Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Huang Weichao Was Taken to a Brainwashing Centre But Is Now Missing
2011-06-07Mr. Huang Weichao, a Falun Gong practitioner, used to work at the No. 10 Oil Exploitation Factory of the Daqing Petroleum Company. On the afternoon of April 8th, while he was at work, he was arrested and taken to the Wuchang Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province. On April 21st, the management where he worked told his family that he had run away from the brainwashing centre on April 9th. No one knows his current whereabouts.
Ms. Zhang Meilan and Ms. Peng Sufen File Appeal to the Supreme Procuratorate
2011-06-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Meilan and Ms. Peng Sufen filed a complaint with the Supreme Procuratorate regarding the Yunnan High Court, which sentenced them. The practitioners made banners bearing the following inscriptions, “Falun Gong is Good. Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is Good.” “The World Needs Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.” On the night of October 16th, 2009, they hung the banners on the Kaitong Road New Bridge overpass and near the railroad exit in the Dongchuan District, Kunming. Police subsequently searched their homes before releasing them on bail. The Kunming Middle Court tried them on May 13th, 2010.
Persecution Causes Tissue Necrosis of Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Song Huilan's Legs and Feet, Exposing the Bones
2011-06-06Ms. Song Huilan, 60, was arrested for the fifth time by police from the Huachuan County Police Department and Hengshantou Police Station on December 13th, 2010. After being subjected to severe physical torture, she is now disabled. During her imprisonment at the Tangyuan Detention Centre, she was injected with an unknown drug and lost the ability to walk as a result. Prior to that, she was healthy and could walk freely. She also developed severe tissue necrosis on her right leg and foot that exposed the bones. In March 2011, her family went to the Tangyuang Detention Centre to find the responsible parties, but the guards denied all responsibility.
Older Sister Persecuted to Death, Younger Sister Ms. Gui Jihong Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2011-06-06Ms. Gu Jianmin was arrested on March 1st, 2008, when she was 53 years old. Twelve days later, she was dead. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) authorities then arrested her younger sister, Ms. Gu Jihong, without cause and sentenced her to three years in prison because they were afraid that she would seek redress for the death of her older sister. Ms. Gu Jihong has now been deprived of her freedom for a total of seven years.
Ms. Ba Lijiang's Family Anxiously Awaits Her Release After Nine-Year Imprisonment
2011-06-06Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ba Lijiang has been tortured in Heilongjiang Women's Forced Labour Camp for nine years. On June 13th, 2011, her term will end. Her family members are anxiously waiting for that day to come. In September 2003, she was detained in Heilongjiang Women's Prison. Throughout her detention, Ms. Ba kept her belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. She was beaten, detained in a small solitary room, hung up many times, and also force-fed for a long period. In May 2005, Ms. Ba went on a hunger strike to protest the torture. She was detained in a small solitary room for over a month, during which she was force-fed. A guard put ten times more salt than normal in her porridge, and used this to force-feed Ms. Ba three times a day.
Accounts of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Education System of Hongan County, Hubei Province
2011-06-06Mr. Yang Caiyin taught physics at Hongan Second High School and was well respected by his students. However, Mr. Yang was persecuted to death because he practised Falun Gong. Before his death, he was arrested many times and detained in a forced labour camp for three years. He was fired from his job. Once while in a detention centre, he was beaten by a guard because he tried to stop the guard from beating other Falun Gong practitioners; as a result of the beating, he lost a front tooth.
Three Family Members Die Due to Persecution; Elementary School Teacher Ms. Xu Shufeng Arrested Again
2011-06-05Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Shufeng, about 48 years old, is an elementary school teacher at the Daqing Petro-Chemical First Elementary School. Police arrested her and ransacked her home on April 24th, 2011 because she explained the facts about Falun Gong in public. She is now being held at the Longfeng Detention Centre. The persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) caused the death of three of Ms. Xu's family members: her father, husband and son. Ms. Xu herself has been arrested four times.
Deputy County Official in Shandong Province on Hunger Strike to Protest Imprisonment and Torture
2011-06-05Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Guobo is a county level official from Weifang City, Shandong Province. After being arrested, detained, and sent to a forced labour camp, he was arrested again in February 2009. This time he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. For the last two and a half years, he held periodic hunger strikes to protest the persecution. He is hospitalized due to the abuse he has suffered. During his detention in the Weifang Detention Centre, Mr. Jiang Guobo was subjected to a variety of torture methods, including assault, verbal abuse, exposure to the sun during extremely hot days, sleep deprivation, being put on a “death bed,” and forced-feeding.
Eyewitness Account of Abuse and Mistreatment of Professor Zhang Fengqian at a Brainwashing Facility
2011-06-05Professor Zhang Fengqian from the Department of Philosophy at Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University in Guangzhou City lost his ability to think coherently as a result of physical abuse and brainwashing at the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre. A practitioner who was incarcerated at the same facility between May and August 2010, witnessed how Professor Zhang was persecuted, including more than twenty people taking turns monitoring him, tying his limbs to the four corner of a bed for the entire night, and placing him under intensified brainwashing all day long.
Mr. Yang Jianpo Seriously Ill Due to Abuse at Jidong Prison--Wife Appeals for His Release
2011-06-05Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Jianpo was arrested on December 28th, 2010, by police. He was taken to the Jidong Prison that same day. He is extremely emaciated. His wife made an appeal for her husband's release: "My husband had been persecuted numerous times [for his belief in Falun Gong]. He was subjected to forced labour in the Wanzhuang Forced Labour Camp in Langfang City in September 1999. He was then arrested in Tangshan City on the evening of March 30th, 2003, by police. He was tortured to the point of near-death during 38 days of detention. The police eventually told us, his family members, to take him home. "
Ms. Wang Yongfang Persecuted to a State of Mental Collapse; Her Family in Tragic Situation
2011-06-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yongfang and her two sisters were arrested again by the Domestic Security Team in May 2002. After three years of forced labour, Ms. Wang returned home in 2005. By the time of her release, she was devastated mentally and physically. She was threatened by the local police many times and finally suffered a mental collapse due to the intense pressure.
The Sad Story of Little Yi
2011-06-04Little Yi is four years old. Due to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party, his father was sentenced to five years in a forced labour camp, and his mother was injected with drugs in detention until she became mentally disordered. Moreover, his grandparents were tortured to death. Little Yi was taken care of by a kind Korean lady. Recently however, many policemen broke into their home and arrested Falun Gong practitioners there.
Officials from Shijiazhuang Women’s Forced Labour Camp Detain Ms. Zhu Lihua Beyond Term Expiration
2011-06-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhu Lihua has been persecuted many times during the past ten years. She was sentenced to forced labour in September 2009. After her term expired on March 22nd, 2011, officials from Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp extended her term. Prior to the detention, Ms. Zhu Lihua was a very healthy individual, but the mistreatment and torture in the labour camp led to numerous illnesses including heart disease, enlargement of the lymph nodes and various areas of swelling on the body. Nonetheless, the guards still forced Ms. Zhu to stand for extended periods of time, watching others labour. When she was too weak to stand, the guards forced her to sit on the cold cement floor, and prohibited her from using the toilet.
Mr. Li Shigang from Jilin City Greatly Harmed Physically and Mentally As a Result of Being Arrested and Abused Five Times
2011-06-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Shigang was recently released. While detained he was greatly harmed both physically and mentally. As a result he now has difficulty walking, his legs are numb, and he experiences dizziness. He lives a miserable life. Over the past 12 years since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution, Mr. Li has been arrested and detained five times. He was tortured, which led to his disability. He was twice given forced labour terms. One for one and a half years, and another for two years.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured with Forced Administration of Drugs at Fanjiatai Prison
2011-06-03A major method of persecution utilised on Falun Gong practitioners at Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang County, Hubei Province is forced administration of drugs and other toxic substances. There are many types of drugs or other chemicals administered to practitioners, ranging from tinctures, jellies, powders, sprays (pesticides, sulphides), and biological pathogens added to medicines that damage internal organs. Such drugs or other chemicals have often led to illnesses including heart failure, kidney failure, and stroke. The drugs also damage the nervous system, the entire digestive system, cause skin disease, and result in other severe health problems. The drugs have been known to come from the higher officials or prison hospital.