Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Ba Lijiang Publicly Humiliated in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2011-09-09On June 12th, 2002, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials arrested Ms. Ba Lijiang, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province. Later Bi Xu, female, chief judge of the Hailin City Court, sentenced her to a nine-year prison term. In September 2003, Ms. Ba was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. On February 16th, 2011, Bao Rui, the deputy warden, humiliated Ms. Ba in public by having two guards sit on top of her and cutting her hair down to her scalp.
Ruichang Police Department in Jiangxi Province Arrests 13 Falun Gong Practitioners within Three Months
2011-09-08The Ruichang Police Department in Jiangxi Province arrested 13 Falun Gong practitioners within the past three months. On May 31st, practitioner Liang Zhong was arrested while he was explaining the facts about Falun Gong to people. His family refused extortion attempts by police officials, so he wasn't released. The police threatened that he wouldn't be released unless he identified three other Falun Gong practitioners. He refused, and was taken to the Jiujiang Majialong Labour Camp and subjected to further persecution.
Brutal Persecution of Mr. Guan Zhenyuan and His Family
2011-09-08Mr. Guan Zhenyuan was a Falun Gong practitioner from Gansu Province. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to openly suppress Falun Gong in July 1999, he was detained and tortured on numerous occasions. He was last arrested in 2003, and sentenced to an eight-and-a-half-year prison term. While in custody, he was tortured constantly, and as a result left in critical condition. In order to shirk their responsibility for his condition, the prison released him ahead of schedule in October 2010. He was not able to recover and passed away on June 2nd, 2011, at the age of 58.
After Three Years of Imprisonment, Huang Hua Arrested Again
2011-09-08Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Hua was arrested on August 9th, 2008, and later sentenced to three years of imprisonment by the Nanxi County Court. He was released from Wumaping Prison on August 9th, 2011, but was arrested again after 13 days by the Yibin 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). He has been detained at a brainwashing centre.
Update on the Persecution of Numerous Falun Gong Practitioners in Chengde, Hebei
2011-09-08On August 10th, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Yang was arrested at his hardware store by the Chengde police. Practitioners Zhao Haihui, Wu Chonghua, Feng Zhonghou, and Li Ying were also arrested. Since May police in the Chengde area started a new round of arresting Falun Gong practitioners. Residential committees recruited unemployed people to assist in “re-educating” (brainwashing) Falun Gong practitioners. Former practitioners who believed the false propaganda concocted by the Communist regime were instructed to spread lies and distort opinions about Falun Gong. So far more than 30 practitioners have been arrested, undergone brainwashing tactics on a one-to-one basis, and been forced to write the three statements to renounce their beliefs.
Mr. Zhou Jingcheng, Director of a Feed Factory, Arrested Again after Eight Detentions, Two Forced Labour Camp Terms, and One Prison Term
2011-09-07On August 20th, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zhou and his wife Wang Caijun were both arrested by police. Since the persecution began on on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zhou has been arrested eight times, sentenced to a forced labour camp twice, and sentenced to prison once. In 2006, police knocked out six of Mr. Zhou's teeth during a brutal arrest. He was deprived of sleep for six days and nights. He was repeatedly attacked with electric batons, once for more than an hour. Prison guards beat him with hard rubber tubes. They also repeatedly poked inside his nostrils with reeds until he started to bleed.
Doctor Liu Tianying from Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province Arrested
2011-09-07On August 3rd, police and officials ransacked the home of Ms. Liu Tianying. They found Falun Gong books and informational materials about Falun Gong. They then arrested her and took her to the Public Security Bureau in Yilan County. Ms. Liu Tianying is a doctor in her village. Those who know her consider her a selfless, kind person. She is good at her work, and provides food and accommodation for patients who need to travel far to see her.
Firsthand Account: Wang Ping from Laizhou City, Shandong Province, Brutally Beaten and Tortured
2011-09-07Ms. Wang Ping began to practise Falun Gong in 1996. In 2006, she was arrested by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police officers and brutally beaten. After that she was sent to Wang Village Forced Labour Camp. She recounts: "Each day I had to work over a dozen hours on intensive slave labour. Even women in their 70s had to work every day. If they could not finish their work, they had to work extra hours. Some of them could only sleep 2-3 hours a night. Even a physically strong person could not endure that."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Jun, 65, Forced to Leave Home to Avoid Arrest and Torture
2011-09-07Ms. Zhang Jun began firmly believes in Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, thus the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) has persecuted her numerous times. Her younger son developed a mental illness after being brutally beaten. Most recently, in July 2011, 610 Office agent Liang Shibin and six plainclothes officers broke into Ms. Zhang's home, forcing her to find another place to live. Her family was also harassed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.
A Falun Gong Practitioner’s Personal Account of Being Tortured for Six Days by Helong City Police in Jilin Province
2011-09-06Agents from the Helong City Domestic Security Division in the Yanbian Autonomous Region of Jilin Province arrested several local Falun Gong practitioners on May 26th, 2011. They then tortured and interrogated them. One of the practitioners who was considered a primary target was brutalised for six days non-stop. He recounts: "Police officer Gao Zhenhua shackled my feet and hung me upside down against a wall. During the interrogation, he kicked me at will."
Ms. Zhou Chunzhi, In Her 60s, Who Suffered Years of Torture at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison, Has Been Arrested Again
2011-09-06Ms. Zhou Chunzhi is a Falun Gong practitioner in her 60s. Because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong, she was arrested several times over the course of the persecution. In 2002 Ms. Zhou was sentenced to six years of imprisonment and tortured by guards at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Ms. Zhou was arrested again by the local police in June 2011 and sent to the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp. According to her family, Ms. Zhou was tortured in the labour camp to the extent that her ribs were broken.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Nuanrong from Tonghua County, Jilin Province, Arrested Again
2011-09-06On July 17th, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Nuanrong and Mr. Wang Peichen were arrested by police. Their home was ransacked. Mr. Wang Nuanrong is Mr. Wang Peichen's father. After they were arrested, a relative of Wang Peichen's went to the police department to see him, but the guards turned her away. The police threatened her, saying that Mr. Wang Peichen would be sentenced and Mr. Wang Nuanrong would be held in a forced labour camp.
Three Farmers from Jingle County, Shanxi Province Sentenced to Forced Labour
2011-09-06On August 16th, three practitioners Mr. Wang Jiuhuan, 67 years old; Mr. Shang Xiwei, 56 years old; and Mr. Shang Cunwei, 58 years old from Shenjia Village in Shanxi Province were taken away by County and Town police and detained in the county detention centre. They have been sentenced to forced labour. Mr. Wang, who is nearly 70 years old, was tortured during interrogation. His arrest has brought pain to his family, who cannot understand why this innocent man was detained.
Mr. Ci Hai from Qiqihar Dies after Enduring Torture in Tailai Prison
2011-09-05Mr. Ci Hai developed liver ascites and other illnesses after enduring many years of mental and physical abuse by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 2006, he was sentenced to four years in prison by the Tiefeng District Court. Mr. Ci was finally released in 2011 after four years of brutal torture. He no longer had a job and had no income. He was in a deep depression and developed liver ascites and other illnesses. He became emaciated and his complexion turned yellowish. He developed many pustules all over his body. The pustules burst and discharged pus. Mr. Ci died in great pain on the evening of August 23rd at the age of 39.
Ms. Guo Min Dies after Eleven Years of Unjust Confinement in a Mental Hospital
2011-09-05Ms. Guo Min began cultivating Falun Gong in 1996, and benefited both in mind and body. In March 2000, the persecution escalated, but she did not want to give up her faith even though she was under huge pressure from her family, employer, and the community. She was arrested and taken to mental hospitals, where she was locked up for more than eight years. People still saw that she had a clear mind, with no mental illness symptoms. She endured physical and mental tortures. She had been haemorrhaging since July 2010, and the doctor found that she was in the late stages of uterine cancer. She died on August 4th.