
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Lose Consciousness from Being Hung by their Handcuffs at the Minxi Prison

    Practitioner Wang Dong, who was formerly in the No. 4 Division, No. 1 Subdivision, was brutally beaten by the guards and also tortured with the painful method of cuffing and then hanging after guards learned that he wrote articles to expose the evil persecution and that they were published on the internet. He was tortured for several days.
  • The Persecution Suffered by Dafa Practitioner at the Taiyuan City Brainwashing Centre

    After July, 20, 1999, using my refusal to give up practising Falun Gong as an excuse, my work unit (the Housing Properties Management Office in Taiyuan City's Jinan Chemical Engineering Factory) constantly withheld my living expenses at will. When I picked up my money, they asked me to indicate that I had received 100% of the money, when in fact I had only received 80%.
  • Horrific Wounds Inflicted on Dafa Practitioner Ms. Dong Mei in Longshan Labour Camp

    Her anklebone was exposed to the air - no skin or flesh covered it any longer, which was a horrific sight! Her feet were wrapped with cloth. She told me that was because guards had directed a collaborator [former practitioner who has given up Dafa cultivation under pressure] to drag her back and forth over the cement floor when she refused to give up her belief in Dafa.
  • Trauma Suffered by Female Dafa Practitioner in Ziyang City Mental Hospital

    On January 19, 2001, my employers and the evil police of Chengdong Police Precinct continued to persecute me. When they could not find anything at my home and at my work place, they framed me. They put some Dafa truth-clarifying materials behind the document cabinet in the office, and with that as an excuse, they illegally sentenced me to forced labour for one and a half years without a trial. They also expelled me from the company.
  • Bandit Linghai City Police Terrorise and Cripple Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Lingjun

    The Linghai City Police Department has a notorious reputation for acting like bandits, because they often deceive and oppress their countrymen. Over the past four years, they have made relentless efforts to persecute Dafa practitioners: ransacking their homes, brutal beatings, huge fines (often in the amount of 20,000 Yuan - yet this is a poor area where it would take most families a whole lifetime to save 20-30,000 Yuan. They would have to serve a forced labour term if they failed to come up with the money.)
  • Minxi Prison Uses Method Known as "All Day, All Directions, and Fully Enclosed" to Torture Dafa Practitioners

    They used handcuffs and thumbcuffs to tie Jiang Sheng onto the metal bars of the window. Jiang Sheng's toes were barely touching the floor. He was taken down only for feeding or going to the toilet. Jiang Sheng's feet were swollen so much that he could not put on his shoes. Evil Deng, the political instructor, still claimed, "If you dare to practise again, I will torture you to death. After that, I will find some prisoners to say that you died from practising these exercises!"
  • The Suffering of A Ten Year Old Practitioner Facing Persecution

    In May 2002, policemen Yu Dehai, Sun Lizhong and Yang Dongsheng from Yinzhou District Police Department, Tieling City, arrested nine-year-old Huang Chunlin. He refused to answer questions when the cops interrogated him. Sun Lizhong picked him up by the throat and threatened, "I won't put you down if you refuse to talk. Don't think I can't deal with you because you are just a kid. You better speak, or I'll jail you here." Yu Dehai told Chunlin, "If you tell us where your mum and aunt are right way, we assure you we won't arrest them. But if you do not tell us we'll beat them if we capture them."
  • Practitioner Mr. Xu Dawei Suffers from Pleurisy and Hydroencephalitis Resulting from Extreme Torture

    Xu Dawei's mother had gone to visit him, leaving him 400Yuan by handing it to a policeman named Wang Shuchen [500 Yuan is the average monthly salary of an urban worker]. Wang Shuchen only gave Xu Dawei some fruit and some simple living necessities, and kept the money for himself. However, several days later he felt that he might be found out, so he forced Xu Dawei to write a letter to his family saying that he had received the 400Yuan. It was reported that Wang Shuchen often stole money from others.
  • Huge Sums of Money Extorted from Female Dafa Practitioner and Agonising Torture Inflicted by Fushun City Officials

    After more than 50 days of brutal and agonising persecution I became extremely weak and my body was a shadow of its former self. For fear of being held accountable, they released me, but not before they forced my family to pay the labour camp an extortionate sum of 10,000 Yuan.
  • Shandong Dafa Practitioner Mrs Zhu Lixing Unlawfully Imprisoned, Her Five-Year-Old Child Left Without his Mother

    During the six months of illegal imprisonment, the Qingdao "610 Office" policemen exhausted themselves trying to come up with ways to make her give up practising Dafa. When her 5-year-old child went to visit her, the sad scene was unbearable to witness. Even in this kind of situation, the Qingdao "610 Office" continued to torture Zhu Lixing.
  • Practitioner Liu Zhaohong in Critical Condition after Four Months of Hunger Strike in Jiaozhou City Detention Centre

    The "610 Office" continued to jail Liu in Jiaozhou City Detention Centre. To block the information, they put him in a single cell by himself, completely isolated from the rest of the world. The most recent news is that even the policeman delivering water everyday has been rejected by Liu. The situation is very worrisome.
  • Abuse Suffered by Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner

    In the year 2000, Dafa practitioner Mr. Xu Peihao from Longkou City, Shandong Province went to Beijing to appeal. After he returned, his work unit fired him and forced him and his wife to be divorced. Later, he was abducted and sent to a brainwashing class where he was beaten and otherwise attacked. After all this physical and mental abuse, he was on the verge of death and was sent home.
  • Cases of Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Guangdong Province

    Dafa practitioner Mr. Zeng Yuwen from Sanxiang, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province used to live in Zijin, Heyuan. He went to Beijing three times to appeal against the persecution of Falun Dafa. The third time in June 2000, the persecutors put him on a train going back to Guangdong Province. During the trip, Zeng Yuwen jumped from train's toilet window in an attempt to escape his illegal arrest, and unfortunately, died in the attempt.
  • Personification of Evil!: Exposing the Atrocities by the Changchun City Police

    Practitioner Ms. Zhao Aiguo from Jilin City, was cruelly tortured by Zhu Zhishan. She was hung up, nails were driven into her fingers, her palms were burnt with fire, her toenails were pulled out with pliers, and more. After she was beaten to the brink of death, she was sent to Shuangyang Detention Centre. At the beginning of August 2002, she was dispatched to the Provincial Public Security Hospital; her condition became critical. What happened after that is unclear.
  • Dabei Prison Prison Guards Threaten, "Your Family Won't Even Be Allowed to See Your Dead Body!"

    A prison guard once threatened, "As a Falun Gong practitioner, you have no place to appeal and nowhere to right a wrong. You are not allowed to talk, write, or see anyone. If you die, I will destroy the evidence of how it happened. Your family won't even be allowed to see your dead body. When it comes to Falun Gong people, we can do anything without any consequence. Don't think you can walk out of here alive without being transformed. There is no other way. If I don't do this, [former Chinese leader] Jiang Zemin won't let me make a living."