My Righteous Thoughts Were Unshaken Through Police Torture
2002-06-18Three of the police kicked and beat us to the ground, then tied our hands behind our backs. They stripped the clothes off Xing's upper body and beat him. Three other police slapped me across my face, punched and kicked me, until the corner of my right eye, nose, lips, and ears were bleeding. One of the police struck me in the head with a fist size stone causing a bleeding half-inch gash. At around 8pm, we were thrown to a concrete floor in the Gangtun police station guarding office.
Practitioners Beaten to Disability and Death in Anyang Forced Labor Camp, Henan Province
2002-06-13 -
Top Officials in Xinle City, Hebei Province Frequently Commit Crimes
2002-06-12 -
Women's Prison in Hunan Province Incites Prisoners to Torture Dafa Practitioners
2002-06-09 -
Unrelenting Police Cruelty in Changyu District
2002-06-09"they took me to a room and forced me to sit against the wall. They then put a chair on top of my outstretched legs. Two policeman took turns sitting on the chair while hitting my knees and ankles with a multi-edged wooden rod, and walked on my legs."
Torture Methods used in Changchun, the Hometown of Falun Gong's Teacher, Li Hongzhi
2002-05-30If the police violate the law and deprive people of their basic rights, how could we cooperate with them?
A Non-Practitioner Relates his Experience at the Hands of Chinese Police
2002-05-30"They mistakenly took me for a Falun Gong practitioner."
Enduring Unimaginable Torture With Unshakeable Determination
2002-05-24During fifteen days of being completely deprived of sleep, I experienced hallucinations, and could not see things normally. The last night, I could not even sit straight on the stool and I constantly fell down from sitting on the stool. Every time I fell down, they would pull me up and make me sit back up.
Without Human Nature - Changchun Police Viciously Abuse Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-05-18" The basement is the perfect place to torture Falun Gong practitioners, it' no big deal if we beat them to death!"
A Firm Belief in the Truth is Unshakable: A Practitioners Experience In Detention
2002-05-10In those 18 days, they failed to make me give up my belief. About half of those whom they had brainwashed and sent to persuade me were re-awakened to the truth, and started to practise again. This caused the vicious people to be so scared that they did not know what to do.
Drug Addicts in Mental Rehabilitation Centre Encouraged to Beat Practitioners
2002-05-10"Female practitioners were brutally beaten by a group of male drug addicts under orders from Zhang Dazi. The addicts divided into groups, with three males beating each female practitioner using thick iron batons. They beat with all their might until the women lost consciousness."
Torture Methods Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners in Detention Centres and Forced Labour Camps in China
2002-05-07 -
Changchun Authorities Establish a Special Taskforce Committee to Escalate the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-05-06Experts say that the TV broadcast was a heavy blow to Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong, since nearly 1 million viewers watched the programme that exposed the truth of the staged "self-immolation" incident and showed how Falun Dafa is well received in over 50 countries.
Barbarous Persecution of a Dafa Practitioner in the Police Station of Qinghe County, Hebei Province
2002-05-02Knowing he didn't eat or drink for a long time, the wicked people still cuffed his hands behind his back for 16 days and nights...
A Scene in the Third Labour Camp of Henan Province: Ropes Progressively Tightened, Cutting Into the Flesh
2002-05-01Several vicious policemen dragged him into another room and beat him brutally. They kicked him hard with their leather boots, punched him and slapped him in the face. In addition, he was tied up with rope, which was tightened progressively and eventually cut into his flesh. When they were exhausted, they switched to using high-voltage electric batons.