Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Zheng Lijun from Wangqing County, Jilin Province Sentenced to Ten Years of Prison
2011-08-28Mr. Zheng Lijun was arrested in early March 2011, then interrogated and tortured. He was recently sentenced to a ten-year prison term. Mr. Zheng has been subjected to frequent threats and intimidation over the last 12 years for remaining steadfast in his belief. He often lived away from home to avoid persecution. He was arrested at a practitioner's home.
Cruel Conditions in the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2011-08-28In the past, most of the detainees at the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp were drug addicts. As of July 1999, however, many Falun Gong practitioners, who had committed no crime, were incarcerated there. There is a saying in the labour camp, “[a detainee] works harder than a cow, gets up earlier than a rooster, eats worse than a pig, and sleeps less than a watchdog.” Most of the detainees had injuries upon release. In the early days, the labour camp produced rubber mats, and many detainees' arm muscles were damaged after extended exposure to high temperatures in the work area. When they got up in the morning, many of them had difficulty putting on their clothes due to severely swollen wrists. Beating often happens at the labour camp.
Dalian City Police Arrested and Robbed Over 30 Falun Gong Practitioners
2011-08-28Officials and police in Dalian City of Liaoning Province, arrested more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners in Jinzhou New District and ransacked practitioners’ homes on June 29th. Many practitioners’ houses were stripped bare. Practitioner Mr. Wang Riqing was robbed of approximately forty to fifty thousand yuan in cash and a deposit book containing over one hundred thousand yuan. One of the masterminds behind the arrest was Bi Kefeng from the Jinzhou Domestic Security Division. Starting in 2000 he persecuted many practitioners. In 2000, a practitioner was arrested while distributing materials that detailed the facts about Falun Gong and sent to the police station. Bi tortured the practitioner for more than five hours, causing the practitioner’s face to be deformed.
Ms. Wang Zhiying, 56, from Weihai, Shandong Homeless for More Than a Decade Due to Persecution
2011-08-28Wang Zhiying has been homeless for more than 10 years to avoid being arrested for upholding her belief in Falun Gong. She has suffered both mentally and physically from the persecution. Below is her account of what happened. She recounts: "In 2001, because I refused to give up my faith, my husband Song Jiangong and I were forced to leave our home. Only our daughter, who was in high school, remained at home. We rented a room in another place, but police from the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) found us and broke in. A policeman grabbed me by the hair and handcuffed me from behind. Two policemen stepped on or knelt on my lower back and legs. I could not breathe and fainted. I was taken to the detention centre."
Mr. Pan Benyu, Who Once Saved Six People's Lives, Died as a Result of Relentless Persecution and Torture
2011-08-27Because Mr. Pan Benyu firmly believed in Falun Gong and followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, he was sentenced to forced labour camp twice and sentenced to imprisonment twice (once four years, once seven years). After suffering repeated abuse and torture in police custody, he passed away at 1:00 a.m. on July 17th. His death certificate and medical records had been altered by the authorities.
Villagers in Shandong Province Condemn Linyi 610 Office Agents
2011-08-27On June 22nd, 610 Officers (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Linyi, Shandong Province, went to harass and arrest Falun Gong practitioners in Suijiadian Village. However, the villagers condemned them and they had to leave. Prior to the persecution, there were many practitioners in Suijiadian Village and they benefited a great deal from practising Falun Gong. After the persecution started, practitioners were persecuted by the local 610 Office. Practitioner Zu Peiyong was held in a forced labour camp twice. Other practitioners' homes were ransacked and they were arrested, held in brainwashing centres, and had money extorted from them.
Woman in Her 60's Arrested and Brainwashed, Authorities Extort Money from Her
2011-08-27On June 27th, Ms. Xu Jianxin was arrested at home by 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Shandong's Weifang City and taken to the "Rule of Law Training Centre," actually a brainwashing centre. There, as with many other practitioners in the brainwashing centre, she had a large amount of money extorted from her. Ms. Xu Jianxin conducts herself according to the principles Falun Gong, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, even though Ms. Xu is far from wealthy, she donated to the earthquake-hit region. Yet such a good person is being persecuted.
Ms. Zhang Fuying Persecuted by Police in Shenzhen City
2011-08-27Ms. Zhang Fuying was arrested by police on June 4th, when she and a relative were trying to deposit money into her bank account at China Postal Bank's Xiangmi Branch. The staff reported them to the authorities when they noticed that all the money had phrases exposing the persecution of Falun Gong written on them. Ms. Zhang was later taken to Shenzhen Legal Education School, which is actually a brainwashing centre. The police ransacked her home twice and confiscated a laptop computer, printer, Falun Gong materials, more than 2,600 yuan in cash, and other personal belongings.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Huang Tao Persecuted to Death
2011-08-26Ms. Huang Tao was arrested on January 9th, 2005 by police. She was sentenced to four years in the No. 2 Women's Prison, where she was forced to do hard labour. Due to the harsh treatment and poor conditions, she developed severe diabetes and lost a lot of weight. She was finally released in December 2006 to seek medical treatment. The authorities continued to harass Ms. Huang after her release, and withheld her pension from January 2005 to January 2009. She became increasingly weak and her condition deteriorated. Ms. Huang Tao passed away on July 28th, 2011.
Mr. Yin Sirong Transferred to Brainwashing Centre after Finishing Forced Labour Term; His Daughter Seeks His Release
2011-08-26Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yin Sirong was transferred to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre on May 10th, 2011 after serving an extended term in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. He has been held for three months in the brainwashing centre. Mr. Yin's daughter went to the brainwashing centre again on August 3rd to request his release. Her request was refused. She had to call her father's name outside of the building in order to finally see him.
Sisters Zhang Xiaoling and Zhang Yueqi from Guangdong Province Arrested, Family Calls for Help
2011-08-26Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhang Xiaoling and Ms. Zhang Yueqi were arrested by police from Huangpu District Police Station on August 3rd. When their other sister Zhang Liling went to the police station to demand their release, she was detained overnight. The two sisters are currently detained in the Huangpu District Detention Centre. Ms. Zhang Yueqi is only 16 years old and a student. The family is very worried about them.
Mr. Xiao Xicheng from Beijing Detained
2011-08-26A group of police officers broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xiao Xicheng's home on June 17th, arrested him and took him to the Wanshoulu Police Station. The next day, Mr. Xiao was transferred to the Haidian District Detention Centre, where he was held for more than a month. During his detention, his family didn't receive any news about him. Finally on August 2nd, Mr. Xiao's family received a letter from the Daxing Men's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing informing them that they could visit Mr. Xiao before August 28th.
Mr. Feng Qi Dies as a Result of Persecution in Suzhou No. 3 Prison, Anhui Province
2011-08-25Mr. Feng Qi was arrested on March 1st, 2008 and he was taken to the Changfeng County Detention Centre. Mr. Feng was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp, and was transferred to the Suzhou No. 3 Prison. Practitioners are forced to watch videos and read materials slandering Falun Gong. Whenever practitioners refuse, guards order inmates to beat them. Mr. Feng was left physically disabled as a result of the torture he endured. Mr. Feng Qi passed away on July 31st.
School Teacher Ms. Zhang Shuling from Suihua, Heilongjiang Province Dies As a Result of Persecution
2011-08-25Teacher Ms. Zhang Shuling was arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division on July 5th, and later held in the Nongken Detention Centre in Suihua City. She passed away on July 30th. Ms. Zhang taught her students according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, but had been subjected many times to persecution at the hands of local police and her school officials. She was fired from her job, and was arrested on November 26th, 2003 as she was distributing information about Falun Gong and given a three-year prison term. The three-year persecution left Ms. Zhang physically and mentally devastated.
Persecution Details of Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Lianying
2011-08-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Lianying has been arrested five times during the past 12 year since the persecution launched by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began. Her home has been ransacked seven times, and her daughter was suspended from middle school due to her belief. Ms. Zhou has been subjected to beatings, slave labour, and three years in a forced labour camp. The health she regained after cultivation was ruined, and she was in critical condition when released.