
  • A 76-Year-Old Practitioner Sentenced to Eight Years and Forced to Do Hard Labour

    Mr. Yin Yucai is 76 years old. He started to practise Falun Gong after retirement and became very healthy, both physically and psychologically. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, Mr. Yin was detained many times. He was put in a forced labour camp for three years. In 2005, he was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and is currently in Yuzhang Prison in Jiangxi Province. Due to prolonged persecution, his health has deteriorated. Lately, he is suffering from severe oedema.
  • Police Capture and Torture Ms. Yan Meifeng in Weifang City, Shandong Province

    On March 18th, 2008, police officers dragged Ms. Yan Meifeng out of her home and forced her into the police vehicle without letting her put her shoes on. The officers handcuffed Ms. Yan to a metal chair, and twisted her arms behind the back of the chair. Electricity was applied to both of her ankles. A hat made out of paper was thrown over her head to block her view. The officers then started punching and kicking her. Many people beat her for a long time, and she could not tell how many people there were. She suffered severe head trauma from the noise during the beating. They also poked Ms. Yan in the ribs and stepped heavily on the handcuffs which cut into her wrists. A young man was especially vicious. He hit Ms. Yan's legs with several fully charged electric batons. The police station forced Ms. Yan's family to pay 3,750 yuan to release her.
  • The Persecution of Elderly Mr. Gao Guangchong from Huili County, Sichuan Province

    On March 28th, 2008, the Huili County Procuratorate held a trial to sentence 68-year-old Mr. Gao Guangchong, a practitioner who has been detained for five months. This time, he was also tortured until his body swelled and he could not stand up by himself. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, Mr. Gao has been arrested 11 times. Each time he was brutally tortured. He has been detained several times in a forced labour camp and was forced to leave home twice to avoid further persecution. His home has been ransacked many times and his personal possessions confiscated.
  • Using the Olympics as an Excuse, Officials Arrest Two 70-Year-Old Ladies in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province

    With the excuse of "preparing for the Olympics," two Falun Gong practitioners in their 70s were taken to a brainwashing centre in March 2008 by police officers in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Ms. Liu Jing, 75, was a doctor at Xidian University Hospital before retirement. On her way home on the afternoon of March 17th, 2008, she was arrested and taken to the Xi'an City Chang'an District Brainwashing Centre, where she was tortured.
  • Chaoyang City Public Security Bureau Officials Conceal Their Crimes While Fabricating Excuses to Persecute Practitioners

    Since February 24-25th, 2008, Chaoyang City Public Security Bureau and other city departments have arrested 14 Falun Gong practitioners under orders from Zhang Minghua, the deputy chief of the Public Security Bureau. Mr. Chen Baofeng, a taxi driver, was tortured to death within eight days while in custody. A source exposed that to cover up the murder and find more excuses to persecute practitioners, Zhang Minghua is now colluding with personnel from the Public Security, Procuratorate, and court systems to fabricate allegations and false evidence. The perpetrators are attempting to exaggerate their false evidence all out of proportion in order to aggressively persecute practitioners.
  • Father Died in the Midst of Persecution--Son Also Arrested

    26-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Wang Lihui has been held for nearly twenty days. The National Security Team of the Nangang District Police Department denied his family their right to visit him. His 60-year-old mother is so worried, that her heart attacks frequently recur, and she suffers from extremely painful headaches. Over the past several years, she has witnessed her husband Mr. Wang Shixue being arrested and tortured to near death several times. He died recently, and now her son has also been arrested. She is very worried about her son.
  • Crimes Committed by 610 Office Personnel in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province

    Mr. Hong Haoyuan was a university graduate in his 20s. Early in 2000 he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested by the 610 Office of the Chaozhou City Police Department and was sentenced to two years at Sanshui Forced Labour Camp. While there, he was inhumanely tortured and persecuted for practising Falun Gong. Before his arrest he was a handsome and strong young fellow, but by the time of his release, he was just a bag of bones and could barely walk or breathe. Relatives and neighbours could hardly recognize him. He was extremely weak and passed away in the early hours of January 5th, 2003.
  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Liu Qiaozhen held a hunger strike to protest the persecution after she first arrived at the forced labour camp. She is currently unconscious due to her extended hunger strike. Nevertheless, the labour camp refuses to release her and still continues to torture her by brutally force-feeding her through a feeding tube. People over 60 years old previously were not made to serve forced labour terms. Yet there are at least five practitioners in the labour camp who are over 60 years old. Having to do forced hard labour on a long term basis has taken a toll on many older practitioners. What's even worse is that because three older practitioners were not eligible to serve the forced labour term because of their severe illnesses, in order to meet the quota for labour camp inmates, Chinese Communist Party personnel arrested the older practitioners' daughters and put the daughters in the labour camp in place of their mothers.
  • Practitioners Forced to Toil in Unsafe Conditions at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City

    Since July 1999, nearly all labour camps have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They not only beat the practitioners mercilessly, but also forced them to work in poisonous, harmful environments. Practitioners in Changlinzi Labour Camp work 16 ½ hours daily, from 6: 30 a.m. until 11 p.m. The work hours for the first and fourth ward also exceed 12 hours, seven days a week. The cafeteria meals served to the prisoners are substandard; the good food is eaten by the guards and chiefs. Ten yuan monthly is designated for the imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners for their expenses.. Although they never receive the money, they are forced to sign a statement claiming that it was given to them.
  • Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University Reveals How She Was Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

    My name is Mrs. Wang Jiuchun. I was an assistant professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. In July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its head Jiang Zemin began brutally suppressing Falun Gong practitioners. About fifty practitioners at the Falun Gong Assistance Centre in Tsinghua University were arrested and later sentenced to prison or forced labour camp terms. Among them, one practitioner was beaten to death. Other practitioner professors at Tsinghua University were placed on long-term surveillance. I was taken to a brainwashing centre six times, detained at the police department twice, and imprisoned in a forced labour camp for a year and a half. My home was ransacked twice by the police. I was subjected to severe physical and mental tortures. I was ordered to give up my belief in "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance".
  • Instead of Being Released After Serving 3 Year Prison Term, Practitioner is Transferred to Brainwashing Centre

    Ms. Shang Yuping was detained several times because she practises Falun Gong. In April 2005, she was sentenced to prison for three years. On April 6th, 2008, when she was scheduled to be released, authorities sent her to Erdaopeng brainwashing centre in Jianghan District instead of releasing her. In April 2005, she and five other practitioners were found producing Falun Gong material. They were arrested by police and were sent to Wuhan No. 1 Women's Detention Centre. Ms. Shang Yuping was sentenced to three years in Wuhan Women's Prison.
  • Labour Camp Authorities Refuse Family and Lawyer the Right to Visit Practitioner Ms. Qiu Liying for Over 3 Months

    On the afternoon of September 27th, 2007, Ms. Qiu boarded a bus on her way to work. Policemen from the Sifang Police Station pulled her off the bus. On October 10th, she was sentenced to forced labour and detained in the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. She filed an appeal to the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Committee seeking administrative reconsideration of her sentence. However, camp authorities refused to deliver her appeal, leading her to miss the two-month deadline to file appeals. To safeguard her legal rights, Ms. Qiu started a hunger strike to protest and demand for the right to hire a lawyer in her defence. By around January 10th, 2008, she had been on the hunger strike for over 20 days. She had become extremely frail and thin; emaciated. Since January 1st, 2008, the labour camp authorities have deprived her of any form of contact with the outside world.
  • Eyewitness to the Mistreatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in Chuanxi Prison

    In the latter part of 1999, the prison received some Falun Gong practitioners who had previously suffered tremendous mistreatment in another prison in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province. The prison authorities followed the instructions from the communist regime and set about trying to brainwash these practitioners. The prison authorities closely monitored everyone. If a prisoner expressed any sympathy for Falun Gong, she would be regarded as having "dangerous thoughts." The punishment for that was physical and mental abuse, reduction of merit points, and solitary confinement. The prison authorities used incentives to encourage the other inmates to participate in the persecution. The incentives included merit points and sentence reductions.
  • Over a Dozen Practitioners Arrested in the Guangzhou Metropolitan Area

    On April 15th, a gang of policemen from Tianhe Police Department arrested practitioners Mr. Chen Yongtao, and Ms. Zou Danyu, husband and wife. The policemen also searched their residence and took many of their personal belongings. The next day, policemen from Tianhe Police Department, along with a local policeman from the Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and individuals from the neighbourhood committee that didn't know any better arrested Ms. Zou's parents and searched their residence. These thugs took their computer, and other personal belongings. Mr. Chen and Ms. Zou's whereabouts are unknown.
  • Additional Information about the Persecution Deaths of Mr. Gong Zhaotao from Shandong Province, and Mr. Li Zhenshan from Henan Province

    Mr. Gong Zhaotao, 52 years old, had been actively informing people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispelling the state propaganda attacking the practice since July 20th, 1999. In October 2007, while distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution he was forcibly taken away by police and detained in a forced labour camp for one year. After being persecuted for over four months in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp, he passed away on February 22nd, 2008. Upon examining his body after his death, his family discovered a great deal of blood had come out of his ears and mouth. The labour camp authorities claimed that he died from coronary heart disease. His family originally intended to pursue justice, but communist authorities cremated his body to cover up the evidence.