Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Practitioners from Beijing at the Hohhot Women's Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2009-05-21According to a practitioner who was once detained at the Hohhot City Women's Forced Labour Camp, between 2001 and 2004, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) required labour camps to show a 100 per cent "transformation" rate. The "transformed" practitioners would recite their "guarantee statements," and if practitioners in the audience protested, they would be dragged out and beaten with police batons and belts. Several rooms in the labour camp had their windows covered with newspapers, and pitiful screams could often be heard from those rooms. The guards tried to force practitioners to "transform" by pressing the openings of bottles filled with boiling water to practitioners' backs and then removing the bottles. Their skin would decompose by the second day.
Practitioners Severely Mistreated in the Strict Discipline Team of Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province
2009-05-21Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xincai was forced to sit straight on a hard board for a long time. Sometimes he would have to sit for over 19 hours per day. In the cold winter guards would open the door and windows widely to make him suffer from the freezing wind. As a result, Mr. Zhang suffered serious injuries. His waist and buttocks were wounded and festered from the long time sitting. He became unable to care for himself and stayed in a state of paralysis in bed for 8 months. Practitioner Mr. Li Wenzhi was subjected to violent force-feeding because he held firm to his belief. In the toilet,guards force-fed him with solutions high in salt content. Mr. Li suffered greatly from the torture. His health deteriorated severely.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured at Shandong Province No. 2 Forced Labour Camp
2009-05-21Guards at the forced labour camp hang practitioners up and deprive them of sleep. Jiang Guotun experienced this torture in January 2009. Practitioner Sun Wenjia's teeth were loosened and his gums were bleeding after being beaten by guard Song Nan. Mr. Sun went on a three-day hunger strike to protest this brutal treatment. Guard Wang Xinjiang handcuffed practitioner Wang Yuping in a toilet and forced him to stand for four days and nights. Mr. Wang's legs and feet became painfully swollen. Practitioner Lin Jingzhi's face was red and swollen from the beatings he received.
Practitioner Ms. Yang Junlin Arrested by Beijing Shunyi District Police, Now in Critical Condition
2009-05-21On March 10th, 2009, practitioner Ms. Yang Junlin was arrested by police. Guards repeatedly used electric batons on her, until she could neither talk nor walk. Guards informed Ms. Yang's family to pick her up. She is now in critical condition. Police told Ms. Yang's husband, "It's a critical time right now. China is holding an important political meeting in Beijing. We are required to persecute one Falun Gong practitioner a day to fill our quota."
Severe Abuse and Deaths at Mudanjiang Prison
2009-05-20Disposable chopsticks and children's clothes made at Mudanjiang Prison are all exported to Japan. These products carry lots of bacteria, germs and fleas, because the detainees who make them cannot wash for up to 20 days. They work 12 hours a day and are forced to do more work after returning to the cell at night if they didn't meet their daily quota. The guards beat people who are sick. Jin Youfeng did not meet the workload quota. The abusers tortured him with the method called "Riding an Airplane." He was also brutally beaten and force-fed pepper powder. Jin Youfeng developed severe tuberculosis and died on January 21st, 2009.
Ms. Yang Zhuting of Baoding City, Hebei Province Endured Years of Persecution Before Her Death
2009-05-20Practitioner Yang Zhuting was arrested many times and forced to stay away from home ever since the Jiang Zemin [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime began its persecution of Falun Gong. The persecution also created a huge amount of stress on her family members. To escape from the reality of the situation, her husband drank heavily, and died of alcohol poisoning in March 2003. As a result of all the hardships and stresses, she developed oesophageal cancer, and died in December 2006.
Two Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2009-05-20Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province is one of the most notorious forced labour camps in China. Many practitioners have been tortured, disabled and or even killed in there. One year of detention in the forced labour camp left 58-year-old practitioner Ma Xicheng emaciated and disease-ridden. On December 14th, 2008, Ma Xicheng passed away. Over the years of persecution, Ms. Wei Guirong suffered tremendously both mentally and physically. In the winter of 2006, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, later developing into bone cancer. On March 22nd, 2008, she passed away at the age of 54.
Practitioners from Shandong and Beijing Missing
2009-05-20Mr. Ji Jitang, about 40, lived in Shandong Province. In 2002, he was detained in the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City for one year. Six months after he was released home, he suddenly went missing. His family does not know his whereabouts. Ms. Li Daping, 62, lived in the home of her younger sister in Beijing. Ms. Li Daping has been missing since July 2008.
Recalling Fellow Practitioner Mr. Gu Qun
2009-05-19Mr. Gu Qun, 50 years old, was a practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. On March 16th, 2008, police arrested him while he was distributing Falun Gong materials. The next day, he was transferred to the Yaojia Detention Centre. He held a hunger strike to protest his arrest but he was brutally force-fed. His body suffered serious injury from the force-feeding. Later, he was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour. On April 9th, 2008, his family was notified of his death.
Thirteen-year-old Adopted Daughter: "Please Help Rescue My Father!"
2009-05-19On January 14th, 2009, agents from the Shapingba District National Security Division stormed into 60-something Mr. Lei Zhengxia's home and arrested him. After being in police custody for just a few days, he was brutally tortured to the point where it was hard to recognize him. He was later released. Just when Mr. Lei started showing signs of recovering from his injuries, police arrested him again and took him to the Baihelin Detention Centre. Without Mr. Lei's income, his 13-year-old adopted daughter, her grandma Ms. Cheng Puzhen, her grandpa, and his wife--who all live at Mr. Lei's home--had no way to support themselves.
Atrocities Happening in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, Changchun City
2009-05-19When Ms. Cao Jingyun was taken to the labour camp, she was beaten for refusing to cooperate in the body search and interrogation. The guards tried all kinds of means to "transform" her, but she rejected them all. Consequently, she was brutally beaten again and again. She once asked a guard for some water who then beat and force-fed her with some unknown drugs. After that, she had mental aberrations. Also, she was fixed onto the Death Bed for as long as three months.
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-05-19There are nearly four hundred Falun Gong practitioners detained in Shandong Women's Forced Labour Camp at present. The guards have used every means to torture Falun Gong practitioners. They mixed unknown drugs into practitioners' food. After eating the food, practitioners developed dizziness, fatigue, facial contortion, and had difficulty controlling eye movement and body movement. Some even lost their senses and became disoriented. The guards forced practitioners to do intensive labour for extended hours. Practitioners work until 12:00 a.m. every day. In 2009, they tripled the practitioners' workload. At the end of the day, some practitioners are so exhausted that their hands and arms are numb.
Zhang Beiqi Was Maimed from Being Tortured on the "Stretching Bed" in Jilin Prison
2009-05-18On July 25th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Beiqi, who was imprisoned in Jilin Prison, was confined in a strictly controlled solitary compartment. Prisoners stripped off Mr. Zhang's clothes and forcibly lifted him onto the "stretching bed." One prisoner kept stomping on his shoulders while other prisoners pulled his legs downward with force. Mr. Zhangs feet were fixed at the bottom of the "stretching bed." His limbs were stretched in four different directions. Prisoner Xu Zhigang stuffed a rubber ball in Zhang Beiqi's mouth. Some of his joints were dislocated. The pain was so unbearable that he wasn't able to make any noise even though he wanted to yell. He soon passed out and was maimed as a result.
Ms. Tao Wei, Practitioner from Jixian County, Heilongjiang Province, Arrested for the Fifth Time
2009-05-18On the morning of April, 23rd, 2009, Ms. Tao Wei was reported to the local police station while she was talking to people about Falun Gong. As a result, she was arrested by the local 610 Office and then detained at the Jixian County Detention Centre. Since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began publicly persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Tao Wei had been brutally persecuted numerous times for her firmly held beliefs. She has been arrested five times and detained at a forced labour camp twice. Once she almost lost her life when she was punitively force-fed.
Numerous Practitioners' Homes Ransacked in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2009-05-18Recently, the Domestic Security Division and city police departments worked together on a series of persecution incidents against Falun Gong practitioners. On April 9th, 2009, in a joint effort with the Airport Road Police Station, officers ransacked the home of Ms. Xia Shuying. They confiscated large quantities of personal items and arrested her. On April 10th, police ransacked Ms. Liang Feng's home. They took Ms. Liang's son's computer.