for the Respect of the Rights to Freedom of Belief.
2002-03-04 -
Transnational Radical Party Reports on the Westerners Appeal in Beijing.