Dafa Practitioner Ms Yang Hongyan Tortured to Death at Yangai Farm in Guizhou Province
2004-08-08Ms. Yang Hongyan, born in 1964, was a Dafa practitioner from Guizhou Province who started practising Falun Gong in 1996. In November 2000, she was arrested while distributing truth-clarification materials. In 2001, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison. In late July 2004, Yang was in critical condition due to continuous torture. The prison informed her family to come visit her. At that time, she was already paralyzed and confined in bed. Her right arm was black and purple. She went from weighing 117 1bs. to only 68 1bs. Ms. Yang passed away on July 29, 2004.
Dafa Practitioner Wang Zuodian from Shandong Province Dies as a Result of the Persecution
2004-08-08Wang Zuodian, former employee of Yantai University's printing factory in Shandong Province, was fired from his job for practising Falun Gong. To make a living, he bought a second hand printer and continued with printing work. In first half of 2003, he was captured by the "610" Office." No news of his whereabouts could be obtained at the time. Recently it was reported that he died about one month ago. He was only 40 years old. The details of his death await further investigation.
Liu Jingrong, Practitioner from Jilin Province is Tortured to Death
2004-08-07Mr. Liu Jingrong, a Dafa Practitioner from Jilin Province has suffered time after time under the persecution, because he insisted on practising Falun Gong. He was detained and tortured in the Liaoyuan Forced Labour Camp, Jilin City Forced Labour Camp and Jiutai Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. He passed away on January 31, 2004.
Persecution Leads to Death of Wang Shuting in Hebei Province
2004-08-07Mr. Wang Shuting lived in Hebei Province. After Jiang's regime started the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, police often went to Wang's home to harass him and his family. They sent him to the county detention centre. After he returned home, the police still kept harassing him, causing great mental anguish to him. As a result of the persecution, Wang became mentally disoriented and could not take care of himself. On December 24, 2003, he died in a hospital.
Practitioner Wang Li Exposes the Evil of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Front of Propaganda Reporters
2004-08-07One day in September, 2003, as the No. 2 Women's Team of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp performed their regular morning exercises, some reporters with the state-run media arrived to take pictures. The police officers actively cooperated with the reporters. Many Falun Dafa practitioners who were there were quite clear-minded about the fact that the reporters intended to use the photographs in the media or in overseas countries to deceive people and cover-up the persecution of Falun Dafa. Thus, many Dafa practitioners didn't cooperate in fabricating the stories.
Dafa Practitioner Liu Xiaodong Tortured to Death at Beian Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2004-08-06Liu Xiaodong, 33, was arrested at work by the local police. he was sent to a detention centre, where he was chained to an iron chair inside an iron cage. He went on a hunger strike. The police beat him and force-fed him with concentrated salt solution for 4 days in a row. His kidneys failed and on January 8, 2004, Liu Xiaodong died in Beian Prison.
Ms. Zhang Hong Dies from Torture at the Wanjia Labour Camp
2004-08-06Zhong Hong was a 31-year-old Dafa practitioner from Harbin City. She was sent to the Second Detention Centre in Harbin. On May 10 2004, her family was allowed to visit her. That was the last time her family saw her alive. In the beginning of June, she was sentenced to 3 years of forced labour. On July 31, the labour camp informed her family that she had died in the 211 Hospital of Harbin. When her family went to the hospital, they saw that her eyes and mouth were wide open, and she had lost about 40 pounds of weight in a very short period of time.
Changchun City Authorities Responsible for the Murder of Practitioner Jiang Yong
2004-08-06Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Jiang Yong, age 46, lived in Changchun City. On April 13, 2004, policemen from the Changchun City followed him, illegally arrested him and then detained him without notifying his family. When they discovered where he was his family went to the detention centre many times and requested to see him. They were refused. On July 4, someone from the Tiebei Detention Centre informed Jiang Yong's family of his death saying "he died from a sudden disease and emergency treatment failed." Within two months of being sent to Tiebei Detention Centre, Jiang was tortured to death. When they learned this news, his wife and family cried profusely in extreme grief.
Family Devastated by Persecution and Torture Because They Practise "Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance"
2004-08-05On August 28, 2000, my wife was sentenced to three years of forced labour for handing out materials revealing the facts about Falun Gong. While ransacking our house, the police made a point of peeling our "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" sticker from the wall. It is strange -- why are these police so afraid of people being honest and kind? The police stole our water kettle just like common thieves. All of their behaviour was so contrary to our principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," otherwise we are accused of "violating the law."
Atrocities Committed in Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-05The Women's Labour Division of Dalian Labour Camp in Liaoning Province is a place where guards torture steadfast practitioners at will and use all sorts of brutal measures to try to destroy their beliefs. They selected violent inmates to physically abuse practitioners. The torture includes sleep deprivation, electro-shocks, forcing batons and pepper into the practitioners' vagina's, force-feeding with human excrement, forcing the body into awkward positions for prolonged periods of time, and solitary confinement.
Gong Zhenqing from Jilin City Suffered a Relapse and Passed Away after Being Forced to Renounce Falun Gong
2004-08-05Gong Zhenqing was from Jilin Province and was 45 years old. He was harassed so many times that he was seriously traumatized physically and mentally and he finally gave up his practice of Falun Dafa. Mr. Gong began to suffer relapses of old diseases, including uremia. On June 15, 2004, Mr. Gong Zhenqing wrote a solemn statement and expressed his will to resume his practice of Falun Dafa, yet he passed away on June 22, 2004.
Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Yang Lidong at the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2004-08-04On February 8, 2002, local police from Tuanjie Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Lidong, who is from Songyuan City, Jilin Province, after they ransacked his house. Yang was brutally beaten and tortured and sentenced to two years of "reform through forced labour" because he would not give up his belief. He was sent to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province on February 11, 2002.
Accusing Harbin City Prison Police Personnel to the Supreme Procuratorate
2004-08-04During the time that we were in Harbin Prison, the law-enforcement personnel in the prison carried out the so-called "forced education" to achieve their hypocritical political goals. They implemented extreme inhumane persecution and ill-treatment to Falun Dafa practitioners in the prison, which resulted in the death of two practitioners. (Wang Weihua in No. 2 Ward died on June 9, 2003; Wang Dayuan in No. 2 Ward died on April 5, 2004.) Several dozens of other people suffered brutality and torture of different degrees.
Policeman Threatens to Seek Revenge after being Sued for Brutally Beating an Elderly Man
2004-08-04Ning Bo is a 73-year-old Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province. On May 19, 2004, he was abducted from his home by police director Zhang Mingjiang and instructor Gao Xianbao. While being taken to a Detention Centre, he was brutally beaten by Zhang and Gao. Later Ning Bo's family filed a lawsuit against Zhang and Gao. Finally the Prosecutor's House has accepted the case. Learning of the news, Zhang was very scared and shocked. He was outraged that someone dared to sue him. He claimed that he would seek revenge from Ning Bo's family
Shenyang City Dafa Practitioner Dong Xinran in Coma Due to Torture
2004-08-03Falun Dafa practitioner Dong Xinran was abducted by police in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province on March 31, 2004. Dong Xinran's wife received notice on June 4, 2004 from the Liaoning Province Prison Hospital that her husband was in critical condition. The notice had been issued by the hospital on June 2. When his wife arrived at the hospital on the morning of June 5, his body was emaciated and he was unconscious, with sporadic twitching and body movements. There were signs of darkened blood clots on and around his teeth and gums. His condition remains critical.