Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Hubei Province: Practitioner Mr. Du Ziguo Sentenced to Eight Years
2009-05-18In June 2008, practitioner Mr. Du Ziguo was posting leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong near Baihu Township in Huangmei County, Hubei Province. Someone reported him and he was arrested by police. On January 14th, 2009, he was given an eight-year sentence by the Huangmei County Court. Mr. Du Ziguo appealed the verdict, but the Huanggang City Intermediate Court ignored Mr. Du's request to hire a lawyer and upheld the original sentence without ever holding a trial. Mr. Du Ziguo is now being detained at an undisclosed location.
Ms. Ma Bingjuan's Narration of Torture in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2009-05-17I was taken to the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison on September 27th, 2003. Every morning, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., we were forced to run laps without a rest except for one toilet break. After two days of running, my legs became so sore that I could barely walk. On the third day, I knew I was innocent and, as a practitioner, should not be treated like that. I refused to run and cried "Falun Gong is good." Wang Xiaoli, the deputy chief of the training centre in the prison, dragged me out of the line, pushed me into a corner, forced me to squat facing a wall, and whipped me fiercely with surgical tubing. I protested that the beating was illegal, but she continued whipping me and said, "I will beat you."
Crimes I Witnessed in the Tumuji Women's Forced Labour Camp in Xinanmeng, Inner Mongolia
2009-05-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Fengzhi was cruelly beaten by police from the Chifeng Police Department. Five strong police officers stepped on her body and beat her. When she became unconscious they poured cold water on her face until she regained consciousness. All of the skin on her back was burned with electricity. I saw the black thick scars covering her back. Another practitioner, whose name was unknown to us, was hung up and tortured. The rope was pulled so tight around her abdomen that her skin was oozing pus.
Fourteen Practitioners Arrested in Jinzhou City on April 17th
2009-05-17On April 17th, 2009, the Jinzhou City Police Department, Anti-cult Association, Guta District Political and Judicial Directory, Guta District Police Department and the 610 Office, Tienan Police Station, and Zhongtun Police Station collaborated to arrest fourteen practitioners. They are all currently detained in the Guta District Police Department. Police also broke into practitioner Li Yuxia's home and ransacked it on April 17th. They arrested Ms. Li and her daughter Qi Lin, and took them to Guta District Police Department for interrogation. The three were released later that day.
Ms. Zhang Yuhua Disabled from Police Beating Six Years Ago
2009-05-17On August 14th, 2003, police broke into Ms. Zhang Yuhua's home and ransacked it. Then they forcibly arrested Ms. Zhang. One policeman beat her until she fell to the ground, then two others pulled her up and continued to kick and beat her until she lost consciousness. The beatings by the police caused Ms. Zhang's whole body to swell and her eyes to be red and painful. They also kept tearing. After she was released, she went to get a physical examination. She was told that she had permanently lost her vision in her left eye. Her feet and legs were still bruised and the beatings caused her to develop tuberculosis in the knee.
Excellent Teacher Pan Xujun in Critical Condition after Seven Years in Prison
2009-05-16Pei County 610 Office agents arrested Mr. Pan Xujun, an outstanding teacher, in September 2002. Mr. Pan was arrested for his belief in practising Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. The Pei County Court sentenced him to nine years in prison in 2003, despite lack of evidence of any wrongdoing. Mr. Pan has been held at Hongzehu Prison in Jiangsu Province for more than seven years, where he was savagely tortured. His life is in danger.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Lu Qiqi and his Family in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2009-05-16On March 31st, 2009, while Ms. Li Shihong was coming home a group of people suddenly appeared and took her away. Two hours earlier, Ms. Song, Ms. Li's mother was also arrested. Three months prior, Mr. Lu Qiqi, Ms. Li's husband was also arrested. After Ms. Li was taken away security police went to her 12-year-old son's class and pressured him to tell them who had been in contact with his mother.
Four Elderly Practitioners Expected to Receive Long Prison Sentences in Qingong County, Guizhou Province
2009-05-16Four elderly practitioners were arrested for distributing Falun Gong fliers in Qingong County. They were taken to the Laocheng Detention Centre where they remain to this day. Agents of the county court and judiciary department, as well as the local police, are planning to sentence each of them to long prison terms. Their families are very angry that their loved ones were arrested and detained.
Ms. Zhao Yabin Injured by Staff of Lunan District Court
2009-05-16Under the pretence of visiting her, the police arrested Ms. Zhao Yabin at home. Later, Lunan District Court opened a court session to try her. When she was being taken out of the court, Sun Jian, a staff member of the court, pushed her down from very high stairs. As a result, she was badly injured and could not move. She was carried to Tangshan City People's Hospital. After a CT scan, she was diagnosed with a lumbar vertebra dislocation femur necrosis. Later, she was transferred to an orthopaedic hospital where she was given the same diagnosis.
Rural Woman Abducted, Sent to Forced Labour Camp, and Tortured to Death by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officials
2009-05-15Ms. Shi Yongqing, 35, became healthy throught practising Falun Gong by living according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Yet, the township Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary abducted her and later sentenced her to forced labour. She died on January 9th, 2004, as a result of gross abuse and mistreatment at the hands of personnel from the police department, the Political and Judiciary Committee, and the 610 Office as well as local officials.
Practitioner Liu Yongjin Kept in Solitary Confinement in Taian Prison, Shandong Province
2009-05-15Mr. Liu Yongjin was sentenced to seven years in Taian prison, and sent to Ward V because he had not "transformed." It was said that in solitary confinement, the prison arranged a dozen or so inmates to guard him. They watched him closely around the clock, and allowed him to sleep for only two to three hours a day, and eat just two small buns (one half each morning and evening and one at noontime) for his meals. Even water was rationed. With his body already badly weakened, Mr. Liu was forced to march in military steps for four hours a day in the prison courtyard. The duration of his solitary confinement has long exceeded that permitted by the prison regulations, but the police officers keep extending it because he refuses to give in.
Mr. Zhang Youqing Suspects the Police in Tangken Police Station Poisoned Him
2009-05-15On April 1st, 2009, police rushed into Mr. Zhang Youqing's home and arrested him. At the police station the police gave Mr. Zhang a glass of water. Mr. Zhang felt that his throat had a dry and burning sensation when he drank the water. That night, Mr. Zhang could not eat anything. He visited the toilet constantly. For the next two days, Mr. Zhang had vision and memory losses and was confused at times. On the morning of April 4th, he still could not urinate or have a bowel movement. He discharged blood when he tried to defecate. He suspects that the police poisoned him when they gave him the water to drink.
Two Practitioners Died as a Result of Persecution, One in Jining City and the Other in Hancuan City
2009-05-15On February 18th, 2004, Mr. Guo Zhengpei, 48, was arrested while he was at his workplace. He was taken to Shayang Forced Labour Camp, where he was brutally tortured until he could not get out of bed and then was taken to the hospital. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis and accumulation of water in the lungs. The hospital decided to operate on him the next day to take out the water. The forced labour camp was afraid of him dying from the operation, so they notified his family to pick him up. After returning home, Mr. Guo continued to have no energy and kept losing weight each day. He passed away on April 25th, 2009.
Eleven Lawyers and 127 Family Members Co-Sign Letter to Protest Against Shijiazhuang Municipal Intermediate Court
2009-05-14Practitioner Mr Song Aichang was arrested by police on June 22nd, 2007. He has been detained in a detention centre for almost twenty months. He has been through three separate trials and re-trials, and is in the middle of his fourth trial. The defence lawyers of Song Aichang presented a co-signed letter to the Hebei Provincial High Court regarding the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court's unjust actions and requested that the appeal hearings be held in a different court.
Ms. Zhang Aiqin Tells Her Story as a Victim of the Chinese Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-05-14In 2000, my husband and I went to Russia. In 2001, I came back to China. I went to see a fellow practitioner who was just released from jail. Her home was monitored and therefore I was arrested by the police and put in jail. Another practitioner in my cell was often brutally beaten by the guards. When I first saw her, her face was badly swollen. It looked quite frightening. She was arrested when she went to a rural area to pass out flyers. A group of people brutally beat her. I was in jail for three months. My family spent a lot of money to get me out. My husband and I went back to Russia. We heard that state security in China was going to come to Russia to arrest me. I could not go back to China, and I did not have the legal status to stay in Russia. T