Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Fuzhou City 610 Office's Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners During the Past Two Years
2010-05-01Mr. Zheng Shizhen was arrested by police on January 10th, 2008, while handing out Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. He was detained at the Second Detention Centre in Fuzhou City. Later he was released. On March 27th, 2008, 70-year-old Ms. Zhao Fengrong was arrested by the Huada Police near Tongpan Elementary School. The police then raided her home and took away her computer, printer, CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, and other personal belongings. Zhao Fengrong was sentenced to three years in prison and she is currently imprisoned at the Fuzhou City Women's Prison.
The Persecution of a Retired Military Officer
2010-05-01In 2002, Mr. Feng Xupeng, a retired military officer from Shanghai, was arrested and imprisoned for giving out DVDs that exposed the persecution of Falun Gong. Due to the brutal tortures he suffered, he can't do any physical work, gets easily tired, and his legs shake. His wife left him after being subjected to tremendous pressure by the authorities. Mr. Feng currently doesn't have a place to stay and is in financial difficulty. He recounts his persecution: "I was imprisoned for two years and six months in Shanghai City Third Forced Labour Camp. I had to do slave labour from dawn to dusk--making lawn lamps and wrapping stationary appliances for companies overseas. I was frequently beaten and kicked by many inmates."
Luzhou City, Sichuan Province: Ms. Wu Houyu in Forced Labour Camp for the Third Time
2010-05-01Because Ms. Wu told people about Falun Gong in March and she carried four cards that were printed with, "Falun Gong is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." These became the grounds for her one-year forced labour term. In previous labour camp detentions Ms. Wu suffered brutal torture. Torture and abuse included long-term solitary confinement; brutal beatings; sleep deprivation; and being forced to stand facing a wall for many consecutive days and nights.
An Open Letter to 610 Offices, Chinese Police, Procurators and Legal Systems
2010-04-30My name is Mei Xuan, and I am an Erhu player (traditional Chinese musical instrument) in the Shen Yun Performing Arts Company. I am writing this open letter as the wife of a detained Falun Gong practitioner. On February 18th, 2010, I was waiting for my husband, Jiang Feng, at Newark Airport, New York. After all the passengers had left, I still didn't see him. I had been longing for this reunion for a long time, ever since he obtained a visa to visit the U.S. But suddenly, he had disappeared, which made me so sad. I found out that State Security agents arrested him before he could board the airplane. He is now detained in the Luyang District Brainwashing Centre in Hefei City, Anhui Province. I cannot express the pain in my heart upon learning of this.
Lawyers for Qitaihe City Practitioners Defend Their Innocence During Trial
2010-04-30A dozen police officers arrested six practitioners on September 22nd, 2009. Among them, Li Fengbo suffered late stage lung cancer as a result of the persecution and was released. On April 1st-2nd, 2010, the Qitaihe City Xinxing District Court tried the practitioners. Two attorneys defended two of the practitioners. When Qitaihe City authorities learned that the practitioners' families had hired attorneys to defend them in court, they immediately reported it to the Beijing Law Enforcement Bureau, which in turn pressured the law firms, attempting to force them not to defend the practitioners' innocence, but instead to plead only for reduced punishment. The authorities also harassed the attorneys with threatening telephone calls.
Persecution of Two Residents in Jincheng Town, Shuangchng City, Heilongjiang Province
2010-04-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Hongliang is being detained at Jilin City No. 2 Prison. Another practitioner, Ms. Zhang Xiutian, died on January 13th, 2007. Ms. Zhang, 62 years old at the time of her death, previously had diabetes. After practising Falun Gong she quickly recovered from the illness. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the nationwide persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms. Zhang went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. Later Ms. Zhang left home to avoid further persecution. Over the next few years, officials attempted several times to arrest her but failed. The stress caused her previous illnesses to return, and she died as a result.
Beijing Police Harass Ms. Piao Lihua's Family in Shijingshan District
2010-04-30Police broke into Ms. Piao Lihua's home to harass her family on April 14th, 2010. Ms. Piao's neighbours said that Ms. Piao has been unable to live a peaceful life for the past 13 years. She has been subjected to arrests, detention, and a forced labour term. She was also placed under surveillance, her phone was tapped, and the police once arrested her in the middle of the night. She was dragged down the stairs from the sixth floor feet first, and her clothes were almost completely stripped off in the process.
Older Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuzhi Died after Seven Years in Zhejiang Province Women's Prison
2010-04-29In November 2001, Ms. Wang Yuzhi, 64, was arrested for talking to people about Falun Gong and exposing the persecution. She was sentenced to to eight years in Zhejiang Province Women Prison. Ms. Wang was forced take unknown drugs. In addition, she was compelled to labour for more than ten hours per day. Ms. Wang used to be very healthy, but after seven years in prison, she had become emaciated. On February 2009, the prison administration told her family pick her up, to distance themselves from responsibility for her poor condition. When she returned home, she could not eat. She did not respond to medical treatment. Her whole body soon became swollen and her health continued to deteriorate. Ms. Wang died on February 20th, 2010.
Older Practitioner Ms. Bai Lizhu from Daqing Still Detained in Harbin Women's Drug-Rehabilitation Centre
2010-04-29Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bai Lizhu, 57, was arrested by the police at the end of 2009. Later, she was detained in Harbin Women's Drug-Rehabilitation Centre (a forced labour camp). Right before the New Year, her family went to the forced labour camp three times and finally got to see her. She came out with somebody holding her up by the arms. Ms. Bai said that she suffered from a stomach disorder. She is still detained in the drug rehabilitation centre.
Torture in Dalian City Forced Labour Camp
2010-04-29A practitioner who was tortured in Dalian City Forced Labour Camp recounts his ordeal: "In 2004, the leader ordered the person in charge of me to pull my arms apart and handcuff me between two metal beds. I was also forced to sit on a small stool and deprived of sleep. Two inmates were assigned to monitor me around the clock to try to make me renounce Falun Gong. At that time, except for my face, my entire body was covered with scabies, which itched beyond description. Bloody pus seeped out of the infected areas, but I was not allowed to wash. I had a splitting headache and quivered from the pain I felt everywhere. I often was in tears because of the pain--I simply couldn't help crying. They refused to release me."
Attorney Wang Zhansuo and His Son Detained for Over 30 Days
2010-04-29On the night of March 4th, 2010, Qingdao attorney Wang Zhansuo and his family were arrested. At present, his wife Song Jiling has high blood pressure as a result of the persecution. She was allowed to return home, but is being monitored there. Wang Zhansuo and his son Wang Xia are being held at the Huangdao District Detention Centre. The Huangdao District Judicial Bureau has put pressure on local attorneys, not allowing anyone to defend Wang.
Falun Gong Practitioner Lu Mei Goes on Hunger Strike to Protest Her Detention and Is Force-Fed Dog Faeces
2010-04-28Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lu Mei was arrested by police while she was putting up posters that explain about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispel the state propaganda attacking the practice in May 18th, 2008. She was sent to the Suileng Forestry Bureau Detention Centre. It was there that she was handcuffed, beaten, and tortured to extract a "confession," so that the police could incriminate her on false charges. After two weeks, Ms. Lu began a hunger strike to protest her incarceration. Cai Yongshan, the director of the detention centre, brutally beat her with a hard plastic tube while shouting at her, "You have to eat, and if you don't, I will force-feed you dog faeces." Later, Cao Yongshan force-fed her a mixture of dog faeces and water by forcefully inserting a tube into her oesophagus.
Fuzhou City Police Break into Ms. Huang Meiying's Home in the Middle of the Night and Take Her into Custody
2010-04-28Ms. Huang Meiying and her family were sleeping around 1:00 a.m. on April 8th, 2010 when they were suddenly awakened by a violent knocking on the door. They were greatly astonished and saw a group of people led by officers Li Feng and Huang Yuhong from the Gulou District Police Department No.1 Section break into their home. The police proceeded to arrest Ms. Huang and took her straight into custody. Officer Li Feng arrested her under the guise that Falun Gong materials were found in that family's quarters.
Two Older Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Men Hongfen and Ms. Yu Guixiang from Penglai City, Shandong Province Arrested
2010-04-28On April 7th, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Men Hongfen, 68, and Ms. Yu Guixiang, 63, went to the Daxindian Township Flea Market to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. While there, they were arrested by plainclothes officers from the Township Police Station. They have been repeatedly arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party because they refuse to give up their belief in Falun Gong. Since 2005, Ms. Men and Ms. Yu have been arrested three times each, and Ms. Yu has been detained at a forced labour camp twice. Currently, the whereabouts of Ms. Men Hongfen and Ms. Yu Guixiang are unknown.
Family of Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Changqing Township, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province Arrested
2010-04-28On February 17th, 2010, a dozen police went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shi Hongwei. The officers pounded on the door, attempting entry. Mr. Shi Hongwei, his wife, and his daughter were all asleep at the time, while Mr. Shi Fengling, the elderly father of Mr. Shi Hongwei, was awake. The officers climbed over the outside fence and broke into their yard. As soon as they entered the home, they beat the elderly man and then asked him whether his family practised Falun Gong. The officers claimed that they received a report that his family owned a computer and printer used to print Falun Gong materials. The police arrested all three and detained them at the Jiaxi Detention Centre.