
  • Vomiting Blood Resulting from Torture in Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp, Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zheng Fuxiang Passes Away

    35 year old Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Fuxiang lived in Jilin Province. In March 2002, Dafa practitioners in Changchun tapped into the cable TV network and broadcast programmes clarifying the truth about Dafa. Immediately afterwards, the police started a frenzied wave of arrests. They smashed the windows, entered his home, and viciously beat him and his wife. He was sentenced to three years in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun and subjected to unimaginable torture. Prior to his death, Mr. Zheng Fuxiang was constantly vomiting blood. On the day he passed away, the police went to his home to monitor his family and attempted to arrest Zheng Fuxiang's wife Deng Lijuan. Deng Lijuan was denied the chance to see her husband for the last time before he passed away on April 7, 2004.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xiao Yali Brutally Force-Fed to Death in Shuangcheng City Detention Centre

    Ms. Xiao Yali, a 37-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, died on March 6, 2004 as a result of being force-fed by police at the No. 2 Detention Centre of Shuangcheng City. She died after being in police custody for only ten days and leaves behind her husband, her parents-in-law and two five-year-old twins. All of her family members are suffering unbearable grief, and many of her neighbours also wept for this kind woman and in empathy for her family.
  • Dead Just Thirteen Days After Being Arrested: Further Investigation into the Death of Ms. Li Shuhua

    The public security officer said that the police officer still could not get any answers from Li Shuhua, so he angrily struck her eyes with his fists, causing her to become blind in one eye. Li Shuhua instantly lost consciousness from the pain. The policeman who committed the crime was afraid of taking responsibility, so he asked his superiors for instructions, and then killed Li Shuhua to eliminate her as a potential witness against him. This public security officer said that if she had not been blinded, the police wouldn't have beaten her to death.
  • Murder of Dafa Practitioner Gu Xiuxian and Others as a Result of Torture at the Hands of Shuangcheng City Police

    February 12 is Shuangcheng City's Falun Dafa Day. Since February 11, 2004, the authorities have conducted a wide-ranging raid on practitioners. Prior to March 10, more than fifty Dafa practitioners were arrested illegally. Most of them were abducted from home in rural areas. Three Dafa practitioners are known to have died in custody. Ms. Gu Xiuxian, age 35 or 36, a resident of Shuangcheng City, was tortured to death during a tube force-feeding. The details of the other two deaths are waiting to be investigated.
  • Details Regarding Death of Heilongjiang Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Sun Yuhua

    On January 14, 2004, Dafa Practitioner Ms Sun Yuhua was arrested near Harbin No.3 Electric Power Engineering Company and her home was ransacked and valuables were confiscated. Later that day her 18 year old daughter was also arrested. For four continuous days after Sun Yuhua and her daughter were taken to the Police Department, the police tried to extort a confession by painful torture. Sun Yuhua held a hunger strike to protest against the unlawful persecution and detention. In response she was forcibly fed a high concentration salt solution. After 55 days of such persecution, the once healthy Sun Yuhua died on March 8.
  • Shocking Report on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp

    Since August 2000, Baimalong Female Forced Labour Camp has used all kinds of methods to torment Falun Gong practitioners both mentally and physically. These methods include segregated, forced brainwashing, illegally extended forced labour terms, various types of corporal punishment such as hanging, shocking with electric batons, restricted toilet use, long-time sleep deprivation, confinement in solitary compartments, and other tortures and abuses of human rights.
  • Barbaric Acts by Staff at Baoding Forced Labour Camp

    Mr. Zhang Qingchun is a Falun Gong practitioner in his 50's. On April 5, 2003, Mr. Zhang refused to put on the inmate's uniform at Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province, because he had not committed any crime. Mr. Zhang was handcuffed to the rails of the staircase for three days and two nights as punishment. What followed was even worse. Guards beat him ruthlessly. Because Mr. Zhang tried to avoid their punches, they pressed his body against the ground and kept shocking him with an electric baton until the battery ran out. By the time they were finished, they had made more than 20 visible burn marks on Mr. Zhang's body. Even to this day, Mr. Zhang is still suffering from the impact of the torture on his lower back.
  • Changsha City Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Huang Jingping Passes Away after Suffering Relentless, Long-Term Persecution

    50 year old Ms. Huang Jingping was put into detention in Beijing where she was verbally abused and severely beaten, causing visible wounds over her entire body, including her face. Later she suffered more torture in detention and contracted pulmonary tuberculosis. After she was sent home she was constantly harassed by the police, had large sums of money extorted from her. Under the intense pressure, Huang Jingping's mind and body were damaged beyond repair and she passed away on February 27, 2004. Suffering intense grief due to his wife's death, Ms. Huang's husband fell ill and has not recovered.
  • Shayang City Prison in Uses Slave Labour to Assemble Christmas Lights for Export to the U.S.

    Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang City, Hubei Province, forces the prisoners to work long hours under slave labour conditions, assembling products for export. This prison has many contracts with companies in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian. It has been learned that many products manufactured in Fanjiatai Prison are regularly destined for export to western countries.
  • Chaoyanggou Labour Camp Guards Threaten to "Transform" Dafa Practitioners At All Costs

    The police officers from Chaoyanggou Labour Camp asked all Falun Gong practitioners to gather together. The police officers said to us, "there is a nationwide campaign against Falun Gong, requiring 95% of the practitioners to 'transform' [renounce one's belief in Falun Gong and state that Jiang's campaign against Falun Gong is correct]. That is, whether you agree or not, even if you lie, you will have to write statements of 'repentance, renouncing and denouncing'. We then have to turn these written statements in to higher officers; otherwise we will be fired. Whether you want to sign a statement or do not want to, you will be made to write these statements anyway. Any means can be applied to you including beating you to death. This is a dictatorship."
  • Lecturer Li Xianghong Sentenced to Eleven Years in Prison

    Ms. Li Xianghong is about thirty-seven years old. She was a teacher in the Xinjiang Engineering Institute in Xinjiang Province. She was arrested and detained several times. In order to let more people know the truth about Dafa and persecution, realize the lies and awaken their righteous thoughts, Li Xianhong printed and distributed truth clarification materials. In March 2003, she was arrested by police and sentenced to eleven years in prison. She was sent to the Xinjiang Second Prison. At present she is in the process of appealing.
  • Ms. Chen Ouxiang Tortured and Killed by Force-Feeding in the Baimalong Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Ouxiang, 42 years old, lived in Hunan Province. In October 2002 she resisted the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp's rules to stand up, answer roll call, wear a badge and perform slave labour. She went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution and was brutally force-fed. She lost consciousness and Guard Zhu Rong shouted from the side, "Don't move your hands, keep holding her down! She is faking death." She died soon after.
  • Practitioner Cui Yaning's Life in Imminent Danger at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Cui Yaning has been illegally detained and abused in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Because of her poor health, she was sent to the Internal Masanjia Hospital. A checkup revealed extremely low blood pressure and an abnormal electrocardiogram. Supervisor Zhang Xiurong knew about the situation but lied, saying that Yaning had no problems and was in good health, refusing to release her. Currently Cui Yaning's life is in imminent danger, but prison guards paid no heed to this and simply locked her up in a small solitary cell.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured Mercilessly in the Shanxi Female Forced Labour Camp

    The authorities at the Shanxi Xindian Female Forced Labour Camp are severely torturing Falun Dafa practitioners in an attempt to make them renounce their beliefs. Upon arriving at the labour camp, each practitioner is immediately monitored by two prisoners. They are not allowed to speak to other practitioners. Elderly practitioners are both mentally and physically tortured the entire day. They aren't allowed to rest, and are being treated inhumanely.
  • Jilin Prison Transfers Falun Dafa Practitioners to Siping Prison in Order to Thwart International Investigation

    Currently, even though Siping Prison does not cruelly torture Dafa practitioners as does Jilin Prison, practitioners are still closely monitored. Every Dafa practitioner is accompanied by two criminal inmates who follow them everywhere. Family members who visit Dafa practitioners are also strictly monitored. They prohibit visits by family members who practise Falun Gong. Dafa practitioners are also subjected to forced labour.