Letter from the Office of the President of Czech Republic [excerpt]
2001-12-07 -
UK Foreign Ministry: We will continue to take a close interest in the protection of all the rights and freedoms of the Hong Kong people.
2001-12-06 -
Letter of Support from Czech Parliament Member: “I Express My Unreserved Support”
2001-12-06I severely criticise the approach of the Chinese government, which has evoked an open repression toward the people who adhere to Falun Gong. From my personal experience I know the practices of a totalitarian power and therefore I am able to feel what is it like to be in a position of all those tortured and discriminated against in China.
Letter of Support from Czech Senator: Let Zhen-Shan-Ren, Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance govern in all of our country
2001-12-04I join those who severely condemn the violence committed by the Chinese government on the people who practise Falun Gong. Murders, torture and terrorising people who express the values of tolerance in this world is a horrific calling card of the Chinese administration, against which the whole world must protest.... you have my support and the support of all peace loving Czech citizens. Let Zhen-Shan-Ren, Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance govern in all of our country.
The UK Government Condemns China' Persecution of Falun Gong during This Year' Human Rights Dialogue
2001-11-24As of now, more than 52 Members of Parliament have signed a letter that demands Jiang Zemin' Government to immediately stop the persecution against a couple practicing Falun Gong and issue a legal Chinese passport to their daughter born in Britain.
Member of the Knesset [Israel Parliament], Yossi Sarid, Condemns the Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China
2001-11-24What your regime is doing is unacceptable because all human beings have the basic right to try to improve themselves according to whatever path they choose, there is simply no way to justify such a persecution. You have chosen to change, by brute force using the most cruel methods imaginable, the hearts and minds of millions of your own citizens - no decent human being can accept this. Even your worst claims against the people of Falun Gong can not possibly justify such a persecution.
Human rights meeting between the European Parliament and China: European Parliament Human Rights Official called for justice, while the Chinese delegates responded by being rude, anxious and nervous.
2001-11-24The way in which the Chinese delegates reacted told us of the terrible attitude they hold when dealing with Falun Gong issues and Falun Gong practitioners. Their funny reactions only proved to us Europeans that they were afraid of us mentioning Falun Gong issues, that they were afraid of explaining the persecution on Falun Gong. Because they know that the more they try to cover up, the more loop holes they would expose, and therefore the more truth of the persecution would be exposed.
Swedish Foreign Minister Criticizes Arrests on Swedish Radio
2001-11-21 -
Member of Swedish Parliament Identifies China's Persecution of Falun Gong as a Modern Day Tragedy
2001-11-19 -
UK Foreign Affairs Minister: "We will not step back from pressing the Chinese on the Falun Gong and the treatment of people who practise Falun Gong"
2001-11-18Earlier this year, the UK Foreign Office Minister, John Battle, gave an important speech just before the 57th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights and expressed strongly his support for the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners. He said "We will not step back from pressing the Chinese on the Falun Gong and the treatment of people who practise Falun Gong"
UK Liberal Democrat Party Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Signs Motion in Support of Campaign for Falun Gong Practitioner Rights
2001-11-16 -
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Reply to FOFG [Friends of Falun Gong] Europe
2001-11-16Before this annual dialogue starts, FOFG Europe once again wrote to the UK Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, to express their concern about the situation of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and the situation of Zhao Ming, a student of Trinity College in Dublin.
Words of Justice from Italy
2001-11-15"...The world has witnessed that you are a group of peaceful people. What is regrettable is that China cannot hear the voices of Falun Gong. The battle to resist evil and violence is the responsibility of every individual. I hope there are more of such people like yourselves in the world. I will continue to support you. Thank you for coming to Italy.”
UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee report urges UK Government to toughen its stance on human rights in China
2001-11-13 -
41 UK Members of Parliament Sign Motion in Support of Falun Gong