Letter from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to David Taylor MP
2002-01-07We have serious concerns about human rights abuses against individual practitioners. We have made clear to the Chinese that, as the Foreign Affairs Committee pointed out in its report on China in November 2000, their actions contravene the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which China has signed though not ratified). The treatment of Falun Gong adherents features prominently in our exchanges on human rights with the Chinese.
French Deputy’s Letter of Support
2002-01-01I cannot remain Insensitive to the repression campaign led against those people, for the mere reason that they belong to a spiritual movement, I was sincerely angered by the testimonies you recounted to me.
The Leaders of three main UK government parties send good wishes to the Falun Gong Association (UK) for the Success of a Falun Gong Seminar to be held in the UK Parliament.
2001-12-29 -
Letter of Support From The Minister of the Ministry of National Education Jack Lang
2001-12-29 -
UK Foreign Secretary highlights Falun Gong human rights issue in latest report on Hong Kong
2001-12-27 -
UK: Statement of Support For Human Rights in China
2001-12-27 -
A letter of Support from the Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council
2001-12-23 -
Letter of support from Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic
2001-12-23I wish you from my whole heart that the people who hold power in China get some rational sense and stop governing their own people by the means of polices brutality.
Switzerland: Speeches of Support for Falun Gong Day
2001-12-21 -
UK MP Shows Support Towards Falun Gong and the Minghui Case
2001-12-16 -
German Christian Democratic Union Shows its Support Towards Falun Gong and an Ending to the Persecution
2001-12-15The German CDU is very well aware of the plight of the Falun Gong followers in China. The designated group section members of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the CDU/CSU (Christian Socialist Union) of the party keep regular contact with Falun Gong practitioners...Let me assure you that the CDU will closely watch human rights abuses in China in the future with our utmost attention and will of course not neglect the Falun Gong movement in this effort.
Statements of Support from the Falun Gong Press Conference in the UK
2001-12-12 -
Austrian Green Party’s Statement of Support at the Falun Dafa Press Conference in Vienna
2001-12-11Falun Gong’s sheer volume of followers has been felt as a threat and provocation by the Chinese government for years. Calm and peaceful mass demonstrations have not changed that perception. That’s why Falun Gong was outlawed in China in 1999. Women followers who demonstrate their belief in public are immediately arrested and often tortured.
A Letter of Support from the Swedish Ambassador to Beijing to the Nordic Falun Gong Association
2001-12-11 -
Letters of Support from Swiss Officials
2001-12-10Thomas BUCHI:"This series of movements, with their profound roots and their power, bring incalculable benefits to the individual.This is a very high-level method that simultaneously transforms the spirit, the body and the heart."