Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Female Engineer in Nanjing Persecuted Repeatedly; Disabled Due to Forced Ingestion of Unknown Drugs
2012-11-06Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Zhu Jianling has been detained multiple times. In 1999, she visited Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong, but was arrested. In 2000, she was arrested for distributing Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and placed in a forced labour camp for three years. In 2004, she was taken to a forced labour camp for an additional three years. In 2008, Ms. Zhu was sentenced to forced labour for the third time. She has now been detained for eight years. During her incarceration guards routinely added unknown drugs to her beverages, and her entire body swelled up; she subsequently developed serious cardiac disease symptoms.
Shenyang Schoolteacher Detained for a Month, Her Child in Tears
2012-11-06Ms. Han Qing, 42, teaches at the Liangzhong County Vocational High School in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. She was arrested and has been detained for almost a month. Her family went to the Shenyang First Detention Centre and delivered clothes to her, but the detention centre did not allow them to see her. It was said that the police fabricated evidence and submitted the case to the Procuratorate. Very distressed at the turn of events, Ms. Han's teenage child, now on his/her own, was reduced to tears.
Former Engineer Mr. Chang Shi with the Jilin City Telecommunications Bureau Arrested
2012-11-06Mr. Chang Shi, his wife, and their 19-year-old daughter were arrested in Jilin City on August 9th, 2012. Mr. Chang's wife, Ms. Zhang Jingdong, was terribly abused while she was in police custody. Within just 10 days she was in critical condition. She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. Mr. Chang's arrest has now been officially approved. His wife and daughter have returned home.
The Inside Story of Live Organ Harvesting as Carried Out by the Chinese Communist Party
2012-11-02Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong, the practitioners who have gone to Beijing to appeal have often been arrested. Many of them have refused to disclose their names and addresses so as not to facilitate the CCP’s policy of guilt by association. The whereabouts of these tens of thousands of practitioners has been a mystery for many years. In 2000, the organ transplant business in China suddenly began to boom. Where did this huge supply of organs come from? In March 2006, two informants from China exposed the horrific story of the CCP's harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing Women's Prison
2012-11-02Newly arrived practitioners have to get up around 6 a.m. and go to a small room used just for brainwashing. They have to spend the whole day there, and all their meals are brought in so that they cannot leave or get a break from the intense situation. Those practitioners who refuse to do forced labour are also taken there for brainwashing. The brainwashing goes on all day and does not stop until the other prisoners finish working and come back. The prison specifically chooses the most low level prisoners to find fault with and verbally abuse the practitioners who remain steadfast. Using the techniques the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used during the Cultural Revolution, they hold “struggle sessions” in which 20 or 30 handpicked prisoners sit in a circle surrounding the practitioners, criticizing and yelling at them.
Ms. Zhou Qi, 56, from Xishui Severely Tortured
2012-11-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Qi was taken into custody by police on August 8th, 2012. Her home was ransacked. After two weeks of brainwashing tactics, Ms. Zhou Qi did not say anything that the police wanted. The police then transferred Ms. Zhou Qi to the First Detention Centre on August 22nd. After a month, she still did not tell them what they wanted to hear. They issued an arrest warrant on September 24th in order to keep her detained. Ms. Zhou was interrogated and tortured in the detention centre. The police took turns questioning her. Her arms and legs were cuffed to a steel chair so that she was unable to move. The police also took her blood, to be “examined”. Her family was not allowed to visit. Because of the torture she endured, Ms. Zhou is emaciated and unable to care for herself.
Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Shanxi Women's Prison in Lead-up to the 18th National People's Congress
2012-11-02Beginning in July 2012, Shanxi Women's Prison intensified the persecution of detained Falun Gong practitioners in preparation for the 18th National People's Congress. With special brainwashing centres and all manner of torture, they are trying to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Many practitioners, including Ms. Li Hong, are being relentlessly tortured. Practitioners are threatened, beaten, insulted, forced to stand, forced to sit, shocked with electric batons, confined in a small solitary cell, and subjected to other brutal torture.
Practitioners in Qinglongshan Brainwashing Centre Brutally Tortured
2012-11-02At the beginning of 2010, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) set up a brainwashing centre Qinglongshan. They called it the Qinglongshan “Law Enforcement Training Base.” During the past two years, officials from the Political and Legal Committee and 610 Office have arrested many practitioners and sent them to the Qinglongshan Brainwashing Centre to persecute them. In the brainwashing centre, Ms. Chen was handcuffed to a metal bed for more than 15 days. After she was released, the officials tried to force her to sign a statement renouncing Falun Gong. She refused, so they stretched her arms and cuffed her hands to the bed rail. She was put in a position where she was unable to stand up or sit down.
Couple Arrested; Police Threaten to Send Daughter to Orphanage
2012-11-02Mr. Zhou Jiafu and his wife, Ms. Bai Guixia, are Falun Gong practitioners from Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. Approximately 20 police officers waited outside the building where they live on September 20th, 2012. Once Mr. Zhou returned home the police arrested him. They also ransacked the family's home and confiscated their computer, printer, over 10,000 yuan in cash, several mobile phones, and informational materials about Falun Gong. Ms. Bai was also arrested later. Police also took the couple's 11-year-old daughter to the police station and threatened to send her to an orphanage.
The Unjust Trial of Mr. Wang Yulin
2012-11-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yulin's home was raided by police in March. His personal belongings were confiscated, and he himself was framed and arrested. On October 12th, the court of Binchuan County started the trial for Wang Yulin. The prosecutors concocted charges saying that Wang Yulin “Utilised a cult to block the implementation of the law” (Article 300 of criminal law). The so called “evidence” were the Shen Yun [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show] and Prophecy & Life discs. Police claimed they had found the discs. However, the officials did not show up to testify. In fact, the room where the discs were placed could be opened only Mr. Wang and his wife. Others had no way to enter that room, so the testimony was a pure lie.
Sun Jianfeng of Zhongwei City, Ningxia Detained without Cause
2012-11-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Jianfeng was originally scheduled to be tried in court on August 10th. Due to concerns raised by the defence lawyer, the court postponed the hearing. More than a month has passed with no further information about him. Mr. Sun Jianfeng has been sent to forced labour camps four times in the past for appealing for Falun Gong. He had to make rope, do hard labour, and endure force-feedings. He almost froze to death in the cold weather, was under long term surveillance, and was tortured by “Hanging by handcuffs” for 72 days. He was bedridden for more than two months before he could barely walk again.
Ms. Su Xiaoping, 54, Dies after Being Abused in Maoming Brainwashing Centre
2012-10-30Ms. Su Xiaoping, 54, was reported to the police on August 13th, 2012, for speaking with people about Falun Gong. She was arrested by police and taken to the Xinyi Drug Rehabilitation Centre to serve a 15-day detention. Fifteen days later, on August 28th, Ms. Su was released and returned home. Police went to her home that same day and tried to force Ms. Su to admit her guilt and sign some forms. She refused, so the officers then forcibly took her to the Maoming City Brainwashing Centre. Ms. Su developed urinary incontinence in the brainwashing centre, becoming swollen all over and unable to walk. Ms. Su died on October 7th.
Torture Methods Used in Nanguanling Prison, Dalian City
2012-10-30A number of Falun Gong practitioners from Liaoning Province have been tortured to death in Nanguanling Prison. There are approximately 26 small solitary confinement cells each measuring around nine square metres. Two metal hoops are fixed on the walls of these cells, and are usually used to torture practitioners that have recently arrived at the prison. The torture method is called “small hanging”. It is an extremely brutal method of torture and very difficult to bear. Most times, the skin on the practitioner's bottom starts to break after a day. Sometimes, one could hear loud cries and screams coming from the cells.
Ms. Yang Lirong from Inner Mongolia Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2012-10-30Ms. Li Yuzhi was arrested at her home on February 29th, 2012, by police. They confiscated her computer, printer, and over 60,000 yuan. Xu, Liu and two other officers waited at Ms. Li's home for several hours and claimed that they would arrest whoever showed up. That afternoon Ms. Li's daughter, Ms. Yang Lirong, brought her good friend Ms. Zhang Cuimin to her mother's home. They were both arrested. Ms. Yang and her mother were tried in Songshan District Court on August 22nd. Ms. Li was sentenced to three years, and, as expected, Ms. Yang was given a severe sentence—eight years— because her family hired a lawyer and they refused to plead guilty.
Ten Practitioners from Jiamusi City Arrested and Sent to Labour Camps
2012-10-30Officers from the Jiamusi City Police Department transferred 10 Falun Gong practitioners who were detained in the Jiamusi Detention Centre to labour camps at 4:00 a.m. on October 10th, 2012. The police dragged them into vehicles and took the nine female practitioners to the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Labour Camp and Mr. Zhang to the Suihua Forced Labour Camp. Because they did not pass the physical, Ms. Zhang Shuhua, Mr. Zhang, and Ms. Qu were released the following day.