Policeman States; Even if you die, the Party will still cremate your body!"
2002-04-28Cruel policeman Mao Shunde boasted, "I just don't believe that I can't stop your hunger strike." The director of the administration office said to the practitioners arrogantly, "Don't mention about your having blood in your stool! Even if you urinate blood, no one will care! Even if you die, the Party will still cremate your body!"
Rampant Persecution in Daiwangcheng Township
2002-04-24 -
"We only arrest good people, instead of bad ones."
2002-04-24 -
Use Physical Punishments to Achieve "Education and Persuasion"
2002-04-21 -
Mongolian Police Use Medieval Instruments to Torture Dafa Practitioners
2002-04-19[...] the director and a female warder attached to them a torture instrument weighing more than ten pounds. This was attached to them for as long as seven days. [Her] whole body was full of scabies due to this persecution.
Policeman Beats Practitioner Into a Coma - then pours Water over Him to Wake Him Up
2002-04-19Once Chen beat a Dafa practitioner into a coma. Afterwards he poured freezing water onto his face to wake him up. Chen then continued to beat him brutally for a long time. His anger not quite vented, Chen shocked his victim with an electric baton. Including his eyes. The eyeballs were ruptured, but Chen still had no pity.
Ten Cases of Police Brutality against Dafa Practitioners in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province
2002-04-16The policemen ransacked his house and openly stole 97,000 Yuan from his home. In addition, they confiscated a deed for another house. They also stole computers, fax machines, and appliances, which totalled 70,000 Yuan in value. [The average monthly income in China for an urban worker is 500 Yuan]
Violent Incidents in a Detention Centre in Hebei Province
2002-04-16 -
"Judicial Training Centre" Brutally Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-04-14They deprive practitioners of sleep, as they threaten, intimidate and attempt to deceive them. Even in the freezing cold winter, whenever they saw I was sleepy and wanted to close my eyes, they would pour cold water on my face. They either dragged my head out of the window exposing me to the cold wind or hit my head with a stool or fists. They would use whatever method they could think of to prevent me from sleeping. After not sleeping for 8 days, I felt dizzy, lost my sense of direction and could not even remember where I was.
Police in Handan City: "We Will Starve You, then Blame Your Death on Practising Cultivation!"
2002-04-14 -
Officials Instigate Animosity in the Siping Area of Jilin Province
2002-04-12[Jiang's regime is] cooking up a pretext for [...]furthering the bloody persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, which includes guiltless shooting and killing.
"You Will Be Cremated If You Are Not Reformed!"
2002-04-12 -
Enduring Torture With Unshakable Determination:
2002-04-10 -
"Beating You to Death Counts as Suicide. It is what Jiang Zemin Orders us to do."
2002-04-05Head of Pucheng Detention Centre, Du Defu: "Beat you to death, so what. Your death will be counted as suicide. It is what Jiang Zemin orders us to do. Nobody will speak for you even if you can report us to the central government. You can report us to the United Nations if you have the ability!"
Electric Shocks, Beatings, Rape and Confinement in Mental Hospitals
2002-04-04The ruthless and chilling torture of Falun Gong practitioners in Xinjiang region