
  • Hebei Province: A Woman in Her Sixties Is Force-Fed Human Excrement Three Times

    The Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp founded the Women's Brigade in November 2000. Although it hasn't been in existence very long, its high rate of forcing practitioners to give up their practice of Falun Dafa is well known throughout the country. Frequently, there were authorities from labour camps in surrounding areas that came to learn their techniques for breaking down Falun Gong practitioners and forcing them to renounce their belief. Many steadfast practitioners were transferred here from other forced labour camps in Shijiazhuang City, Tangshan City, and Baoding City in order to intensify the persecution against them.
  • Jilin Province: Mayor of Shulan City: "We Won't Release Him Even If He Is Dead"

    Disregarding his life-threatening condition, the City Director and City Manager ordered the police department to take Zhu to a forced labour camp. The labour camp refused to take Zhu because they were unwilling to shoulder responsibility for Zhu's life-threatening condition. Even after five failed attempts, the police department still refused to release him. Presently Zhu is still detained in the City Detention Centre. The mayor of Shulan city, Zhang Zhimin, announced to his subordinates: "We won't release him even if he is dead."
  • Heilongjiang Province: Corrupt Police Frame and Arrest a Woman then Send Her Son to a Nursing Home

    On October 28, 2003, Ju Qingsong, together with another policeman name Fu, broke into the house of practitioner Li Xiuqin when she was not there. Li's neighbour witnessed the break-in. They did not find anything in her home, so they planted a bag of materials in her room. When Li came back home, the police arrested her. A policeman went into her room and took out the bag of Dafa flyers. The police told people that she was arrested when she was distributing flyers outside. The police then sent her 11-year-old child to the local nursing home. The child did not want to go there and cried nonstop. The local Director of the Residential Committee also shed tears. However, the policemen, who were only interested in making money by catching Falun Gong practitioners, and had no sympathy at all.
  • Hebei Province: Handan City Court Sentences Five Dafa Practitioners to Heavy Prison Terms

    On July 3, 2003, the Hanshan District Court held a secret trial for these practitioners. Shi Qiaoling was sentenced to 13 years in prison, Liu Jun to 11 years, Li Mingtao to 11 years, Tong Cunshu to 5 years and Li Xiangling to 3 years. These practitioners filed an appeal to the intermediate court of Handan City. Recently the intermediate court delivered a verdict to keep the original sentence. On November 13, 2003, without informing the family members, the police sent Li Mingtao and Liu Jun to the Fourth Prison located in the north suburb of Shijiazhuang City in Hebei Province.
  • Charles Li Suffered Intensified Brainwashing Just Prior to the Meeting of Wen and Bush

    One specialist on China pointed out that forcing someone to give up their faith is the same as asking them to give up their conscience and their human dignity. Brainwashing is an inhuman mental torture, causing the victim worse pain and long-term effects than physical torture. Brainwashing is unacceptable to western democratic governments, legal systems and society. The specialist also noted that the Chinese Communist Party is very focused on spiritual control. The persecution of Falun Dafa by Jiang has reinforced this dark side of Chinese society. In fact, cruel torture is routinely used to effect spiritual control, and it has been used to force Falun Dafa practitioners give up their faith and their freedom to practise the exercises.
  • Hebei Province: Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Chouren Confirmed to Have Died from Torture Two Years Ago

    Li's parents had passed away long ago, and his younger sister had married and moved out. He, along with his mentally retarded brother, lived a very poor life. Since his family could not afford to pay the so-called fines the police asked for, Li was jailed for the longest time among the arrested practitioners. In the end, the police released him after extorting 1500 Yuan from his sister. In about 10 days or so after he returned home, Li passed away. He died at the age of 40.
  • Hunan Province: Baimalong Labour Camp Inject Nerve Damaging Drugs Into Captive Women

    In Baimalong Labour Camp, you can be tortured in a multitude of ways if you are determined to practise Falun Dafa. After six days, Chen was sent to the medical office for injections. After half a month, the director ordered two officers to watch her in the medical office. According to witnesses, the staff injected glucose, along with a nerve-damaging drug called "Winter Sleep," into Chen's bloodstream. After being injected with this drug, a person will gradually suffer memory loss and will want to sleep all the time. The medical staff injected Chen with small quantities of this drug each day, causing her to slowly become sick, as if she were suffering from a chronic disease. Doctor Lu from the Baimalong medical office is primarily responsible for the harm done to Ms. Chen's health.
  • Heilongjiang Province: Phone Numbers Related to the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Jiguo

    In August 2000, due to severe persecution, Wang Jiguo was on the verge of death in the labour camp. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, liver cirrhosis ascites, and comprehensive liver and kidney syndrome. The labour camp had to agree to let him out on bail to be hospitalized for treatment. In December 2000, only three months after Wang Jiguo was released from the hospital, the authorities from Mudanjiang City Teachers' College ignored the fact that he was still urinating blood and had almost lost all sight in both eyes, and sent him back to the labour camp. Later, Wang Jiguo was sentenced and held in Mudanjiang City Prison. There he was again abused to the verge of death. When he was sent to the hospital again, it was too late to save his life, and he passed away in September 2003.
  • Police Illegally Open Citizens' Letters Seeking "Evidence" For Their Conviction

    How did the city government get my personal letters? Did the city government intercept them? Or did someone report them? The people involved in such a dirty thing dare not to frankly reveal it to the public. However, they convict people only by the letters they write and without any legal basis. How can they talk about human rights? How can it be treated as an illegal activity to express one's thoughts and beliefs in writing to relatives? As citizens, how can we live under these conditions? I therefore call upon the international justice and human rights organizations, as well as all people with a sense of conscience, to come together to stop this persecution and defend justice throughout the world.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lu Guifang Dies as a Result of Torture in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    In 2002, Dafa practitioner Lu went to Dalian City and was invited to a fellow practitioner's home. She was followed. Police arrested her, her husband and her son. Her husband was sentenced to three years of forced labour; her son to one year of forced labour; her sister-in-law was sentenced to three years of forced labour, and the women practitioners were sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp. It was the cold of winter during her detention at Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. She paid the detention centre 300 Yuan for a quilt and bedcover, but never received them. The extreme cold prevented the 63-year-old woman from sleeping at night. She was also forced to work and sit on the bed in the day. They also physically and mentally tortured her.
  • One of the Methods Adopted to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners -- Barbaric Forced Feeding

    "Policeman Li Jing was the orderly officer in charge of forced feeding one day in early July 2002. He required us to make a kind of paste. For each person, there would be 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, half a cucumber, 3 pieces of cabbage and some water. One of us said that Falun Gong practitioners would not be able to stand that since their stomachs were empty [from being on hunger strike]. But Li Jing shouted out ferociously, "They deserve that. Even if it kills them, it doesn't matter." None of us dared to speak out. Li Jing made a subtle threat, saying that we had to follow his orders 'or else,' and then left. The first one coming in was a young man in his 20's. After we fed him the paste, he held his stomach with his hands, and could not stand up nor sit down. His face turned pale, beaded with pea-sized beads of sweat. Seeing him suffering like that, my heart started to give. I started to regret this group of vicious predators and becoming a brutal henchman in the persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Heilongjiang Province: Cruel Torture in the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Centre

    The police at the Centre ask Falun Gong practitioners if they will continue to practise Falun Gong; if the practitioners answer yes, the police will direct a number of prisoners to beat them up. The police also force Falun Gong practitioners to do excessive amounts of work every day. Sometimes, in order to finish assignments on time, the practitioners have to work all night. Falun Gong practitioners are forced to go through brainwashing sessions every day. They are not given enough to eat and are not allowed to sleep. The steadfast practitioners receive even more vicious treatment; their legs are tied to the bed and they are hung up by their hands.
  • Shengli Oil Plant "610 Office" Poison Employees' Minds by Enticing Them with Bonuses

    The Shengli Oil Plant Union, on behalf of the Shengli Oil Plant "610 Office*", recently published a Q&A type assessment paper with the intent to defame Falun Dafa. The Oil Plant employees were asked to fill out a questionnaire. To achieve participation, a big bonus was promised. The sole objective was to poison the Oil Plant employees' minds.
  • World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Publishes Report on Products Practitioners Are Forced to Manufacture in Labour Camps (Photos)

    Lanzhou Zhenglin Nongken Food Ltd., in cooperation with Lanzhou Dashaping Detention Centre and Lanzhou No.1 Detention Centre, forced almost 10,000 detainees (including Falun Gong practitioners unlawfully detained after July 1999) to produce "Handpicked Melon Seeds". In the past few years, Lanzhou Zhenglin Nongken Food Ltd. has become the largest producer of roasted seeds and nuts in China, with its sales reaching 460 million yuan. Their main product, Zhenglin Hand-picked Melon Seeds, are exported to places such as the United States, Canada, Australia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, etc. The No. 1 Female Labour Camp in Shandong became the base for Jinan Tianyi Printing Co. Ltd., Detainees in the labour camp stick labels for products like "Beijing Jiangyaling" and "Shuanghe" (two of the trade names).
  • A Happy Family Is Broken Apart by the Jiang Zemin Regime's Persecution

    August 3, 2001, the authorities started to harass his wife by forcing her to participate in the public trial for criminal death sentences, even though she was not a criminal nor given any criminal sentence. When she refused to attend, five policemen and other prisoners grabbed her hands, feet and hair and carried her to the courtyard and was pulled into a vehicle and carried to the public trial site. After the trial she was dragged to another big truck and forced to stand with criminals that were sentenced to death while it drove around the city as a form of public humiliation for criminals who were sentenced to death. The authorities plan to publicly implicate her with criminals sentenced to death was to cause her maximum fear and humiliation. When she was finally pulled off the truck she couldn't stand on her feet and her face was very pale. It was a severe shock to her self-esteem and spirit for being forced to stand alongside murderers that were to be sentenced to death.