Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Outrages Taking Place at Shanxi Province Women's Prison
2010-02-26When Falun Gong practitioners are sent to the Shanxi Women's Prison, the guards there directly confine practitioners in a solitary confinement cell, where practitioners are forbidden to sleep, wash themselves or even use the toilet. Moreover, the guards allocate tasks to other prisoners, ordering them to "'Transform' [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] practitioners no matter what methods you use." This encourages prisoners there to unscrupulously persecute Falun Gong practitioners in order to curry favour with the prison administration.
Elderly Ms. Yue Changzhi Recounts the Torture and Abuse She Experienced in the Beijing Women's Prison
2010-02-26Ms. Yue Changzhi, 70, twice appealed for justice for Falun Gong, and was arrested and detained multiple times. After being forced to leave home to avoid being arrested again, the police put Ms. Yue on a nationwide wanted list. Later, the State Security Ministry arrested her younger daughter in Beijing, tortured her, and finally arrested Ms. Yue Changzhi at her younger daughter's home. They sentenced her to four years in the Beijing Women's Prison. Due to the many tortures she endured, Ms. Yue's life was frequently in danger. Her spine was fractured in two places and because she received no treatment or rest, her spine was seriously bent, and her lower back twisted severely.
Mr. Yu Lianhe Beaten to Death at Shiling Prison in Siping City
2010-02-26On September 17th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Lianhe was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. He was sent to the Shiling Prison in Siping City, Jilin Province, on October 2nd. On November 22nd, four prisoners severely beat Mr. Yu and he died as a result of the beating. Mr. Yu's family hired a forensic medical expert, who was also a professor from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The expert performed the autopsy with two other experts, who were appointed by the prison, in front of the family members and prison guards. The experts found that Mr. Yu had blood in his right ear and bruises in his eyes. Mr. Yu's chest cavity was full of blood, approximately 1.5 litres. His spleen was ruptured in three places and the tissue surrounding the spleen was injured and had haemorrhaged.
Righteous Lawyers Overcome Obstacles and Defend Ms. Xie Chunlan, Who Pleads Not Guilty
2010-02-26Xiangfang District Court in Harbin City opened its trial of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xie Chunlan on January 13th, 2010. The presiding judge had intended to hand down an immediate verdict, but failed to do so after Ms. Xie's lawyers convincingly argued for her defence. Before the trial, the local authorities in the Xiangfang District made numerous troubles for Ms. Xie's family, attempting to force them to drop her lawyers. As a result, her family had to change lawyers three times. The court also kept changing the trial location, eventually settling on a very small courthouse in the district. Moreover, they didn't notify the defence lawyers of the location until 30 minutes before the trial was to begin. Despite the court's despicable ploys, Ms. Xie's lawyers still made a rigourous defence on her behalf.
Mr. Liu Yuhe's Family Reveals How He Was Tortured in Prison
2010-02-25Falun Gong practitioner Liu Yuhe from Jilin Province was sentenced and sent to Jilin Prison, where he was tortured. His family members' demands for justice have gone unanswered. To protest the persecution, Mr. Liu went on a hunger strike, but the prison guards tortured him with forced feeding. Mr. Liu suffered severe injuries in prison. He lost control of his bowels and bladder and was in critical condition. He was taken to a hospital for emergency treatment. His family authorised a lawyer to sue Jilin Prison officials for abusing him, but the prison authorities threatened the lawyer with retaliation. To rescue Mr. Liu, his family filed an accusation with the Jilin Province justice system, and demanded that he be released on medical parole. They have yet to receive a reply.
Persecution in Yangjiang Prison, Guangdong Province
2010-02-25The prisons in China have been using Falun Gong practitioners as a source of free labour to manufacture cheap products. Some of the products are sold in China, but many are exported. The major item produced at Yangjiang prison for export is knitted sweaters. The inmates have to work every day including Saturdays and Sundays, as well as in the evenings. They are forced to work for up to 80 hours each week. They have to get up at around 5:00 a.m. and are allowed to use the toilet only once in the morning. In the winter, inmates are forced to have meals outdoors and all the food is cold. If there is a power outage, inmates are forced to stay outside, and when the power is restored, they have to return to work immediately.
Older Practitioner Ms. Liu Chunling from Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Twice Taken to Forced Labour Camps
2010-02-25During the past ten years 60-year-old Liu Chunling has been put into brainwashing centres twice and taken to a forced labour camp twice for refusing to give up practising Falun Gong. In 2004, Ms. Liu was reported to the police. Police arrested her and took her to the Yuehe Detention Centre. In the detention centre, Ms. Liu was beaten, slapped across her face, and forced to sleep on a cold floor. A month later, she was taken to Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City. There, female guard Yan Hongli ordered inmates to watch Ms. Liu, forced her to stand for extended periods without wearing winter clothing and deprived her of sleep.
Ms. Wu Aihua Persecuted in Tianjin
2010-02-25Ms. Wu Aihua was arrested on July 23rd, 2009. She was held at the Zhaojiadi Detention Centre for over five months. The Chinese Communist regime agents manipulated the court to secretly try her twice, and eventually sentenced her to three years in prison on a three-year probation. Ms. Wu returned home on January 28th, 2010.
After Just Being Released from a Forced Labour Camp, Authorities Hold Ms. Huang Zhenglan Against Her Will in a Mental Hospital
2010-02-24Ms. Huang Zhenglan, a 46-year-old practitioner, was held in a mental hospital by 610 Office agents right after she was released from a forced labour camp. In 2005, she was sentenced to two years of forced labour and tortured for upholding her belief in Falun Gong. 610 Office agents forced her husband to divorce her. In 2007, police sent her to a brainwashing centre and then held her in the Yanjia Mental Hospital. They subjected her to unknown drugs. In February 2009, Ms. Huang was arrested for distributing Falun Gong fliers and was imprisoned in the Chongqing Chabao Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Practitioners Are Injected and Force-Fed Mind Altering Drugs Against Their Will in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp Training Unit
2010-02-24Practitioners held in the Training Unit of the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp have all remained steadfast in their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and refuse to be "reformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. To our knowledge, the camp guards force-feed every practitioner held here with unknown drugs that affect their central nervous systems. The symptoms are: sluggishness, drowsiness, a confused state of mind, and feeling depressed. Some practitioners refuse to take the drugs, but the guards order those who monitor them to force-feed them the drugs. The guards also put the drugs in the practitioners' food or dissolve them into their drinking water, so the practitioners ingest the drugs without knowing it. As a result, they are unable to speak or think normally.
Account of Torture Suffered by Ms. Xia Jinyu from Qinghuangdao City of Hebei Province
2010-02-24Ms. Xia Jinyu is a fifty-seven year-old practitioner. Ms. Xia was held in detention for forty days after taking care of a Falun Gong practitioner on July 26th, 2001. She recounts her experience in detention: "An officer struck me, saying that what he did was good for me. I questioned them as to how that could possibly be good for me. Even though I was under arrest, I wouldn't have allowed others to suffer such torture. Then, that officer stood up and hit me again. The left side of my face was bleeding; the right side was stained with blood. After midnight, they took me to a room infested with mosquitoes and handcuffed me to a metal stool."
Ms. Li Yunfang from Wuhan City Persecuted Relentlessly
2010-02-24In November, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. I was arrested and detained in the Erzhigou Detention Centre for 15 days and forced to perform labour for more than 14 hours daily. In December, 2001, I went to Beijing again with other practitioners. We hoped to petition and deliver letters for the right to practise Falun Gong to the Beijing Petition Office. Police took me to the Dongxihu Detention Centre for another 30 days and tortured me. Then they took me to a brainwashing centre. Three people that had renounced Falun Gong beat me and threw me on the ground. My back was injured and was sore for two weeks. They also burned my fingers with a cigarette butt.
Disabled Practitioner Ms. Gao Qiying Dies in Custody
2010-02-23On June 12th, 2008, a few dozen officers stormed into practitioner Ms. Gao Qiying's home, took her computer and printer and detained her in the Nanbai Town Detention Centre, where she was tortured until she was in critical condition and hospitalised. The doctor had her tied up on a bed and was giving her intravenous injections. She was sentenced to prison from October to November 2008, and then transferred to the Yangai prison. Her family visited her at the end of January 2010 and she did not look ill, but Ms. Gao told them the prison administration forced her to take unknown drugs, which caused her to lose feeling in her feet. On February 11th, Ms. Gao was taken to the Guiyang City Police Hospital and died on February 12th.
Three Older Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2010-02-23Mr. Xu Baiyi died at the age of 55, on January 29th, 2010. He was tortured in the Jilin Province Prison since 2002. Two years ago he became paralysed from the abuse. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in 1999, Mr. Xu went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. He was subsequently arrested many times and he eventually lost his business and his family. When Mr. Xu was imprisoned in 2000 at the Huanxiling Forced Labour Camp in Jilin City, Jilin Province, he was injected with unknown drugs. As a result, his teeth were damaged and he had difficulty eating.
Chinese Communist Party Panics Over a Few Words of Gratitude in Doctoral Thesis
2010-02-23Mr. Yu Yaou is a doctoral candidate at the Southern China Botanical Garden of the Guangzhou Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is about to graduate. In his doctoral thesis, he wrote a few words to express his gratitude towards Falun Gong, "First, I would like to thank Falun Gong. Without the support that I got from this righteous belief, I wouldn't have been able to finish my thesis." Because of these few words, he recently met with much difficulty in his graduation process. He was originally supposed to defend his thesis on February 4th, 2010, but the date was cancelled. Mr. Yu was asked to remove the words mentioning Falun Gong from his thesis. He was not allowed to explain the facts of Falun Gong with his own experience during the defence. Meanwhile, Chinese Communist Party officials threatened several times that they would dismiss or arrest him.