Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Ms. Zhong Donglan Suffers Mental Disorder After Being Given Unknown Drugs at Fujian Province Forced Labour Camp

    On August 15th, 2007, Ms. Zhong Donglan was arrested by police and taken to the Taiyu Women's Forced Labour Camp. In September 2008, policemen ordered Zhong's family members to pick her up. At that point in time, she had already become mentally ill due to the mistreatment. According to witnesses, personnel at the forced labour camp mixed a unknown drug in powder form into Zhong's food. This drug causes one's teeth to loosen, causes mental disorders and weakens one's body. The sources also said that when Zhong became mentally ill, guards sent her to the mental hospital for further abuse.
  • Officials of Liaoning Province Women's Prison Prevent Lawyers from Visiting with Defendants

    On December 2008, officials of the Shenbei New District Court in Shenyang City handed down a very unreasonable judgement and used the charge of "violating the law" in order to sentence Ms. Wang Shumei, Mr. Xi Changhai, Mr. Huo Defu and Mr. Sun Yushu to very heavy penalties. The lawyers, who were hired by Ms. Wang Shumei's and Mr. Xi Changhai's families, pleaded with the officials of the Women's Prison in Liaoning Province to allow them to meet with their clients, but their request was unreasonably denied. In February 2009, the families of Ms. Wang and Mr. Xi separately hired well known human rights lawyers to defend these innocent practitioners. The lawyers were refused many requests to meet the practitioners they were defending.
  • Mr. Li Min Tortured to Death in Daqing Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Min, 51, was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2005 and detained in Daqing Prison. Because he was tortured for a long time, he was very weak and had symptoms of cerebral thrombosis. In April 2009, Mr. Li Min's family visited him and asked the prison to allow his release for medical treatment. However, the prison refused their request. In May 2009, Mr. Li was transferred to Daqing Hospital. On May 23rd, 2009, he passed away
  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Jiamusi, Anshan and Leshan Cities Pass Away after Being Tortured

    In 2002, Mr. Zhang Xueyi was arrested at home by police and sent to a detention centre. He was detained for two weeks. After that, Zhang Xueyi was constantly harassed by police. Therefore, his mental condition gradually deteriorated. In February 2009, police harassment caused Zhang Xueyi's wife to have a stroke. Then on March 28th, Zhang Xueyi passed away at 70 years old.
  • Ms. Guo Zhaoqing in Hunan Province Arrested and Persecuted Nine Times

    During the ten years from 1999 through 2009, Ms. Guo Zhaoqing had been arrested nine times, and she has endured many sorts of torture. Her body is covered with scars. In 2001, she was arrested by the local head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and taken to Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou for two years. During this period, she was handcuffed and hung, electrically shocked, and beaten. The torture put her life in peril, and she was then taken home by her family.No matter how roughly she was treated, she never "confessed" to anything or signed any papers associated with her persecution.
  • Xu Jingyong Describes the Persecution He Was Subjected to in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province

    On June 24th, 2000, my wife and I went to Tienanmen Square and told people the facts about Falun Gong. We were arrested. I was detained in the Qitaihe First Jail where police interrogated me, along with lots of beating and cursing. On the hottest days of the summer, I was forced to pull weeds, dig holes, and plant trees. I was forced to dig ditches, build dikes, and load, unload and move sand, bricks, and rocks on rainy days. In March 2009, the Qitaihe City Office began a hundred-day campaign to harass practitioners. The police came to where I lived and harassed and arrested practitioners but did not find me. On April 27th, the police came to look for me again. I left home to avoid being arrested and persecuted again.
  • Mr. Qin Daqun from Chongqing City Tortured to Death

    On May 19th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qin Daqun was arrested and beaten by police officers. He was detained at the Chongqing City Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. Inmates, incited by guards, hit, kicked and tortured him. Guards forced Mr. Qin to stand for a long time and carry very heavy sandbags. On September 5th, 2008, he passed away due to the inhuman torture.
  • Bo Xilai Implements Widespread "Red" Terror in Chongqing City

    In November 2007, Bo Xilai was delegated to the post of First Secretary of Chongqing City. He displayed his tactics from previous positions, persecuting Falun Gong without restraint. Wave after wave of practitioners were arrested--over 100 practitioners were arrested right around the time that the Olympics were held. Officers tried try to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs using many methods of torture and beatings, the severity of which was shocking. Bo Xilai has only been in Chongqing City for over a year, but already numerous practitioners have died or become disabled.
  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province

    Ms. Rong Chunling, 55 years old, was detained in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp. Her release date was the end of May 2008. Instead of regaining her freedom, she was detained in a detention centre by local police officers without any warrant or reason. Then she was taken to a forced labour camp for an additional one year and nine months. She is forced to do hard labour for around ten hours daily. In December 2008, she had high blood pressure. On February 13th, 2008, and again one month later, she was in a faint for close to six minutes. The guards claimed that she could not see a doctor because of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) two meetings. Besides, she was forced to work for ten hours daily.
  • Ms. Liu Shufen and Her 72-Year-Old Mother Jailed Separately at Heilongjiang Women's Prison

    Since October 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Liu Shufen has been subjected to endless persecution. In mid-May 2002, she was sentenced to 8 years in prison, and sent to Heilongjiang Women's Prison. She was tortured with a method called "big hang-up". Her father was overcome with grief and passed away in 2006, and her mother is currently jailed in the same prison.
  • Investigation of the Chongqing Judicial System: an Account of the Death of Jiang Xiqing and the Torture of His Lawyers

    In January 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Xiqing fainted from torture by police at Xishanping Labour Camp. He was then cremated while he was still alive. Lawyer Zhang Kai and lawyer Li Chunfu were entrusted by Jiang Xiqing's son to provide legal services related to the death of his father as a result of torture. On the afternoon of May 13th, 2009, these two lawyers were at the home of Jiang Hongbin discussing the case. The lawyers were taken from the home by several officials and police. They were detained, tortured and interrogated for over 5 hours.
  • Xu Dawei Dies Due to Abuse in Detention, Family Seeks Justice but Is Intimidated by the Authorities

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Dawei, 34 years old, lived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. He suffered eight years of persecution, including detention, at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Finally he was tortured until he was very thin. He suffered a mental collapse, was not able to eat, and after he was brought back home, in less than 13 days, he passed away on February 16th, 2009. Various marks of injury were found on his body.
  • Practitioner Ms. Kang Ruizhu Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances in Police Custody in Pingshan County, Hebei Province

    Practitioner Ms. Kang Ruizhu was arrested on October 15th, 2002. On October 27th, 2002, her family was informed that she had died. Even today, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conceals the cause of her death. The Donghuishe Township government and police station said that Ms. Kang was found dead at a big well in the pump house of the magnetic separation factory which is located in the west of the Donghuishe Township government, about a half mile away. The police department and the police station claimed that "beating death is suicide, any other death is suicide" and these were the words from the top.
  • Authorities Dump Mr. Gao Dong, Crippled from Torture, in a Local Outdoor Market

    In May, 2008, the 610 Office arrested over 30 local practitioners including Mr. Gao under the guise of "security for the Beijing Olympics." Mr. Gao went on a hunger strike in the Panjin City No. 3 Detention Centre. Guards, beat him and tortured him using the tiger bench method. Mr. Gao lost his ability to take care of himself after five days torture. In August, police re-arrested Mr. Gao, searched his home, and took him directly to the Benxi Forced Labour Camp. On April 13th, 2009, in a corner of a farmers' market customers found Mr. Gao curled up on the ground, trembling. He was weak and could not move his legs, crippled from torture. It took tremendous effort just for him to crawl. He was dirty and smelled horrible.
  • Brutality at Harbin Women's Prison

    Harbin Women's Prison is notorious for its brutal treatment of Falun Gong practitioners. Both guards and inmates have cruelly tortured and abused practitioners, causing severe injury and in some cases, permanent disability. On November 23rd, 2005, practitioner Wen Jie tried to reason with inmate Xia Guixian in a water utility room, trying to stop Xia from beating practitioners. Xia then used a basin to frenziedly hit Wen Jie. Xia also violently grabbed Wen Jie's hair. Wen Jie became bedridden for two weeks as a result of being assaulted by Xia. The beating raised her blood pressure.